Monday, July 18, 2016

Cannot help? Don't obstruct. Step aside.....!

Wow!  Look at that little bird!  Seems lost, lonely and helpless.  It needs help or so it seems to me.  Now this gives me an idea.  Sometimes we do want to help.  But we either do not know how or are to helpless to be of help.

Where we cannot help, let someone else do the job. Or do not obstruct by cutting  the weak branch where the bird has perched itself.  That is its survival kit no matter how weak the branch may appear to be.

Have I confused you?  Well, what I am trying to say is, it's okay that sometimes we are not able to help, but all the same we should try not to make circumstances worse by trying or pretending to help.  By not adding to a problem is itself a helpfull act.

Say for instance,  gossip.   We hear it, add to it and further, spread it.  If we cannot stop people from gossiping, at least we can refrain from spicing it up or letting it go beyond our ears.  

Help does not only mean to DO something.  Sometimes the act of help is much simpler.  One can even help just by NOT DOING anything..........negative or harmful.  We did nothing and yet helped a lot.

Strange, right?  Sometimes we can help by doing nothing.  

1.  What we cannot do we should leave it for someone  else who can handle it better.

2.  What we cannot stop it, we can at least not add to it or spread it.
3.  When we do not understand the problem, we should first take time to understand it before finding the solution and ignorantly jumping into conclusion.   

Moral : If you cannot do any good, just do not do anything bad or create obstruction.  Simply step aside.