Monday, February 22, 2016

Unspoken Shock

People we counted on, who always sang, 
"You - can - count - on - me!" 
are the very ones who leave you and are, in fact, the first to leave you, when you "truly" need them.  Surprised!  

It has happened and will keep happening but we only believe it when it really happens.  Unless we undergo the same experience it never ever makes any sense to us no matter how many warning signs we see.  People whom you never cared for are the ones who move up to help out, they are the only help you are left with.  All our hopes go down the drain and we are shocked beyond our imagination.  

Lesson learnt - do not have any hope or expectation from anyone.  Just trust yourself and thnat is enough.


  1. Very true...No expectations so no pain.Only trust in Allah and He will give us more than our expectations.

  2. Very true...No expectations so no pain.Only trust in Allah and He will give us more than our expectations.
