Thursday, February 25, 2016

There is always a light at the end of the tunnel

Yeah, yeah heard that one over and over again.  Seems so stereotype.  Not really!  If you carefully watch and more so, if you happen to experience it.  When things are finally going to turn around, it starts showing signs.  Sounds interesting.  No, believe me, it is not just my imagination.  It happens.  Afterwards when it is all over you collect all the clues and join all the links and you will be amazed.  A series of coincidences happens and each has a link with the other.  Even when things are quiet, it is not really dead or inactive.  It is happening in the background which we are not aware of.  We are still inside the darkness of the tunnel, struggling to make it to the end, and somehow happen to naively think that all along it will be dark and we will be travelling endlessly inside the tunnel.  Or in other words, we will never see light again.  We will live a life bereft of hope.  But no!  That is not how it is meant to be.  You got to believe that as long as you are moving, travelling, making effort THERE is LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.  Keep moving!  You will be there soon.  Are we there yet?  Yes pretty soon you will be THERE and seeing LIGHT.

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