Monday, August 8, 2016

The more you sweat, the more you get!

Ever heard of getting anything 'worthwhile' the easy way?  
There -is- no- easy- way. Period.  In fact there is no other way, other than the rough and tough way.  To get to the beautiful roses, we have to tread on the path of thorns, bleed a little, bruise a bit, get pricked and finally we pluck the rose that we were eyeing.  Gosh! That rose was certainly worth the toil.  

So it is with the entire journey of life.  Whatever we dream of, aspire for, comes with a price tag.  Pay for it with your sweat and blood and top it all with determination.   

The hard way will not seem hard if we keep focused on the reward behind it.  The more we strive, the closer we get to our goal and the reward looms larger and larger.  Keep going till you actually reach the final line, no matter how far it may seem.  

Sometimes the ending may seem harder than the initial stage.  Now this is the most teasing and trying part of the whole task.  Be steadfast, even a slight imbalance may cause the entire effort to tumble down.  

As we discussed earlier, all along, (let me emphasize), ALL ALONG, stay focused on your goal.  That is the hidden key to success.  Your goal will develop a bond with you and draw you closer.  You will not pay heed in 'how' you get there, but just in getting there.  'How', will be immaterial,   getting there will be the priority.  

Getting there may cost you a whole lot of hard work, pain, frustration,  failure, irritation, endurance, patience, courage and what not.  We already discussed that earlier.  If you cannot recall what we discussed, then start reading all over from the beginning.  You were not paying attention.  Right?  Caught you!

Anyway, what is being said here is that, to achieve, one has to give!  Are you ready for this?  Further, the more you give, the more you achieve!  Hence, the more you sweat...............the more you...........? 

(It works for me, maybe it will work for you too!)

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