Monday, February 22, 2016

Problems left Unspoken

There are just too many of them in all shapes, sizes and hues that we keep it suppressed with us.  Should we share it?  Will people understand?  Will it mean anything to anyone? Can someone help us solve it, dissolve it? 

 The one and only answer is "NO."  

People say, We will."  But trust me, they won't, even if they can.  They say we need to talk about it and perhaps can get help........... but all the help one gets is the listening part, which is also known as grabbing the information.  

People are just curious for the information and then they are suddenly ........tooooo helpless to be of help.  Too busy.......too much in their own problems...... too sick and just about....... too many excuses.  

If there is anything that you truly own and something that no one will want to share with you are "PROBLEMS."  You will be very fortunate if you happen to come across someone who will actually help, not just offer to help.  

Offer will come only from those people who themselves are helpless and they just wish they can help.  NO OFFER comes from people who can help.  They just decide to............ walk away! 
(From you and your issues).

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