Saturday, July 16, 2016

The POWER of Time

Time has hidden power in its folds.  As it unfolds it reveals it's strength along with shocks and surprises. Surprises all along, that speak loud and clear of the Power of time.

Time exercises it power in various modes.  It changes, modifies, introduces, eliminates, creates, heals etc.  Now let us analyze how it works in different aspects of our life 

Time changes the order of our priorities.   What was once very important to us becomes insignificant.  

Time changes relationships.  Best friends become worst enemies and worst enemies can cling together like bosom buddies.  

Time changes positions.  The giver becomes the taker and the one who had been on the receiving end has plenty to give.  

Time heals all wounds no matter how deep, ugly or serious it may have been.  

Every one of us bow down and bend to time.  Time has secret hands.  Do not dare to challenge time.   Time will take you to places you least expected to be in and also take you away from the place you never expected to leave.  

Time can add and subtract in life. Time can make a huge difference.  Believe in the Power of time and stay humble.  It will help to face the wrath and blows of time.