Sunday, February 28, 2016

We say but we do not display

No matter what we say or what we claim, how many of us are ACTUALLY living with this notion that this is a temporary life and EVERYTHING in it is temporary too.  In other words, NOTHING is permanent.  We say and we know that it is temporary, but our behavior and lifestyle does not show that.  It is definitely conflicting.
Life is so temporary that we do not know of the next moment leave alone next day.  Appreciate every moment and live for the day.  This life is nothing else but just a journey, a journey from beginning to end.  We all know that anything that has a beginning, must have an end.  Right?  Yet we live a lifestyle that as though there will be no end.  We hoard, we plan for generations, we show pride and attitude as though nothing is ever going to end or change, we look down upon others as though we are always going to be on the top and others are meant to be below us, under-privileged, down-trodden.  We are even proud and boastful of our physical condition which is plainly subject to age and time besides other factors.  Youth will not remain and as youth will fade so will strength and memory.  So what is left to be so arrogant about?  We see others failure, misfortune, adversity, hardship and yet remain adamant that it will not come our way.
Now back to the point.  We say life is temporary but no sign of that in our life or lifestyle.  We refuse to show any consideration, any fear that it may befall us, care too much for petty things, forget that we may or will also have our share of sufferings.  We ignore other's pain as though it can NEVER happen to us.  We refuse to help as though we will NEVER, EVER need help ourselves.  We bounce and stomp around as though we will always be so energetic and healthy.  There is whatsoever no sign of humbleness or application of our words or claim.

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