Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Challenging Letter to Challenge

Dear Challenge, 

This letter is to challenge you. You have been showing up in all spheres of my life, all the time, and in various forms.  You terrify me, petrify me, confuse me, and scare me.  Meeting you can be very exhausting, depressing and complicated.  The more I try to overcome you, the more you emerge, donning new disguises.  

You know what?  I am not giving up.  Although you did succeed in overpowering me to some extent, and I almost gave up, I felt that this game of yours has got to stop.  I have been trying to run away from you, but wherever I tried to run to, you surfaced and confronted me.  I have been watching your movements and how you never leave cowards alone.  

Anyway, I have now decided to challenge you back.  Instead of running  away from you, I will face you.  I will stand taller than you and dwarf you till you back out or disappear.  You have no idea that by provoking me you have actually made me strong.  By fighting back, I became wiser, more confident and gained new experiences.  My battle with you was a learning process for me.  

Hence, I am not going to rest till I have learnt how to deal with you permanently.  You are stubborn and will keep interfering with my life, but I now have courage with me and courage and I will meet you together.  Ever since I came to know how you fear courage, I have embraced courage and have learnt to solve my problems.  

Today, I am strong enough to challenge you and will chase you instead of the other way around.

You may now show up any time, but you will never find me alone, weak or vulnerable.  I will be armed with latest brand and version of courage and strength.  While you are blunt and impose yourself on me, I will further equip myself with patience and wisdom and face you fair and square.

Actually I should thank you for making me  immune to you and your tricks.  Whenever and wherever you may show up, I will be so ready.

Yours sincerely,

Encl : A picture of thorns.  This is how I vision you as but I now know how to pull you out (of my life).

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Keep your hopes high, let it not die!

Here is a picture where amidst the shadows of despair, peeks the light of hope.  The Dawn of Hope.  A perfect picture to depict my thoughts and perspectives on hope.

Hope is one rope that we should always hold on to. Sometimes the rope of hope may bruise our hands, cause them to bleed or may almost seem to be slipping away from our hands. No matter what, hold tight to the rope of hope and let nothing diminish your courage and faith.  NO MATTER WHAT!!

Remember : 

It is hope that builds dark clouds of rain on hot summer days and hope rains on us.

It is hope that overturns our sickness into wellness.

It is hope that patches up our shattered relationships.

It is hope that brings us from the darkness of ignorance to illumination. 

It is hope that brings the scattered family together.

It is hope that gives us the chance to see  miracles. 

If we lose hope, we will lose everything. 

Let not despair settle on us and prevent us from seeing the Dawn of Hope.  Wait and watch, the night of darkness will go and morning will come with the message of fulfillment of hope.  

Photo: Courtesy - Uzair Hussain  (Uzibaba).

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

An invisible thing called Purpose

Sometimes we just see what appears to the eyes and fail to see anything beyond them.  We see the beautiful flowers swaying wildly in the cool breeze, but we do not see the joy they bring, the inspiration they give and the nature behind them.

Purpose is an invisible ingredient in every recipe of life, as a slice of happiness, a broken heart, tearful eyes, a big smile, or our disappointments.

When situations emerge in our lives, deep within their folds are hidden purposes.  What we fail to see are the bits and pieces of important lessons, tests, chances of experiences, ladders of confidence and so much more.  But all along ,we remained focused just at the physical appearance of the conditions and missed the purpose and thereby gained nothing,

Consequently, we had to keep undergoing the same situations, over and over, till the purpose was apparent to us.  

Hence, to get out of an undesirable situation or to continue to remain in a favorable situation,   we need to think positively rather than complaining or getting over confident.

Purpose is the torch  of our life.  We can handle any situation if only we understand the purpose behind it.  We also need to know another very important message of life.  Everything that happens to us, over which we have no control, has a good purpose.  "It is for our own good."

Stop complaining and start working.   Stay tuned on "purpose. "

Monday, July 25, 2016

I owe you an explanation (some of you)

I truly apologize to those of you whom I did not compliment, praise, or applaud for undisclosed reasons. 

 I saw your extravagance and felt that if I applauded you, it would be a wrong encouragement.   I  saw your lavish life and did not compliment you because I felt sorry for you....... for wasting your hard earned money.  I saw you exorbitant attires but watched you silently without praising you because I realized that by doing so you are depriving the needy and the underprivileged.   I felt my praises may encourage you and others who may want to follow in your footsteps.  

To discourage such wastage, I often refrain from commenting on social media.  I strongly feel that my response may make a difference.  Although in childhood I often heard the proverb that one swallow does not make a summer, but I somehow feel that I should not give up my solo effort.  

I feel that a lot of wastage of time, money and energy would not happen if we do not encourage it.  I took this step to make a difference and save myself from guilt and further regrets.

I apologize for having disappointed you,  but all the same I feel that one day you will appreciate individuals like me.  

Sometimes the only method of communication is by silent disapproval rather than by open criticism.  

I was never jealous of your great life but simply felt sorry for your wastage of precious time and effort.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Know each other (first)

Give people a chance to know you and give yourself time to know people.  We often form opinions about people without knowing them and get upset with people for criticizing us.  Both situations need a little work.    

I don't know where and how to start in dealing with this common and everyday conflict.  This is a tug of war in which we just jump to conclusions without analyzing or  trying to empathize with one another. As a result, we usually get disappointed or even depressed when we are misunderstood.  

Let us take one situation at a time and start with trying not to be judgemental.   How little we may know about a person usually seems enough to us to form labels or opinions about them.  This to me is sheer injustice.  Would we want to be handled in this way?  Absolutely not!  We should take time to know the person before penalizing or praising them. We should neither get too carried away with a person to encourage them in a wrong way nor be biased and treat them unjustly.    

Similarly, people judge us without knowing us.  Take it easy.  Once they will get to know us, they might change their opinions. Hence, give them time and also a fat chance to know you.

Hasty decisions about a person's character can be very damaging in either way.  Reserve your judgements and be more observant.  Do not state your opinions as fact.  Every one deserves justice and a better chance.

Opinions count as long as they are fair and honest.  If there are doubts, withdraw your opinions in silence before you assassinate  a character recklessly.  

Knowing each other is far more important than ignorantly labeling people out of impulse.  Let us get to know each other........................ first!

Saturday, July 23, 2016


My picture today represents Rights and Duties.  Which is which is not hard to guess. Of course, everyone knows.  By everyone I mean Tom, Dick and Harry.  While rights are standing tall, claimed, reserved, snatched, and fought for, duties lie forgotten, forlorn, ignored, cold, hungry, frustrated, short and dwarfed.

Today it is all about Rights.  I am right! It is my right, I want my right, Don't  I have a right? Where is my right?

But what about Duties?   Don't rights and duties work simultaneously?  
Ha ha, not anymore says "EVERYONE"
Duties seem so old fashioned,  orthodox and cumbersome.   We have no duties whatsoever.  We just exercise our rights, bundle up the duties and toss them into other's backyards. 

When it comes to duties, we are quick to say, "It is their duty", "your duty", "his duty" and "her duty",  while I am stripped of all duties and warmly covered with layers of rights.  Smart thinking Eh! Well it is the Era of smartphone, so we are all getting smart!

This is what the present scenario is.  We are all claiming rights while no one is conscious about their duties.  So absurd. But perhaps this is the new normal.

 As a blogger, I want to express my opinion : 

Duties and Rights are inseparable.  Why is it so difficult to understand this simple rule? What are rights for us, are someone else's duties and our duties are someone else's rights.  They do not make sense without each other.  Alone they are meaningless and baseless.  They support each other.  

How can you claim rights when you are not ready to give them?  Do I have the right to write about this saga?  Or is it just my duty to write blogposts, which I am more than happy to fulfill.

Rights and duties go hand in hand.  They complete each other. To put a peaceful end to our conflict between rights and duties, let us not ask for something when we are not ready to do our part.  Right?  Duties first!   

Mother's Law Prevails

The law that comes with our very existence, the law that we all followed even before we were born, the law we opened our eyes to! The sweet, caring, natural and forceful LAW of MOMS.

No matter how irrational it is, how insane it may be, or how impossible it appears, once she has said it, it stays put.  She makes sure that it is incorporated.  You cannot avoid it, evade it, escape it, ignore it, skip it.  It looms large till you have embraced it.

This is how it works:








Her law works and works all the time because no one knows you more than your mother.  She has lived with your follies, your nonsense, your awkwardness, your weaknesses and embraced them all, each time she embraced you.  She is the only person who can make you do things against your will because she knows you can do it but fear is holding you back.

Nobody in the world can tolerate you more than your mother.  Those, whose moms are still around will disagree as they are still blessed with the opportunity of being pampered.  But for those whose moms are no more, they are desperately on the look out for someone who can put up with their nonsense.

Mom's law is what we have opened our eyes to.  Accept it or not, it will keep  bothering you and you will eventually learn to live with it. It stays with us all along......................

Friday, July 22, 2016

We complain more, appreciate less!

I chose this picture to represent my blog because it shows a path with sunshine and shadows, the path of life where we block the sunshine with our own shadows of thought.

We are the cause of the shadows in our own path of sunshine.  We worry much more about the things we do not have and care little to nothing about what we do have, thereby, blocking our own progress and happiness. Can we ignore the beauty of our life and focus on the darkness?  Life cannot carry on like this.

We complain about the people who do not care for us and fail to appreciate the ones who do.

We care more for the people who do not greet us than for those who greet us
We care more for the people who forget us than for those who remember us
We care more for the people who do not respond to our posts on social media than for the ones who respond
We care more for the people who leave us than for the people who stay by us
We care more for the people who hurt us than the ones who love us

All along, the pattern shows that we care way more for the wrong people in our life than for the right people.  How is it their fault for making our lives miserable? Is it not we,  who choose to be miserable and keep blaming others??

For once, focus on the right things, the good stuff, the caring people and you will know the difference.  Life will automatically move towards the positive direction and that is where we are suppose to be.

Be grateful and contented with what you have rather than wish for the bad stuff you don't have.  

"What you have was meant to be yours, what you don't was never meant for you".

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Message of kindness

Kindness is unconditional, pure, true feelings that originates right from the heart.  Where there is love, there is kindness.  Where there is kindness, there is everything.

My message today is a very kind message.  Do kindness, show kindness and spread kindness all along indiscriminately.   Kindness is not measured by its size but by its depth. A small act of kindness can make a huge difference.  Sometimes it feels that it is making no difference.  Let this feeling not discourage you.  In fact let nothing hold us back from our mission of kindness.  We draw personal satisfaction from our acts of kindness and that is sufficient for us to makes us keep going.  Some differences we are making are invisible but all the same it is there.  Hence, let us keep planting the seeds of kindness.

Our simple acts of kindness is putting a smile on so many faces, brightening up so many eyes, uplifting spirit,  putting people back on their feet.  We are touching people's heart by our wand of kindness and making  them glow with happiness.

Kindness can travel much further than any amount of money can.  There is no medication for happiness, motivation, comfort other than kindness.  The purity of kindness reaches the heart faster than the force of gravity.  Kindness brings us together and keeps us together.

We may not see the outcome of our kindness but it's impact is  certainly there.  When it comes to being kind, give it your best.  We need a whole lot of kindness to brighten up those disappointed eyes, darkened lives and dwindling hopes.  Keep walking on the path of kindness, we have millions of hearts to reach!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Cannot help? Don't obstruct. Step aside.....!

Wow!  Look at that little bird!  Seems lost, lonely and helpless.  It needs help or so it seems to me.  Now this gives me an idea.  Sometimes we do want to help.  But we either do not know how or are to helpless to be of help.

Where we cannot help, let someone else do the job. Or do not obstruct by cutting  the weak branch where the bird has perched itself.  That is its survival kit no matter how weak the branch may appear to be.

Have I confused you?  Well, what I am trying to say is, it's okay that sometimes we are not able to help, but all the same we should try not to make circumstances worse by trying or pretending to help.  By not adding to a problem is itself a helpfull act.

Say for instance,  gossip.   We hear it, add to it and further, spread it.  If we cannot stop people from gossiping, at least we can refrain from spicing it up or letting it go beyond our ears.  

Help does not only mean to DO something.  Sometimes the act of help is much simpler.  One can even help just by NOT DOING anything..........negative or harmful.  We did nothing and yet helped a lot.

Strange, right?  Sometimes we can help by doing nothing.  

1.  What we cannot do we should leave it for someone  else who can handle it better.

2.  What we cannot stop it, we can at least not add to it or spread it.
3.  When we do not understand the problem, we should first take time to understand it before finding the solution and ignorantly jumping into conclusion.   

Moral : If you cannot do any good, just do not do anything bad or create obstruction.  Simply step aside.  

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The POWER of Time

Time has hidden power in its folds.  As it unfolds it reveals it's strength along with shocks and surprises. Surprises all along, that speak loud and clear of the Power of time.

Time exercises it power in various modes.  It changes, modifies, introduces, eliminates, creates, heals etc.  Now let us analyze how it works in different aspects of our life 

Time changes the order of our priorities.   What was once very important to us becomes insignificant.  

Time changes relationships.  Best friends become worst enemies and worst enemies can cling together like bosom buddies.  

Time changes positions.  The giver becomes the taker and the one who had been on the receiving end has plenty to give.  

Time heals all wounds no matter how deep, ugly or serious it may have been.  

Every one of us bow down and bend to time.  Time has secret hands.  Do not dare to challenge time.   Time will take you to places you least expected to be in and also take you away from the place you never expected to leave.  

Time can add and subtract in life. Time can make a huge difference.  Believe in the Power of time and stay humble.  It will help to face the wrath and blows of time.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Move on........and keep moving.

Life is an onward....ongoing journey.  So, keep moving.  Do not let anyone or anything come in your way or hold you back.  There is a lot to do and a lot to achieve.   There are big tasks and we have no time to wait, watch and waste.

Life is a forward march.  No matter what or how little your pace is but keep moving.  Even if there is no movement forward, just do not revert.  It is better to stop and ponder than to move backward and dwell in the shadows of the past.

Life is an ongoing process.  Any decision you have made , just stand by it.  Do not falter, because you have chances to alter and improve.  No matter what comes your way, face it .  Let not fear and doubt hold you back or make you slack.

Life is time, and time moves forward.  The clock of time does not function backward.  It tick tocks and moves with leaps and bounds.  We have no time to stop and stare.  We got to keep pace with all that comes our way, be it opportunity or disaster.  We need to tackle them both.

"Time and tide waits for none", so let us make the most of life while we are hurriedly passing by on our one way through the journey of life.

Advice in Abundance

Who says nothing in the world is free?  Have you ever done the mistake of trying to seek help?  You will be drowned by unwanted, unasked-for advices.  Tons of it.  Yes exactly, you asked for help, right?  But  landed up getting an armful of meaningless advice. 
I happened to discuss a couple of personal issues with my friend, aka my well wisher.  She generously showered me with advice.  She told me what to do and what not to do, which I was already doing and then she further took the opportunity to tell me of her own miserable past which made me more depressed.  I thought to myself, wasn't she suppose to Help?  Is this called help?

This new kind of help is such, when a hungry man comes for help, all the help he gets is advice which basically tells him that he needs to look for food.  But doesn't he already know that and isn't that what he is doing?  Gosh!

While we are quick enough to tell others what to do, let us also realize what "we" need to do.  People seek help when things are out of control and they need aid.  They are doing their best already.  Now when you have been approached, it is your turn to do your part.  You either do it or acknowledge your inability.   Do not cover your inability by spraying bullets of repetitive, unhelpful advice.  You cannot help, you do not want to help and you seek refuge in your generosity of advice, hence making the person more miserable?

 How is that helpful?

When help is needed, give help not advice.  Let us keep this precious and invaluable and expert advice for ourselves and see if it works.  Good luck with that!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Return of the Devils

Today I got a great idea which kind of amused me and amazed me. Think about it, to what limit can we go.  Sometimes we surpass all limits and we simply have no idea what we are talking about.   Well, actually that is the time there are some traces of honesty in our words and we expose our true selves and true feelings as well.  If you feel mystified,  read along to find out what i am up to.

When dark clouds gather around, when storms hit, when cold winds blow, when you find yourself drowning do you know  what happens next?  Any idea?

That is the exact point in life when we feel abandoned,  isolated,  denied, disappointed,  frustrated,  let down etc.  I wish I had a greater vocabulary to further add to my list of explanatory words.  To  add salt to our wounded state, some so called kind hearted people will also dare to say, that they would be with us when things "get better".  But what about now?  It is NOW that I need you.  You are calling them desperately and beseeching them not to leave you alone.  They do not look back, but vanish...........!

You struggle... you strive... you sweat... you swear... you slog... and somehow you carry on.  A few good souls, (mostly strangers),  stop by and lend you a helping hand...some words of comfort...maybe a shoulder to cry on...and you manage with that, to somehow overcome and free yourself from the shackles of misery from around your ankles.  Eventually you  gathered enough courage to race and run.  Guess who shows up NOW???

Wow, you are smart!  You guessed right. The Return of the Devils.  The very people who vanished from your miserable life are now here, right next to you, to rejoice with you and surprisingly to applaud and say that

You gasp, you try to swallow, you are shocked and you pass out or should I say, almost die of shock.  What?  You believed in me?  The best decision at that time is, let go.  Let these people go who were never part of your sorrow or your life.  

By the way, I apologize for using the word devil but in my great mood I just could not come up with a better word for such people. 

Help has  finally come, when you do not need it.........!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Is money the only sign of blessing?

While we sit for a cup of tea, today, let us discuss whether money is actually
a form of blessing

Prosperity, wealth and success are some of the most popular versions of blessings.  But today money has surpassed everything and seems to be the only sign and proof of blessing. So you are not recognized as blessed till you are doing well in the materialistic world?  Is that so?  Can nothing other than this can be considered as a blessing anymore?  That is indeed a sad state of affairs.

While the value of money is going up, up and up, values of other things are coming down or should we say it is the other way around.  If money is the only blessing by today's standard, what about health, peace, honor, and contentment?   Things that are felt and in fact long lasting too.  Are they not blessings anymore?

Today, one is assessed by their money, honored for their money, recognized by their money.  It all starts with the jingling coin and ends with the crunchy currency.  That's it?

That is how superficial and hollow life has become.  We fail to look beyond this five letter word and call ourselves successful?  We are so short sighted and yet behave far sighted and plan for years ahead of us?  We measure everything with money instead of with our Wisdom?  I am so done and so Dumbfounded!

To me, money is not the sole means of blessings. What about family, friendship, health, safety, honor, peace, contentment and happiness? Have we become this blind that we overlook these important values of life, which seldom, if ever, cost us a cent.

If life starts with money and stops with it, we are living a very confined and deprived life.  We are unable to  jump out of the arena of money just because we feel so blessed...... and important....... in a very foolish and ignorant way!!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Silence vs Words

Words are no match to silence.  A moment of silence can convey what a whole lot of words cannot.  No words can describe the value of silence.  Silence is golden while words are empty.

We are always short of words....we often run out of words, whereas silence is infinite.   Words lets us down but silence lifts us up.  Words are empty, silence is wholesome.   Words can be twisted or changed, but silence cannot be touched.  Words end but silence follows us to our grave .  Words are sweet, sour, nasty etc. Silence is always sweet and priceless.

Silence is deep whereas words are superficial.  Silence has an impact, words have no weight.  

I can go on and on to emphasize the difference between and the significance of silence over words.  But I would like to stop here and be silent for I am running out of words.  The rest of the explanation will be left unsaid.  Silence will take care of it.  

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Disappointments are a BID

Do not get disappointed with disappointments.  Did I use the word disappointment.......too many times?  No, no, no I am not disappointed.  That is what I want to emphasize on.  Let me use another word and make it more explicit.  Do not 'despair.' How about this?

Disappointments are not really setbacks.  They may appear so.  But do not get so caught up in the negativity of it.  Cast it as a BID.  Yes B.I.D. which is an abbreviation for blessing in disguise.  As it is said that every cloud has a silver lining, every disappointment has concealed blessings.  Do not just stop at the screen of disappointment, look beyond it.  Somewhere, somehow is a hidden blessing which you will discover eventually if not at once.  

Disappointments comes in various shapes, sizes and colors.  No matter how it may appear, just shove it aside and move on.  Yes, here is a bright idea, the brightest of all.  Disappoint Disappointments.  Show them your strength and your will power to ignore and eschew them.  OMG!  Where did they vanish?

Are you still disappointed? Not any more......right?  That's the spirit I am looking for.  No one disappoints me because I know the BID and do too!