Sunday, December 31, 2017


Yes we will !
May this year be a year of Peace, Joy and Prosperity for everyone everywhere.

May this year be a year of fulfilment of dreams and hopes.

May this year be a year of success, strength and courage.

May this year be a year of contentment and self sufficiency.

Thank you for reading, subscribing and commenting on "Unspoken words."

Unspoken words would have remained stifled without you.....confined without you.  Thanks for sharing it, thanks for spreading it.

In 2018, I have a lot to share with you and learn with you.  

May it be the BEST year of our lives and every year to follow keep getting better and still better.

2018 : Here we come !

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 4

Knock ! Knock !
Who's there?
2018 is knocking at the door.  We are just a fews days away from brand new year.....a new brand of year.  Yet so much can happen in such a little time.

No one knows which one if us will make it to 2018.  No one will know even till the midnight of December 31 who will cross the dusk of 2017 and set foot on the dawn of 2018.

Anyway let us focus on what lies ahead of us.  We are about to set foot on a new era, a time frame of new promises, a chance to build new memories, to reconcile with old relations and develop new ones and many unspoken true feelings and emotions. 


Monday, December 25, 2017

Goodbye 2017 !

While we bid farewell to 2017 with heavy hearts and tearful eyes, guess what!

Time to review and recollect :

Let's get started !  


2017 had it's good and bad days, easy and tough times, boring and interesting periods, fun and scary moments and all kinds of good and bad experiences.  

New people came, some old ones walked away from us, while  some left the world and became memories.  

There was so much to learn, to explore, to realize, to discover, to uncover.  We matured, changed, shrivelled and bloomed.  We gained strength and confidence, while simultaneously losing hope, energy, interest, stamina and a year of our lives.


We built up so many memories, instances that made us happy, sad, laugh, cry, angry etc.  

Places we went to, events we attended, situations we faced, shocks we incurred, fears we overcame.  Wow!  Its a whole rainbow of remembrance! 

2017 could be the last whole year of our lives, could be the end of so many episodes,  milestones or beginnings of chances and changed circumstances.

No matter what!  Lets be thankful and contented.  2017 will not reappear but it will always be cherished.  

GOODBYE 2017 !

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 3.

Let's REVIVE :

A brand new year is around the corner with brand new opportunities.   Let's revive all that dwindled,  fainted and blew away.  Let's drag it back and restore and revive what we can and all we can.  

Lets bring back the smile on the sad faces, peace where there is disturbances, optimism where there is darkness, dismal and disappointment and replace stress with calm and tranquility, and spray love over walls of hatred.  

We have work to do........ BEFORE 2018 comes knocking at our door.

Can we do it?  Yes, yes and YES!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

We are all stories !

We are all stories, some kind of story.....sad, happy, short, voluminous or some other categories.  We dont know.  Nobody knows.  We may know how we started but none of us know the ending of our stories, even after our stories have ended.

Yes!  We are each definitely the author of our stories but are short of the words and the time to write the ending.   Destiny holds the ending and this ending is based on our introduction and body of our lifelong episode.  Some stories end before it begins, some are very short stories, some are scary, some are unbelievable.  

But no matter what and how the stories maybe, the interesting part is who knows who will live to read and narrate whose story.  While today we are reading stories, tomorrow our stories will be read.  

We are writers of our stories.  Our stories which will be rewritten  according to the reputation we will leave behind.  Our achievements may not be seen by others as our glory but as how and what we made others feel and how we treated them.  What impact we left behind and what differences we made.  

Today we are so conspicuous,  so significant, so glaring but soonafter everything will faint and fade away and from story we will be history.  We will be forlorn and forgotten and remembered once in a while.  

Yes we are all stories.  And it will all begin with, "Once upon a time....."
Nothing more.........!  

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 2

Let's make a vow to ourselves for 2018.

We will march forward, we will keep walking, heads held high and NEVER give up.  Nothing will deter us because we are determined.

Giving up is like accepting our weaknesses, our incapabilities, our laziness and other aspects that we can easily overcome but refuse due to NO reason.

Let 2018 be a year of strength, courage and patience.  Let it be a year of accomplishment.   We will not give up  till.....we have achieved everything or something.  We can do it.  All we need is time and DETERMINATION. we come.  There will be no termination or elimination but determination.  
We know we can and we will.  WE WILL!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

BlogCEMBER Part 1

Here comes December, the last month of the year, the time to look back at the year-long achievement, but most importantly the time to look ahead to a brand  new year.

It's time to celebrate the forthcoming year.  Celebrate the hopes, the plans, the wishes, the desires, the goals, the target, fulfilment of dreams and so many schemes.

We all like to dream, dream BIG.......
Build hopes, reach for the Stars, long for the moon. Well, this is the time ! The ending that announces the beginning.

Let's end to begin, finish to start, drop to pick, stop to resume.  Yes this is that time of the year.......that magical time when we bid farewell to say welcome.  It's all so mixed up with so much contrast and contradiction.

December is the exit to an entrance.  We pack up to unpack. It's a threshold when we dismount to take another bus.

We are at that crucial point, when a lot is going on in our minds.  Mixed feelings between what we have achieved and what we want to achieve.  

What's going on in your mind?  Share it with us !

Stay tuned for BlogCEMBER Part 2 on December 13.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Coming up SOON........BlogCEMBER !

Soon we will be transitioning to BlogCEMBER from blogVEMBER.  Yes BlogCEMBER, that is dedicated to the month of December.   The only difference being, from V to C.  In blogVEMBER we Visualized.  In BlogCEMBER, we will be Celebrating.  We visualized 2017 and now we are about to celebrate the upcoming year 2018.  

BlogCEMBER is going to be about how to prepare for the forthcoming year and how to make it REMARKABLE.  

There will be four sections of blogCEMBER starting from December 06.  

Stay tuned.  Stay focused....... while we gradually approach the threshold of a brand new year, with great hope, zeal and enthusiasm.   

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 5

Here comes the last piece of BlogVEMBER.                        Something to Remember.  
               Yes it has been so much joy 
           to share the month of November. 

We are about to bid goodbye to November and soon we will be at the end of the year.   How about making this year EXTRA special by making someone's dream come true and making it special for them too.  

What may be small and ordinary for us, may be something great for someone.  With our little effort or a small sacrifice, we can bring immense joy to someone who is drowning in deep despair.  By going just an extra mile, we can rekindle hope for someone.  

Yes, there are so many ways and means to make so many dreams come true.  If only.....we make a little attempt.   The little we can do can mean a lot to someone.

So......let's do it.  This is the finest finale we can give to this parting year.  Make 2017 memorable with a great contribution  by making it great for each other.  

This is the end of blogVEMBER.  
December will bring blog..........? (TBA).

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 4

Appreciation  Drive :

This is the fourth week of BlogVEMBER......oops November 2017.  This week's theme is "appreciation. "  I have a very special reason for dedicating this week to appreciation.   

The year is running out and so is time.  Not everyone in the race will remain long in the race.  We do not know who has how much chances of carrying on.  Hence let us appreciate each other while they are still "around."

In the journey of the last almost 11 months, let us take out a fraction of the time to thank each and every one who has shown kindness to us in someway or the other, no matter how small it may seem. 

Now that we have ample ways and means to express our gratitude, be it social media,  text, phone calls, or if possible even a visit.  Let's do it.  

"THANK YOU, "  Two words say it all.  They mean a lot.  Let us not leave them unsaid.   

Stay tuned for the LAST BlogVEMBER on November 29.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 3

Keeping promises :

My BlogVEMBER continues and this is Part III for today starts the third week of November.   The first two parts were :

It's November 2017

If you have not read the first two parts, this blog may not make  much sense to you.   Don't get me wrong.  I am not tricking you to read my blogs.  Seriously! 

So far we talked about doing wonderful things in the month of November like making the year worthwhile and memorable, patching up and letting go of grudges.  The theme of this blog listen  carefully.  I do not mean to make you blush and feel guilty.  I am just suggesting.  All I want to talk about is fulfilling your promises.  All kinds of promises made to all kinds of people.  Let us keep up these promises BEFORE the dusk of 2017.  Let not the sun set on your unfulfilled promises, vows and commitments.

Make hay while the sun shines.  Keep your words while the sun of 2017 shines.  Be a person of integrity and learn not to be too hasty in making promises which may be hard to keep.  

Promises fulfilled are missions accomplished! 

Stay tuned for more BlogVEMBER posts on November 22 & 29.

Monday, November 6, 2017

BlogVEMBER Part 2

So you are wondering what's "Blogvember?" Right!  Yes, this is dedicated to the month of November.   I decided to  name it after the month which has a great significance in so many ways, one of them being that this is the second last month of the year.

How is that important is your question now.  This month is an important reminder to us that the year is coming to an end and we still happen to have ample time to do something worthwhile, significant and memorable, to catch up with our agenda and dreams for 2017.

One of the most beautiful  way to add to this year's beauty is to patch up with someone, renew relationships, let go of old grudges, crush your ego that came on the way and damaged the it friendship or family ties.

What better way can there be to end the year than to build up and reconcile.  Think about it.  Time is short and we do not know (yet), how many of us will be able to make it to 2018.........

More Blogvember coming up...........!  Stay tuned and subscribe. 

(PART 1 : IT'S  NOVEMBER 2017).

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Complain & Blame

Just like the drowning man catches hold of a straw, the coward takes refuge in COMPLAINTS AND BLAME.  Yes!  That is their only hope and only way to justify their inability and uselessness.  

Blaming and complaining has no end other than disaster.  This is where it eventually leads.

When we take this direction,  we stand in the way of our own sunshine and block our success.   We turn the seasons of our life into dark and gloomy days just like the picture above depicts.

Why would we ever blame others for our actions, decisions and choices? If we happen to think that others have harmed us in some way or the other, it is their decision and they will face the consequences.  But what we are facing are the consequences of our own choices.  

We should learn to hold ourselves responsible for the musfortunes in our lives, just the way we hold ourselves responsible for the fortunes in our lives.  Courage, bravery and generosity  lies in taking credit AND blame.  This balances life like nothing else does.

When we have the urge to blame others and whine away, let us first blame ourselves for listening to them, taking favors from them and submitting to them.  It was all our own decision and weakness.  

No amount of complaining will ever help.  To get to the road to recovery the very first step is to take the blame and squish all complains.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Looking for something?

We are all looking for SOMETHING and land up saying there is nothing left now!  No sincerity, no loyalty, no truth, no respect, just about nothing.  It is all hollow, empty, bare etc.  

Very true!  There is nothing left and nothing much to talk about.  But, we often forget to look at the right place where we can find EVERYTHING that we are looking for.  Yes everything that we need, wish or desire.  Where that can be?

Did I get you curious or confused or maybe irritated?  I apologise if I did so.  I did not mean to.  All I wanted was to create a little suspense and have fun.  Ooops!  I know it's not funny  and I should come out with what I exactly want to say.  Right!

Okay that's alright.  I will not try your patience any longer.  So, my question was, "Looking for something? "  Here is the short and simple reply to what you were waiting for.  Anything that we are all looking for is WITHIN us.  In our grip and in our reach.  Its all within us forgotten,forlorn, abandoned, unused and we are looking for it "elsewhere?"

What we cannot find within us, we cannnot find it anywhere, be it LOVE, PEACE, SINCERITY, Joy etc.  These are generated within us and by us.  Why are we looking for it far and wide?  WHY?

Still looking for something?   Now you know where to find it.  

Look's right there.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It's November 2017.

We are on the threshold of welcoming another year and about to bid farewell to 2017.  Let us take a quick look at 2017 which is about to become HISTORY !

Like every other year, 2017 had its good and bad days, rainy and sunny days, tough and easy days.  It has been a learning experience, a period of opportunities, used and unused, and a passage of time.

Yet there will be so many days to cherish.  A whole year of additions and subtractions.  While some left us, others came in.  There were losses and gains.  

But what I really want to talk about that we are left with two WHOLE months, let us make the most of them.  It is not the question of how.  It is a matter of our own personal will.  A determination of not letting this year go by without having made some difference to ourselves and to others.  Let us set out on the road to achievement.  Let's just do it! 

Buckle up, shuffle our bones and muscles, ruffle our hair, stand our ground and call it a race.  Let us do all we can to make this year memorable.  

No one knows who has how much time!  Unfortunately!   But nothing to worry about.   Before this year comes to an end, let us stride with pride to achieve all we can.  We have the time!  Sixty one days to be a little nicer, a little kinder, a little more considerate, compromising, cooperative, constructive,  positive and optimistic.  Any and everything, to make this year end on a happy note.  

Improvement and means of improvement lie before us.  All we have to do is focus and reach for them.  Soon, 2017 will be a year worthwhile.  This is my request and reminder to all my viewers.  Make this year a little  nicer.   



Thursday, October 19, 2017

Freedom & Responsibility !

Earlier I had written a blog on, "Rights overshadows Duties".  

Similarly  this blog is on Freedom and Responsibilities.   Just like Rights and Duties have a strong connection, freedom and responsibilities  come together.  They coexist. They are hooked.

Freedom does not mean being savage and doing whatever we feel like.  With freedom comes the price tag of responsibility, also known as accountability. 

While we enjoy the freedom of expression,  action, happiness  etc. we are also tied down with limits, boundaries and consequences.   Freedom does not mean sheer enjoyment.  There is a lot more to it.  While freedom gives us more choices, it takes away from us the right to blame others.  We are not slaves anymore that we can just put the blame on our masters.

When we have the privilege to take, we should subsequently learn to give.  While we attain freedom, we cannot hold anyone hostage.  The real freedom lies in giving the same freedom to others.

In slavery there is actually no slave or master.  It is just slavery.  Both tie down each other.  One cannot supervise or dictate without any stress.  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Unspoken Words speaks for you!

Unspoken words are words that have been buried, not voiced, hidden, undiscovered,  undisclosed,  forgotten and lost.  Valuable and golden words that never found their way out, feelings that were never vented nor expressed.

"Unspoken Words", is an effort to help bring out the best and eliminate the rest.  It is a tireless  attempt to bring joy, to add to the existing joy and keep the boat of joy sailing forever. 

Through this blog we want to share unspoken  pain, feelings, thoughts, views and opinions. 

Above all, we want you to know and understand that you are NOT alone.  Whatever you may be undergoing,  there are many others facing the same obstacles and difficulties.  Let us reach out and together we can find our way out of ANY and EVERY  rough and tough situation and condition.   

Yes we can do it. Let us be each other's voice, each other's strength  and each others companion.  

Unspoken words understand and shares your unspoken pain and strives to bring you unspoken happiness.  What is today UNSPOKEN, will one day be heard........LOUD AND CLEAR.

Diamond in the Rust

While everyone, everywhere is getting  intoxicated by technology,  there are yet kids who are giving preference to "ART."  Amazing!  Right? 

Yes, it is not only amazing, it is motivating.  It  sparks hope amidst ashes.  

While today's world is dominated by technology, it is a joy to see kids reaching out for art and creativity.  They are keeping up the flag of aesthitic value.

Art is a mean of beauty, pureness, individuality, uniqueness, and a measure of inner expression.  All these infinite talents gets submerged in technology  where all personal identity gets mixed up and drowned into stereotypes. No matter what, art and creativity stand out like stars....... in a very dark night.

Let us help keep up the dwindling value of art and creativity that brings joy and lifts our gift of talent.


While technology is a mode to advance and retrieve  information , art should not be discarded and forgotten.   

Art is the only form of reaching out which gives a very personal touch and speaks a language that technology is yet to discover.

P.S. Real works of art by a seven year old girl.
       This displays her love for beauty and joy 
       for creativity.          

Monday, October 2, 2017

22222 - Too many Twos!

Yes too many Twos !!

 It's all Twos, all - the -way.  To be exact, it is 22,222.  That is how many are my views to this point.  Wow!  I am amazed at you....... for making so many Twos.  It's you, who gave me so many twos by reading my blog posts.

With every view, every comment, every shared  posts I gained new confidence, new strength, and a new urge to write and aim for new heights.

If not because of U,  there wouldn't be so many twos.  Thanks for getting me there, from NOWHERE to SOMEWHERE , from a scratch to new heights.

I have learnt to share, I have learnt to care because of YOU, who set my mind to gear.  All because of you, I could dare, dare to voice my opinions, my thoughts and my unspoken words.

You did it!  You put the twos together for me and made it 22222.

Cheers to YOU!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Social Media promotes Good Deeds. Part III

Social media plays a vital role in Reconnecting & Recollecting !

As we travel in life, we lose relations,  we lose contacts and we lose track of our past.  Social media helps restore it all.  Amazing!  Right?

Yes, very true.   Just too true to believe.  While we had thought that we would never meet our childhood friends, our relatives, neighbors, colleagues ever again,  along came Social Media and locked us together into old ties and kinship.  How awesome!  Wait, it gets better..........

Social media not only brings us together, it ALSO puts together shreds of our memories, bygone days, our celebrations and makes us celebrities.  Wow!  

Social Media.  You have done it all.  So much so, that it has become a swift journey down memory lane to dig out the lost and forgotten "good old days and bad days too."  But it doesn't seem bad now, as we recollect and cherish them.

Social Media.  We owe you a lot.   You have help put pieces together and give new dimension to our life.  

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Just TWO too easy steps to GOOD DEEDS ! Part Ii

Good deeds are not hard to find.  Very true.  But, they are not too noticeable too.  One needs to know WHERE and HOW to find them.  

Here are TWO, just two very easy, simple, short and direct methods that point nowhere but towards GOOD DEEDS :

Lets get started  !

1.     Good deeds begin where bad deeds end.  At once, bid farewell to bad deeds.  Do nothing, NOTHING, but do not do anything bad or harmful or damaging or negative.  STOP IT ! Any bad deed, no matter how invisible it may look, causes damage which could destroy someone,  somewhere and somehow.

2.  Start goods deeds no matter how small,  insignificant and microscopic they may seem.  Do not underestimate any good deed.  What may appear a tiny speck to us may be big and important enough to change someone's life.  

All one needs to do is Stop to Start !  How hard can that be. Brake gradually to STOP and accelerate eventually to START !

You are on the track......the right track...on your way to good deeds.  Don't stop !  Keep going !  


We all like to meet good people,  have good people  around us and be like good people.   And that is fine, infact more than fine.  For who wouldn't like that except for insane people.  Nobody, absolutely nobody,  wants or likes bad people.  Why would they?   No single reason, even though we ourselves may sometimes be bad.

Contrary  to bad people, good people are not much of a learning  material.  All that we learn from them is how to be good and more and more good and continue being good.  

It is the bad people who teaches us the very important lessons of life.  Patience and tolerance  are the key lessons we learn from them.  To differentiate between good and bad, how people feel about you when you are bad, how you make people uncomfortable,  how you have to swallow your anger, how you learn to ignore and eschew and above all how to deal with difficult situations.  

We are challenged in so many ways by bad people that eventually we emerge 
very confident, strong and brave.  We have learnt our lessons well enough to undergo tests and trials in life.  They are an important  component of life who carve us, polish us and make us lose our sense to replace them with wisdom.  

Bad people are not so bad "after all."  They are the ones who teach us to be good.  

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Message for Fall !

Start of a brand new season!  Here is a message for this beautiful season when the leaves are falling, changing colors, the weather is changing too and the season is welcoming everything with open arms.  It is just so amazing.  Wow!

The season of Fall makes me fall in love with nature all over and inspires me to rise.......rise in spirit and rise in good deeds.

It brings a lot of message and good tidings. While the leaves are falling, all shapes and sizes, all hues and fragrances, they are making place for new leaves ready to sprout.  

The message is clear and vibrant.  Let us be ready to make some good changes in life.  Let go of old grudges, negative feelings and welcome new and fresh ideas.  Let this FALL makes us RISE. Rise in our thoughts, our feelings and rise in our own eyes.  

Rise and fall is the order of the day, the order of life itself  but let our purpose be good and solid.  Something that makes us move forward, not remain stagnant or reverse.  

Fall is here, leaves are everywhere, let us turn on a new leaf........a better one of course!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Social media promotes good deed. Part I

Good deeds are on the rise and reaching new heights and magnitude. There is no limit to it, not even the sky.  It is scraping right through the clouds and merging and disappearing onto the  horizon.  "All because of SOCIAL MEDIA."

Just imagine, what a fine job social media is doing.  It is inspiring,  promoting, motivating, encouraging good deeds like nothing ever did.  No personality, no book, no movie could do this important job of boosting humanity, kindness, charitable  work, the way social media can do.  

Social media advertises what is about to happen,  shows it live when it is happening and keeps applauding  after it has happened.   How spectacular!    

Social media displays our good deeds, kind heart and generosity, so much so that we can't wait to do something more. What an amazing role of social media !

Every day we have new plans of being good, very good and extra good so that we can be caught doing good.  Fantastic!

Good deedsand social media are so inter-linked.  If not because of social media,  good deeds would be rare and microscopic. 


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trick of Confidence!

A con artist is an individual who seeks to gain others' confidence in order to accomplish a specific motive. Con artists are usually associated with swindlers, as they often employ deception and dishonest tactics to attain what they seek, be it money, access to another individual's home, or material possessions. 

Although many of us are repulsed by their flagrant dishonesty and apparent lack of conscience, we continue to be allured by them, not only succumbing to their schemes as direct victims, yet also viewing them with a sense of awe. Although no one wishes to be conned nor decieved, we are perpetually mesmerized by a con artist's intelligence and gracefully adroit exercise of charisma to diminish the better judgement of even the most skeptical individuals. 

Despite this fascination, no one enjoys being deceived, and hence con artists are often reviled once their ruses are discovered and there victims left hurt, empty and vulnerable. Perhaps con artists are disdained since they are envied, since in a world sustained by persuaion, and instictual intelligence they have managed to surive in a manner in which most of us can only dream. 

Perpahs we despise con artists for the same reason that we are allured by them initially, since they convince us to grant them access beyond our inhibitions and reservations to reach our trust, that intimate place in our hearts that we only ever allow few to inhabit.

 In a world of emotional distance and seemingly insurmountable boundaries, we simultaneously revile and laud con artists for seeming to reach and touch us intimately, in a manner that we never expected and never dared to hope. 

Con artists leave us feeling vulnerable, violated and exposed, yet they also remind us of our collective humanity and how accessible we truly are to one another.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Time is crippling us?

As time is advancing, we are falling behind.  Look what technology has done to us? It is unbelievable!

With new methodology and techniques we are supposed to be more developed, advance, independent and fast.  But is it so?  We are actually traveling backward.  

We are much more dependent than we used to be.  We cannot do anything on our own...... anymore.  We are just relying so much on the internet, google, wifi and iphones that with the absence of any one of these we feel "h-e-l-p-l-e-s-s."  We lose our way, we lose our minds. We cannot wish or greet anyone, (we text),  we do not cook or clean, (we order on line....we are too busy to clean), we cannot get up on our own, (we set alarms for every little nap we take),  we do not remember dates, (we mark our calendars), we cannot put two and two together, (we use calculators). We can do nothing on our own.  

What has life come to?  We are out of touch even with the people we live with.  We see them and contact them on social media?  Deplorable!  Absolutely!  

All that we used to do on our own, that which had a personal touch, that which kept us physically and mentally active and alive are GONE!  We are now clinging.......hanging on to technology.  We cannot anymore do things on our own.  We have no ability to think, remember or decide.  The internet does it all for us.

So, where is the advancement?   Where is technology taking us, if not pushing us behind everyday.  Did not we do all this with greater interest and vigor  when there was no internet?  Did not we waste less time before the internet got on our way?  Did we not take out the time to wish and greet with a card or telephone call instead of texting the abbreviations.   We wish our own family members while driving or riding an elevator!  How ludicrous!  

We have lost our freedom,  our abilities, relationships, feelings and even our minds and conscience.   All because of internet.  What are we,  robots who need to be activated and shut down?  Nothing else?