Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Let's explain....!

Do we need to?  Do we have to ?  Explain what ! What did I do?
Isn't it so unnecessary that we keep giving explanation?  Do we owe anyone any explanation.....at all? 

The answer is NO.  We don't owe anyone any explanation unless we have wronged them.  Period.  But what happens when we try explaining?  It seems that we are trying to convince someone which is none of their business anyway.  The more we explain, the more the question ❓❓❓ inflicted on you and it all ends up with feeling guilty.  In other words, it doesn't end up well enough.  

So, what's the solution when interrogated or interviewed by random people trying to make a conversation ? 'Stick to the point.'. Not a word more, not a word less. Or maybe sometimes, no words at all.  

Words are not the only tools of communicating.  Try silence or πŸ‘€πŸ˜ˆ even facial expressions πŸ˜‚.  It works!  Believe me!  

We owe no explanation to no one!  It's that simple.  Don't ask, don't tell.  Yes don't put the other person in that awkward position that he has to explain himself while he is struggling to rescue himself.  We wouldn't  want to be trapped in such a situation.  

Besides, explanation not only makes the conversation longer, it's makes it lose its flavor and makes it hard to swallow or digest.  Already I am feeling sick 🀒 just writing about.  Imagine having to undergo it!  

Let's just halt here and end πŸ”š in a respectful way.  We need no explanation 😁.  Or do we???

Monday, December 14, 2020

The New Calendar Year : 2021

Every new calendar year is full of promises, surprises, challenges and so many unopened gifts 🎁.  2021 will be no different.  But it is definitely up to every individual how they will perceive it and more importantly what they will make of it!

2021 is a clean slate, a white piece of πŸ“œ paper handed to us.  Let's write it and be an author of our own dreams, goals and plans.  We write, we recite.  Every word therein is a reflection of our thoughts and choices. 

It's we who make these important decisions.  Whether we want to ignore the shadows and bask in the sunshine 🌞 or sulk in the the darkness of our dark πŸŒ‘ thoughtsπŸ’­ and ignore the golden 🌞 sunshine and golden opportunities.  Which will it be?

Just like 2020 is not coming back, neither will the rest of the years that passed us by long ago.The way you structure the new year will be the way you live with it.  It's more than a thought...... it's a desire.  An effort that will bring results, the results of your own choices.  

Wishing everyone a very productive and wholesome 2021.  A year to be always grateful for and proud of.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

I spelled success with Determination

Success was my choice.  I wouldn't settle for less.  As I grew up it became a habit and developed into a lifestyle.  I had a vision and foresight for opportunities.  Every bubble of opportunity was seen as success.

I believed strongly in slow and steady.  I took one day at a time.  I took baby steps and that is how I planned my journey πŸ’˜. And that is how I planted my seeds for success.  That is the secret of how to pace my way to success.

Impatience and ingratitude are obstacles on our road to success.  I kept kicking them off with every stride in my journey πŸ’˜. If we extract these two ingredients from our recipe of success, we will never experience failure.  Failure is an invitation to another attempt at success.

Impossible 🀣!  That's a joke πŸ˜….  
Impossible to me is a misspelled word.  Here is the correct spelling...' I am possible.'

I am farsighted.  I always knew exactly what I wanted.  I did not wait for it to happen.  I worked towards it.  I walked towards it with boots of courage and patience and MADE it happen.  I was so determined.

I spelled success with Determination
I expelled fear with persistence!!

I wrote her and I became her !!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


PAST is something to talk about,

Present is so much to talk about and

Future is some more to talk about !

Let's not make life about the past

Let's create something to talk about in the present,

Let's vision what else we can keep  talking about in the future.

Talking about the past is a characteristic of those individuals who have messed up their 🎁 present and have no concrete plans for future.  Our past lays the foundation for a gift called present wherein comes the vision for future.  

Carry the past to the present and push it to the future.  Plant something yesterday, to nourish today and harvest tomorrow.

Those who keep talking about the past,

Built nothing to hold on to in the present and

Have no foresight for tomorrow.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Real Issues

ICOSF's Real Issues is an achievement.  We are the achiever.  Together we have taken that first step to build the community.  We have taken a realistic approach to solve real issues to prepare ourselves to face reality.

We have set up yet another milestone.  ICOSF's Real Issues is about being real and facing reality in a real world.

We are the change makers.  We always move forward to embrace the changes that will improve the quality of life in the community based on Islamic ideology.  

We are cutting down on negativity as our first step to improvement.  

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Why? Wonder why ?

Why?  I wonder why ?
Why are we so crooked and yet blame the world for crookedness ?

Why do we blame others and yet take no responsibility ?

Why it is normal for us to do certain things and absolutely unacceptable when others do it?

Why are we above law and others aren't?

Why our own situation is a test while others are paying for their deeds ?

Why are we so perfect and others are far from perfection ?

Why our excuses are valid reasons and others helplessness are flimsy excuses?

WHY O' WHY ?????
Why I have never been able to understand this ?
I have never been able to find the answers to my own questions all my life.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

LET THEM KNOW.........!

Let them know.  Say it all.  Leave nothing unsaid.  Let nothing sit in your chest or nest in your head.  Say it in words, say it in actions.  Make a difference.  Be a carrier and put the message across.  

If anyone has made a difference to you or someone else, let them know.  It's an incentive.  Be motivating.  Encourage good deeds, good thoughts and good actions.  This itself is a good deed. It's a mother of good deeds for from here ensues more and more goodness.  

Let them know, tell them all.  Don't keep it to yourself.  Make others feel good about themselves. Good deeds attract more good deeds.  Be attracted to good deeds, be attracted to good people, be attracted to good soul.  

Spread goodness, sprinkle kindness and spark compassion.  Let them know happiness, let them know the joy they have brought, let them know the meaning they have added to someone's life.  Let them know what they mean to you and what they mean to the world.  

Let them know.  Don't hide.  Don't shy.  Let them know how you feel, how much you love, how much you care and how much you want to share.

Love is in the air and so is sadness.  Let sadness go by but reach for joy.  Have eyes for love and hope for joy.  Share your tender feelings......... let it out !

LET THEM KNOW.........!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Dreaming with others

Dreams can turn into reality when you pursue them wholeheartedly.  But my dream is an entirely different texture.  I dream about others, with others.  I live to help others realize their dreams.  I am their companion while they chase their dreams.

In this lies embedded my joy.  Yes, it not only sounds weird, it is weird.  Who ever heard of such absurdity.  But everyone has definitely heard of bringing happiness.  This is my way of doing so.  

Talking about dreams, oh no, don't get me wrong!  I don't sell dreams.  I am no dream merchant.  I just walk along and make one believe that their hopes are possible.  I hold their ✋ hands, steady their steps and help them walk down the path to their dreams. No don't take me literally.  It's just an expression.  But what I mean to say is, I am with them and extend them the much needed support and quietly disappear as they approach their dream and are about to turn them into REALITY. 

But that's not what I want to say.  That's what I want to do and that's what I do.  Here comes the part where I go overboard.  I sound desperate, eager, interested, too nice, too kind and so much more.  I shatter my own dream.  I wasn't helping.  Now I am hurting!

Therefore, I dream alone.  And that's exactly how I started becoming all that I am. By helping others, I built my own dreamland.  I lived up to my own dream.  Here is my message, Keep dreaming!  Dream alone !

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Invisible Virus is Visible Everywhere ! Watch out !

What does INVISIBLE mean?  Not visible to naked eyes?
Microscopic?  Hidden? Concealed? Undisclosed?  But certainly not undiscovered or uncertain in the case of this virus. The Corona virus is lurking large, distinct and crystal clear.
Corona virus started as a doubt, transformed into fear, took shape as a disease and was unleashed as a death sentence. It is unseen yet fatal.  It is microscopic yet faster than speed.  But what I really want to talk about is, whether the Corona virus is invisible like we think?
No ! It's distinct and clear and can be seen, felt and heard.  It is making a big explosion, a big noise, a big scene and a big impact. It is everywhere.

What is really baffling about this virus is, it's telling a lot.  A lot more than we ever knew. It discovered us, revealed us, exposed us and stripped us.  

Let me now explain your question.  I know what leaped in your mind.  How?  Isn't that your question?  Aha!  That's it !
To begin with, self isolation led to what?  Nothing, other than self discovery.  We had alone time, all the time to ourselves that we could ask for.  We got to know who we actually are.  What we actually want, who we exactly want in our lives, how we were occupied with the irrelevant matters and people, who mattered and who didn't.  A whole package of self discovery.  

We realized what was safe for us, where  the hidden risks were, what threatened our health and peace ✌️, who embraced us and stayed with us, and who embraced us but were never with us.

We had family time, quality time with our loved ones, enough time to understand each other and appreciate each other.
Above all, most importantly, it dawned on us that we control nothing, absolutely nothing.  All our resources, power, fame, degrees were reduced to nothing.  Something prevailed above all this.  The Only One Who is in power and controls everything.  We are as helpless as a newborn baby.  We are reborn everyday.  Every morning we start all over again.  

It took  just a virus to humble us.  Tell us who we are and where we belong !!

Monday, August 17, 2020

It's my life ! My journey !


I set out on my ⛵ boat on a journey of my own.  My cravings for adventure and discovery is ceaseless.  An endless expedition to nowhere.  I just wanted to travel, to move forward, to keep moving.

My restless mind set new targets every morn, my restless heart beat with new rhythm every dawn and my restless eyes wandered in new directions every moment.  I traveled endlessly.  All I wanted was to go on.

I wanted to reach for the 🌟 s, jump to the moon and bask in the sun.  I had new dreams, new hopes and vast imagination. Failure leapt at me but could never grasp me.  I rescued myself from its grip and focused only on the horizon of success.  

Success was in my dictionary, my vocabulary and my mind but I kept adding new definition to it.  I defined my own success, carved my own path and designed my own plans.  

I set no boundaries for I wanted a journey that could chase success and go beyond the horizon.  I challenged challenge and met challenges like eyes meet 🌞 rays every morning when you draw the curtain.  

How and where I will end my journey, I know not.  But whenever and wherever my boat lands,  I want to see contentment awaiting me. Peace ✌️ embracing me and honor πŸ‘‘ crowning me.  That is my journey !  That is my destination.  Just where I want to be!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Negativity ? No more please !

Optimism is what we need to cultivate in our lifestyle.  Positive mindset will prevent us from tarnishing the environment.  Otherwise we will find ourselves living in constant fear and insecurity.  Often, before making any effort, whatsoever, we kill our plans with our own hands and call them off.
Rather than exploring and taking chances with what can be done, we start rejecting and eliminating what cannot be done.  We lose interest because of our own inconsistency and are quick to blame it on anything and anyone but our own incompetence.  

Rome was not built in a day.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Such golden words are extinct now. 

 In today's world of technology, we have ignorantly put our faith in touchscreen, meaning to say, instant action.  That is fantastic but fantasy.  We have to get back to reality and let it happen while we continue to strive towards our goals.  

Every goal is an indefinite journey.  We get to decide how we get there.  We can make it so exciting and easy.  Sometimes, the journey itself can be so rewarding that the goal doesn't matter, because it becomes obvious that we had a very productive adventure all along.  The distance between the plan and the goal is what matters and moulds us.  This is the beauty, the real essence.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Surprises of 2020

It started like any other year.  A brand new year with brand new hopes, brand new enthusiasms, brand new wishes.  We all looked forward to what would awaits us in 2020.

2020 was exciting.  Like every year, it had its surprises.  But we were not ready for the shock that 2020 unleashed.

2020 did not spare anyone.  It hit everyone fair and square.  It showed no mercy.  It was indiscriminate.  It all happened fast, its fury went around the globe.  It sent us home.  It grounded us.

It turned out to be an extraordinary year.  We practiced social distancing like never before.  We covered our faces, we walked hand in gloves, we lived and moved under restrictions.

It had a lot to say that we were not ready to hear.  Everything went beyond our expectations and imagination.  It distanced us, isolated us and caught us unaware.

It has just been five months.  A lot more to go.  Let us be ready to embrace whatever comes our way.  Let us be strong and steady and face the storm like never before. Rainbows will show up soon.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Unspoken words - leave it unspoken ?

In my endeavor to pen unspoken words, I walked into unspoken deserts of unspoken disappointments.  Let those words be stiffled and left trapped forever.

I tried to get those words across.  I didn't want to nest it in my chest forever.  But it was not meant to be.  Unspoken words met disappointment, was misunderstood and misinterpreted.  Unspoken words did not travel unspoken miles.  Unspoken words did not go far........ very far !  It returned home.  It returned unheard.

Were unspoken words of unspoken comfort?  Did unspoken words kindle any heart ?  Unspoken words heal any unspoken wounds?  Unspoken words celebrated unspoken joy?

No ! Unspoken words were returned.  Unspoken words were laid to rest.  Unspoken words were silenced.  Unspoken words will remain unspoken.  Forever !!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Building a Community

At Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF), Pompano Masjid,  we are building a community. We update you with Community news and current events and spiritual messages.  We share your talents and achievements, your love of food, your cooking skills, your favorite sports and outdoor activities etc.  We root for each other's success and growth. We are building the nation by closing gaps and dissolving differences. 

We are helping each other heal and recover.  We give Dawah and welcome our New Muslim brothers and sisters.  We take special care of our youth so that we can keep improving our community for generations to come.
At ICOSF we are a family, one nation, one Ummat.  We believe in unity.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020



There was no Taraweeh congregation to welcome the Holy month.
Fasting started but there was no Community iftar
We missed each other so much more
We missed Masjid more than before.

We stayed home and practiced social isolation.
Our hope on Allah was our consolation.
The days went by, the month went by
Our imaan went low and high,
Sometimes we were sad,
Sometimes we were glad.

Although we missed so many aspects of Ramadan,
But we continued to do whatever we can
Our ibadat, our salat and siyam and Qiyam
Alhamdulillah we did our best
And we leave to Allah the rest.

May He accept it, forgive us and shower us with His Mercy.

Monday, April 6, 2020


Every dusk is followed by dawn
Every day opportunities are born
Every storm gives a rainbow
Ever day puts up a show
Life is like a rope
Hold on to your hope
Never quit because of a twilight
Never cause shadows by  blocking your own sunlight.