Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Unspoken Satisfaction

Satisfaction comes from deep down inside us.  Sometimes something very small, a tiny achievement can give us massive satisfaction, something as small as a deep breath.  Hey, I just happen to discover something.  Yeah, yeah it all depends on the intention.  Wow! Satisfaction--> Intention are so inter-linked.  Yes we can draw satisfaction from Intention and further form intention from satisfaction.  I believe that satisfaction is only about good feelings.  I wonder can we get any satisfaction from anything bad, evil or inappropriate!  Guess not!  That may be a temporary 'pleasure,' but definitely not satisfaction.  A pleasure that makes one more miserable, desperate or frustrated.
Well to get back to Unspoken Satisfaction, the huge feeling we get when we do something so nice that it overwhelms us and makes us rise in our own eyes.  We feel like patting our own back and cheering our own self.  WOW!  What a feeling.  It does not matter how small the action was or what it was but it pleased someone in a good way and it brought happiness.  My belief is anything good leads to good and nothing else.  Similarly anything bad cannot lead to anything else but bad.  So sad!

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