Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Unspoken Fear

When you don't know what your next moment is going to be like?  When you find it hard to figure out who is your friend and who is not.  When every sound frightens you.  When you cringe to take a phone call.  When every knock at the door spell disaster. That is how and what life feels like in hardship!  Constant fear developed from rejection from people.  

When unfavorable condition descends people sniff it and distance themselves.  They do not want responsibilities of helping, sharing and caring.  Hence they abandon such people and leave them to suffer alone with their pain, anxiety and loss. This rejection from everyone creates a vacuum inside a person and it is at once filled with constant Unspoken Fear.  

Fear that shakes him up, fear that covers him up, fear that ties him up.  The person gets cloaked in fear.  The question is, why are we living for others.  Who are they to dictate our lives?  They fear that a little help may make them poor, leave them with nothing. Expose them and their inability to help.  

What has a person with hardship got to fear?  He has challenges to overcome and a battle to win.  He or she will eventually emerge a winner and one day can be of 'some' help to those who abandoned them.  It is getting pretty interesting.  Wow! Truly inspiring.