Thursday, February 25, 2016

A New Direction in LIfe

After many twists and turns, guess what, finally your eyes lighten up with hope. You vision a new direction.  Everything starts falling into place, just like olden time jigsaw puzzle.  Ever heard of it?  WOW!  that was so much fun.  When, after facing all the frustration, many trial and errors, things start shaping up.  What a relief it is.  Phew!  Finally.  You feel like a happy dance, finally.....finally.....finally!  Did not expect it but was hopeful somewhere deep down inside and truly you see it blossoming right in front of your eyes.  You hold your breath in amazement.  A big grin spreads right across your face and you beam with pride and satisfaction.  Yes, we thought we could never do it, we will never reach the finishing line.  We will collapse any day, any time.  We were always on the verge of total wreckage.  But hey, here we are and everything turned out okay.  So, we worried for nothing?  Yes, this happens all the time.  Most of the things we are so stressed about does not even happen.  We just seem to have no patience whatsoever.  We want everything NOW and exactly HOW WE WANT IT!  Things do happen, BUT not at our time, our way or according to our PLANS.  But we decided not to wait and watch and took control and messed up everything just as it was about to happen and startle us.  And then it is toooo late!  We spoiled everything for ourselves.

Lets get back to our point.  New Direction is always waiting for us around the corner but we sometimes miss it by over thinking, giving up, being in haste and also listening to the wrong people.  So who are the right people?  A tiny voice inside us who says WAIT and WATCH and do your best.  It will all start showing up "SOON."  It may be too soon, just soon or soon enough.  Do not go for 'sooner the better.'  You have done your part to the best of your knowledge and wisdom, let destiny do the rest.  REST! REST ASSURED!

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