Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Is money the only sign of blessing?

While we sit for a cup of tea, today, let us discuss whether money is actually
a form of blessing

Prosperity, wealth and success are some of the most popular versions of blessings.  But today money has surpassed everything and seems to be the only sign and proof of blessing. So you are not recognized as blessed till you are doing well in the materialistic world?  Is that so?  Can nothing other than this can be considered as a blessing anymore?  That is indeed a sad state of affairs.

While the value of money is going up, up and up, values of other things are coming down or should we say it is the other way around.  If money is the only blessing by today's standard, what about health, peace, honor, and contentment?   Things that are felt and in fact long lasting too.  Are they not blessings anymore?

Today, one is assessed by their money, honored for their money, recognized by their money.  It all starts with the jingling coin and ends with the crunchy currency.  That's it?

That is how superficial and hollow life has become.  We fail to look beyond this five letter word and call ourselves successful?  We are so short sighted and yet behave far sighted and plan for years ahead of us?  We measure everything with money instead of with our Wisdom?  I am so done and so Dumbfounded!

To me, money is not the sole means of blessings. What about family, friendship, health, safety, honor, peace, contentment and happiness? Have we become this blind that we overlook these important values of life, which seldom, if ever, cost us a cent.

If life starts with money and stops with it, we are living a very confined and deprived life.  We are unable to  jump out of the arena of money just because we feel so blessed...... and important....... in a very foolish and ignorant way!!


  1. Though provoking , but yes its true and has always remained so. Miney is all powerful. Jyst a friend of ours told me that people who are rich stick together, like each other andd folow each other and socialise with each other.

  2. This world is full if fake people.It has always been like this and will remain so. Only those who have true knowledge dont give money importance

  3. Zeba your blog seems pretty long why dont you ahare it with me in my e mail id i dint find the blue icon n i want to continue reading it but its not possible to read it in one sitting and coming back to this article willl mean opening all the pages over again

  4. Your blog is very interesting philosophical and very well penned. Keep up the good job. ALLAH HAFIZ namaz time.
