Wednesday, July 27, 2016

An invisible thing called Purpose

Sometimes we just see what appears to the eyes and fail to see anything beyond them.  We see the beautiful flowers swaying wildly in the cool breeze, but we do not see the joy they bring, the inspiration they give and the nature behind them.

Purpose is an invisible ingredient in every recipe of life, as a slice of happiness, a broken heart, tearful eyes, a big smile, or our disappointments.

When situations emerge in our lives, deep within their folds are hidden purposes.  What we fail to see are the bits and pieces of important lessons, tests, chances of experiences, ladders of confidence and so much more.  But all along ,we remained focused just at the physical appearance of the conditions and missed the purpose and thereby gained nothing,

Consequently, we had to keep undergoing the same situations, over and over, till the purpose was apparent to us.  

Hence, to get out of an undesirable situation or to continue to remain in a favorable situation,   we need to think positively rather than complaining or getting over confident.

Purpose is the torch  of our life.  We can handle any situation if only we understand the purpose behind it.  We also need to know another very important message of life.  Everything that happens to us, over which we have no control, has a good purpose.  "It is for our own good."

Stop complaining and start working.   Stay tuned on "purpose. "


  1. Very true . All that happens is on purpose with Allah's wishes and whatever happens is always either for our good and sometimes even to test us.
