Thursday, February 4, 2016

Intermingling with the stars.

We are often living among the stars but we do not know this.  Funny eh!  How is this?  That is because we do not voice our feelings, recognize each other, identify each other's attributes etc. Only if we talk, discuss, share we will discover the great personalities we are intermingling with in our daily lives. We all live with out thoughts and just happen to form opinion about each other based on assumptions and what we may have 'heard' about them.  By keeping quiet and to ourselves we deprive others and ourselves the opportunity to know each other.  It has happened to me quite a few times.  I thought the person was this way and he/she turned out to be something else.  We need to give each other a chance.  Sometimes some people appear to be proud and indifferent but turns out to be a very nice and friendly person.  When I newly moved into my neighborhood, an neighbor of mine came to greet me.  I happen to be so busy at that time, and simply not prepared for a visitor, but all the same I opened the door and greeted her casually or coldly.  I had no idea about this but over the period of time I found her very indifferent towards me.  I also happen to think that she does not like me or something along those lines.  After years of this cold attitude from both side, another neighbor of our's ( a neighbor who knew me as a friendly person) happen to talk to that neighbor (about me).  This neighbor was a good friend to both of us. She informed her that I was mean to her when she came to greet me.  This neighbor then dusted off the misunderstanding between us.  Not talking or voicing our feelings can lead to big life long misunderstanding.  We dwell among good people but sometime we are not aware of it.  Let us create this awareness and try to know people exactly as they are.  Good thought eh!

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