Sunday, February 28, 2016

We say but we do not display

No matter what we say or what we claim, how many of us are ACTUALLY living with this notion that this is a temporary life and EVERYTHING in it is temporary too.  In other words, NOTHING is permanent.  We say and we know that it is temporary, but our behavior and lifestyle does not show that.  It is definitely conflicting.
Life is so temporary that we do not know of the next moment leave alone next day.  Appreciate every moment and live for the day.  This life is nothing else but just a journey, a journey from beginning to end.  We all know that anything that has a beginning, must have an end.  Right?  Yet we live a lifestyle that as though there will be no end.  We hoard, we plan for generations, we show pride and attitude as though nothing is ever going to end or change, we look down upon others as though we are always going to be on the top and others are meant to be below us, under-privileged, down-trodden.  We are even proud and boastful of our physical condition which is plainly subject to age and time besides other factors.  Youth will not remain and as youth will fade so will strength and memory.  So what is left to be so arrogant about?  We see others failure, misfortune, adversity, hardship and yet remain adamant that it will not come our way.
Now back to the point.  We say life is temporary but no sign of that in our life or lifestyle.  We refuse to show any consideration, any fear that it may befall us, care too much for petty things, forget that we may or will also have our share of sufferings.  We ignore other's pain as though it can NEVER happen to us.  We refuse to help as though we will NEVER, EVER need help ourselves.  We bounce and stomp around as though we will always be so energetic and healthy.  There is whatsoever no sign of humbleness or application of our words or claim.

Sharing is Daring!

We unfortunately live in such a time where sharing is daring, it is a mighty challenge, a huge sacrifice, too much to ask for. Sharing is painful and so frustrating indeed.  We have millions of excuses for not helping and perfect justifications for each and every one of those excuses.  Even if we do decide or happen to help, we make sure that we do not have to repeat that aid and give a strict warning sign to the person to stay away.......far, far away.
If we are blessed, having a great life we can make it even more pleasant and greater by sharing.  But our instant reply is "NO.  Why should I?  It is MY hard-earned money and I deserve to enjoy every penny.  I am NOT responsible for other's problems or misfortunes."  We need to think twice before we speak carelessly.  Have we any control over our destiny when we have no control over our desires, whims and fancies?  We live a life of luxury, extravagance and glamour while others are suffering and in pain.  It little matters to us.  All that at all matters is we get to show off, boast, be in the limelight, praised, applauded, flattered etc.  What are we actually gaining from it, except for momentary and temporary pleasure which sadly makes us more miserable. A pinch of thrill is so vital to us even at the cost of severing relationship, losing friendship or abandoning humanity.  We are more than ready to waste than to be of little help to others.  

Are we not aware that ANYONE can fall into any kind of situation and condition?  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Be bitter and pay it back??

We are all victims of situation and circumstances at some point of our lives.  No one escapes it.  We are bound to bump into it whether we want it or not.  It just comes.  We go through struggles in our lives and fortunately when we are able to overcome it, now comes that crucial point in our life, how to react to it.  What is our  post reaction?  Some of us learn from it and improve ourselves and rescue others from similar disasters.  But the common tendency is to take it in a negative way.  Instead of getting better we happen to get bitter, take out our frustration on others going through a similar situation and want that person to suffer as much as or more than we did.  Sounds cruel, right?  We want to deal with it just like the way others treated us.  If we were abandoned, humiliated, blamed, that is what we want to do to people in similar situations.  We do not want to act differently or 'better.'  So where is the difference between us and them?  Or, are we trying to say that others were right to treat us the way they did and we approve of it and that is why we want to copy them?  On one hand we grumble but land up doing exactly the same thing! This does not lead to anything or anywhere.  We are lost and heading towards the same disaster that we just emerged out of.  With this attitude we will ALWAYS be in and out of trouble.  NEVER AT PEACE, any time, any where. Period.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

There is always a light at the end of the tunnel

Yeah, yeah heard that one over and over again.  Seems so stereotype.  Not really!  If you carefully watch and more so, if you happen to experience it.  When things are finally going to turn around, it starts showing signs.  Sounds interesting.  No, believe me, it is not just my imagination.  It happens.  Afterwards when it is all over you collect all the clues and join all the links and you will be amazed.  A series of coincidences happens and each has a link with the other.  Even when things are quiet, it is not really dead or inactive.  It is happening in the background which we are not aware of.  We are still inside the darkness of the tunnel, struggling to make it to the end, and somehow happen to naively think that all along it will be dark and we will be travelling endlessly inside the tunnel.  Or in other words, we will never see light again.  We will live a life bereft of hope.  But no!  That is not how it is meant to be.  You got to believe that as long as you are moving, travelling, making effort THERE is LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.  Keep moving!  You will be there soon.  Are we there yet?  Yes pretty soon you will be THERE and seeing LIGHT.

A New Direction in LIfe

After many twists and turns, guess what, finally your eyes lighten up with hope. You vision a new direction.  Everything starts falling into place, just like olden time jigsaw puzzle.  Ever heard of it?  WOW!  that was so much fun.  When, after facing all the frustration, many trial and errors, things start shaping up.  What a relief it is.  Phew!  Finally.  You feel like a happy dance, finally.....finally.....finally!  Did not expect it but was hopeful somewhere deep down inside and truly you see it blossoming right in front of your eyes.  You hold your breath in amazement.  A big grin spreads right across your face and you beam with pride and satisfaction.  Yes, we thought we could never do it, we will never reach the finishing line.  We will collapse any day, any time.  We were always on the verge of total wreckage.  But hey, here we are and everything turned out okay.  So, we worried for nothing?  Yes, this happens all the time.  Most of the things we are so stressed about does not even happen.  We just seem to have no patience whatsoever.  We want everything NOW and exactly HOW WE WANT IT!  Things do happen, BUT not at our time, our way or according to our PLANS.  But we decided not to wait and watch and took control and messed up everything just as it was about to happen and startle us.  And then it is toooo late!  We spoiled everything for ourselves.

Lets get back to our point.  New Direction is always waiting for us around the corner but we sometimes miss it by over thinking, giving up, being in haste and also listening to the wrong people.  So who are the right people?  A tiny voice inside us who says WAIT and WATCH and do your best.  It will all start showing up "SOON."  It may be too soon, just soon or soon enough.  Do not go for 'sooner the better.'  You have done your part to the best of your knowledge and wisdom, let destiny do the rest.  REST! REST ASSURED!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Unspoken Fear

When you don't know what your next moment is going to be like?  When you find it hard to figure out who is your friend and who is not.  When every sound frightens you.  When you cringe to take a phone call.  When every knock at the door spell disaster. That is how and what life feels like in hardship!  Constant fear developed from rejection from people.  

When unfavorable condition descends people sniff it and distance themselves.  They do not want responsibilities of helping, sharing and caring.  Hence they abandon such people and leave them to suffer alone with their pain, anxiety and loss. This rejection from everyone creates a vacuum inside a person and it is at once filled with constant Unspoken Fear.  

Fear that shakes him up, fear that covers him up, fear that ties him up.  The person gets cloaked in fear.  The question is, why are we living for others.  Who are they to dictate our lives?  They fear that a little help may make them poor, leave them with nothing. Expose them and their inability to help.  

What has a person with hardship got to fear?  He has challenges to overcome and a battle to win.  He or she will eventually emerge a winner and one day can be of 'some' help to those who abandoned them.  It is getting pretty interesting.  Wow! Truly inspiring.

Does good deed hurt?

CERTAINLY NOT!  Then why do people hesitate to do a pinch of something good.  All that they do is add salt to injury?  Ever heard of this, a lit candle can lit another without losing its flame or brightness.  You have!  Awesome!  Then why do we back away?  If we can just move an inch, it can be a mile for someone but even that is too much to ask.  Why is it that while we have a great time all that we want others to do is watch us having fun.  Applaud and cheer while we perform.  Why not include others too?  Why not let them have a little fun too?  How would if feel if we were the audience all along?  Guess it does not sound like fun at all!  But it is just A-okay when we get all the glamour, fun and attention and others are in the dark.  Are happiness meant just for us?  Have we ever given this a thought?  Others like to be happy too.  Will it hurt if we share?  Will it hurt if we care?  Will it hurt if we solve problems for others? Will it hurt if we gave others the same opportunities we have?  NO, NO, NO!  But we leave them alone, suffering, struggling, hurting while we live life to the full.  A little does not matter to someone with plenty but it means a lot to someone with nothing.  Let us give it a thought!!

Unspoken Satisfaction

Satisfaction comes from deep down inside us.  Sometimes something very small, a tiny achievement can give us massive satisfaction, something as small as a deep breath.  Hey, I just happen to discover something.  Yeah, yeah it all depends on the intention.  Wow! Satisfaction--> Intention are so inter-linked.  Yes we can draw satisfaction from Intention and further form intention from satisfaction.  I believe that satisfaction is only about good feelings.  I wonder can we get any satisfaction from anything bad, evil or inappropriate!  Guess not!  That may be a temporary 'pleasure,' but definitely not satisfaction.  A pleasure that makes one more miserable, desperate or frustrated.
Well to get back to Unspoken Satisfaction, the huge feeling we get when we do something so nice that it overwhelms us and makes us rise in our own eyes.  We feel like patting our own back and cheering our own self.  WOW!  What a feeling.  It does not matter how small the action was or what it was but it pleased someone in a good way and it brought happiness.  My belief is anything good leads to good and nothing else.  Similarly anything bad cannot lead to anything else but bad.  So sad!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Unspoken thoughts

Poverty will continue to flourish as long as human being inhabit the world. Poverty is the product of civilization. As we reach new heights of civilization, poverty and disparity is on the rise. While human population is growing, humanity is getting extinct.

There is more food in a rich man's trash can than a poor man's stomach......yet there is more contentment in a poor man's heart. Totally amazing!

Do not stop believing in yourself even if the whole world has. Respect yourself even if the whole world brings you down. Life is full of challenges, the greatest of them all is to face people while fighting your battle alone!

Unspoken Disappointments

Such a time comes in life when you walk alone.....everyone walks a-w-a-y from you!  When people see you approaching they change the lane, cross the road or simply look the OTHER way.  You walk alone, cross every hurdle alone, you walk lonely on a busy street.  Everyone sees you as a stranger even in your own neighborhood and soon you start wondering who you really are?
Time changes us into "NOTHING".  We need to find our way out...... ! 

Time is our teacher and rescuer.

Beauty is Skin deep

Not any more!  Beauty is all about make-up.  The more the make-up, the more the beauty.  This is the modern concept.  Or, in other words, the more you pretend the more you impress people.  Ha, ha there is no originality.  Are people even looking for originality?  Don't think so.  They are happy as long as it appeals to them.  By the way, originality has lost its values.  No one cares for it anymore.  Looks like we have all turned superficial.  We look for beauty in make-up, we are convinced of knowledge in the form of certificates, we are impressed by people in terms of their material possession, and so much more.  We are no more identified by the values we uphold, or the character we posses or our deeds and behavior.  That is just so so outdated.  Today's world is a world of technology, a show of splendor, a battle of fame and popularity, a lucrative career whether you fit there or not or whether it gives you any satisfaction at all.  This is what LIFE is all about today.  You are living in a palatial house, driving luxury car, eating buffet lunch and dinner, going on expensive vacations, having a very high paid salary job and guess what ----- yet miserable, or even worse yet hated, despised and considered a monster by people.  All your so called gears are of no use.  You have no happiness or peace and can neither give happiness or peace.  So life is just a hollow, emptiness?  This is the environment we are living in! Sad, so sad..................!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Unspoken Shock

People we counted on, who always sang, 
"You - can - count - on - me!" 
are the very ones who leave you and are, in fact, the first to leave you, when you "truly" need them.  Surprised!  

It has happened and will keep happening but we only believe it when it really happens.  Unless we undergo the same experience it never ever makes any sense to us no matter how many warning signs we see.  People whom you never cared for are the ones who move up to help out, they are the only help you are left with.  All our hopes go down the drain and we are shocked beyond our imagination.  

Lesson learnt - do not have any hope or expectation from anyone.  Just trust yourself and thnat is enough.

Problems left Unspoken

There are just too many of them in all shapes, sizes and hues that we keep it suppressed with us.  Should we share it?  Will people understand?  Will it mean anything to anyone? Can someone help us solve it, dissolve it? 

 The one and only answer is "NO."  

People say, We will."  But trust me, they won't, even if they can.  They say we need to talk about it and perhaps can get help........... but all the help one gets is the listening part, which is also known as grabbing the information.  

People are just curious for the information and then they are suddenly ........tooooo helpless to be of help.  Too busy.......too much in their own problems...... too sick and just about....... too many excuses.  

If there is anything that you truly own and something that no one will want to share with you are "PROBLEMS."  You will be very fortunate if you happen to come across someone who will actually help, not just offer to help.  

Offer will come only from those people who themselves are helpless and they just wish they can help.  NO OFFER comes from people who can help.  They just decide to............ walk away! 
(From you and your issues).

Unspoken Hopes

Life takes so many twists and turns that sometimes we lose control over everything, including ourselves.  It is hard to fathom which direction we are heading to or should head to.  There just seems to be no way, no road, no opening whatsoever.  You are in the middle of nowhere holding on to the flimsy strings of hope, desperately hoping for something good to happen.  WHEN is the only question dangling in front of your searching eyes.  No amount of consolation can be enough and only those understand who have walked your path.  Others simply won't!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

We need to talk!

...........Or maybe not.  Unspoken Words sometimes can have more meanings than the message conveyed by saying it out all aloud. 

 Sometimes, on some occasions things need to be left unexplained for the time being, TBE (to be explained if and when need be).  Sometimes you do not say or spell it at all.  Silence explains everything much more than any amount of words can.  

Silence also has its own communication power and it strikes the innermost part of people than any arrow can hit the target.  The more one explains, the more it gets complicated and it all becomes a huge confusion.  At such time we need the sponge of silence to absorb everything and clear up the mess made by unfit, useless and maybe inappropriate words.  Once silence has penetrated, wait and watch for the other party to approach.  

Most time they will not and everything will settle down in its own time and manner.  If no queries are raised you get the message too.  The message is clear now - yes the message is through and the other party does not care.  They are okay with that.  Unspoken Words - sometimes let it die down inside and sometimes voice it.  When to do what, time and experience teaches us all!  

Words are precious------handle with silence!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Intermingling with the stars.

We are often living among the stars but we do not know this.  Funny eh!  How is this?  That is because we do not voice our feelings, recognize each other, identify each other's attributes etc. Only if we talk, discuss, share we will discover the great personalities we are intermingling with in our daily lives. We all live with out thoughts and just happen to form opinion about each other based on assumptions and what we may have 'heard' about them.  By keeping quiet and to ourselves we deprive others and ourselves the opportunity to know each other.  It has happened to me quite a few times.  I thought the person was this way and he/she turned out to be something else.  We need to give each other a chance.  Sometimes some people appear to be proud and indifferent but turns out to be a very nice and friendly person.  When I newly moved into my neighborhood, an neighbor of mine came to greet me.  I happen to be so busy at that time, and simply not prepared for a visitor, but all the same I opened the door and greeted her casually or coldly.  I had no idea about this but over the period of time I found her very indifferent towards me.  I also happen to think that she does not like me or something along those lines.  After years of this cold attitude from both side, another neighbor of our's ( a neighbor who knew me as a friendly person) happen to talk to that neighbor (about me).  This neighbor was a good friend to both of us. She informed her that I was mean to her when she came to greet me.  This neighbor then dusted off the misunderstanding between us.  Not talking or voicing our feelings can lead to big life long misunderstanding.  We dwell among good people but sometime we are not aware of it.  Let us create this awareness and try to know people exactly as they are.  Good thought eh!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Words of appreciation and expression often left unsaid......!

Today my Unspoken Words has a different mood and tone.  It is not just about sharing our thoughts and opinions, it is about sharing feelings.  We often leave these words unsaid and take it for granted that others already know about it.  Probably right.  But all the same, they want to hear it and be reassured. A little effort from us can sometimes make a big difference to someone, somewhere, somehow.  We all love our family and friends and they sure know about this.  But does it matter if we can only tell them from time to time that we love the, we appreciate them or value them.  It is just a few words that means so much.  It can cheer up a depressed person, it can heal a sick person, it can rebuild relationship, it may further strengthened bonds and ties and friendship.  Or, for that matter, words of appreciation can be so motivating.  Even if it is the duty of the other person, let us humbly thank each other and make the person feel special and important.  While asking for any job to be done, let us treat is an a favor and instead or ordering, just say the magic word, 'please.'  Does it hurt or cost anything at all to express yourself and utter those Unspoken Words that can play melody in our lives?  Words that we need to suppress, we shout them out but words that need to be said, we leave it and keep it with us, deep down and sometimes it leaves us just with regrets and we say to ourselves, Had I......!