Monday, July 25, 2016

I owe you an explanation (some of you)

I truly apologize to those of you whom I did not compliment, praise, or applaud for undisclosed reasons. 

 I saw your extravagance and felt that if I applauded you, it would be a wrong encouragement.   I  saw your lavish life and did not compliment you because I felt sorry for you....... for wasting your hard earned money.  I saw you exorbitant attires but watched you silently without praising you because I realized that by doing so you are depriving the needy and the underprivileged.   I felt my praises may encourage you and others who may want to follow in your footsteps.  

To discourage such wastage, I often refrain from commenting on social media.  I strongly feel that my response may make a difference.  Although in childhood I often heard the proverb that one swallow does not make a summer, but I somehow feel that I should not give up my solo effort.  

I feel that a lot of wastage of time, money and energy would not happen if we do not encourage it.  I took this step to make a difference and save myself from guilt and further regrets.

I apologize for having disappointed you,  but all the same I feel that one day you will appreciate individuals like me.  

Sometimes the only method of communication is by silent disapproval rather than by open criticism.  

I was never jealous of your great life but simply felt sorry for your wastage of precious time and effort.


  1. Well written and explained. Good work keep it up !!

  2. Well written and explained. Good work keep it up !!

  3. Silent disapproval is a way to escape and save ur relationship. Sometimes verbal criticism is also necessary. I hope u dont mind my comments but do think overit.

  4. Silent disapproval is a way to escape and save ur relationship. Sometimes verbal criticism is also necessary. I hope u dont mind my comments but do think overit.
