Saturday, February 27, 2016

Be bitter and pay it back??

We are all victims of situation and circumstances at some point of our lives.  No one escapes it.  We are bound to bump into it whether we want it or not.  It just comes.  We go through struggles in our lives and fortunately when we are able to overcome it, now comes that crucial point in our life, how to react to it.  What is our  post reaction?  Some of us learn from it and improve ourselves and rescue others from similar disasters.  But the common tendency is to take it in a negative way.  Instead of getting better we happen to get bitter, take out our frustration on others going through a similar situation and want that person to suffer as much as or more than we did.  Sounds cruel, right?  We want to deal with it just like the way others treated us.  If we were abandoned, humiliated, blamed, that is what we want to do to people in similar situations.  We do not want to act differently or 'better.'  So where is the difference between us and them?  Or, are we trying to say that others were right to treat us the way they did and we approve of it and that is why we want to copy them?  On one hand we grumble but land up doing exactly the same thing! This does not lead to anything or anywhere.  We are lost and heading towards the same disaster that we just emerged out of.  With this attitude we will ALWAYS be in and out of trouble.  NEVER AT PEACE, any time, any where. Period.

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