Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sharing is Daring!

We unfortunately live in such a time where sharing is daring, it is a mighty challenge, a huge sacrifice, too much to ask for. Sharing is painful and so frustrating indeed.  We have millions of excuses for not helping and perfect justifications for each and every one of those excuses.  Even if we do decide or happen to help, we make sure that we do not have to repeat that aid and give a strict warning sign to the person to stay away.......far, far away.
If we are blessed, having a great life we can make it even more pleasant and greater by sharing.  But our instant reply is "NO.  Why should I?  It is MY hard-earned money and I deserve to enjoy every penny.  I am NOT responsible for other's problems or misfortunes."  We need to think twice before we speak carelessly.  Have we any control over our destiny when we have no control over our desires, whims and fancies?  We live a life of luxury, extravagance and glamour while others are suffering and in pain.  It little matters to us.  All that at all matters is we get to show off, boast, be in the limelight, praised, applauded, flattered etc.  What are we actually gaining from it, except for momentary and temporary pleasure which sadly makes us more miserable. A pinch of thrill is so vital to us even at the cost of severing relationship, losing friendship or abandoning humanity.  We are more than ready to waste than to be of little help to others.  

Are we not aware that ANYONE can fall into any kind of situation and condition?  

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