Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Does good deed hurt?

CERTAINLY NOT!  Then why do people hesitate to do a pinch of something good.  All that they do is add salt to injury?  Ever heard of this, a lit candle can lit another without losing its flame or brightness.  You have!  Awesome!  Then why do we back away?  If we can just move an inch, it can be a mile for someone but even that is too much to ask.  Why is it that while we have a great time all that we want others to do is watch us having fun.  Applaud and cheer while we perform.  Why not include others too?  Why not let them have a little fun too?  How would if feel if we were the audience all along?  Guess it does not sound like fun at all!  But it is just A-okay when we get all the glamour, fun and attention and others are in the dark.  Are happiness meant just for us?  Have we ever given this a thought?  Others like to be happy too.  Will it hurt if we share?  Will it hurt if we care?  Will it hurt if we solve problems for others? Will it hurt if we gave others the same opportunities we have?  NO, NO, NO!  But we leave them alone, suffering, struggling, hurting while we live life to the full.  A little does not matter to someone with plenty but it means a lot to someone with nothing.  Let us give it a thought!!

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