Tuesday, February 9, 2016

We need to talk!

...........Or maybe not.  Unspoken Words sometimes can have more meanings than the message conveyed by saying it out all aloud. 

 Sometimes, on some occasions things need to be left unexplained for the time being, TBE (to be explained if and when need be).  Sometimes you do not say or spell it at all.  Silence explains everything much more than any amount of words can.  

Silence also has its own communication power and it strikes the innermost part of people than any arrow can hit the target.  The more one explains, the more it gets complicated and it all becomes a huge confusion.  At such time we need the sponge of silence to absorb everything and clear up the mess made by unfit, useless and maybe inappropriate words.  Once silence has penetrated, wait and watch for the other party to approach.  

Most time they will not and everything will settle down in its own time and manner.  If no queries are raised you get the message too.  The message is clear now - yes the message is through and the other party does not care.  They are okay with that.  Unspoken Words - sometimes let it die down inside and sometimes voice it.  When to do what, time and experience teaches us all!  

Words are precious------handle with silence!!

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