Thursday, March 31, 2016

Withheld Tears

While people are in pain, suffering, hurting we do not even allow them to voice their feelings, leave alone helping or rescuing them.  We want them to suffer to death lest it spoils or affect our own worthless happiness, fake entertainment and false respect.  Gosh!  What has the world come to!  Look at our soaring selfishness.  Phew!!

People continue to suffer while we continue to celebrate their sufferings.  How low can we go?  People continue to shed tears while we look the other way.  How ignorant can we be?
People continue to complain while we drown their voice with our loud and disturbing music.  How insane can we be?

Instead of pulling them out, we further push them and bury them deeper along with their wounds?  Is that the treatment we would expect for ourselves?

Give a voice to those suffering silently.
Give an end to those suffering endlessly.
Give an ear to those hurt openly.

Bring an end to sufferings, do not bend to sufferings.  

Adversity blends us- it is like jumping into a blender!

Life in adversity is like being dropped into a blender.  You get cut-up, chopped, crushed, squeezed, beaten, pulped and eventually..................end up SMOOTH, FINE, BLENDED, SEASONED & READY.

Adversity brings out the best in us, Removes our flaws, eliminates our doubts, dresses our wounds, trims our pride, clips our anger and makes us a better version and a greater person.

But yet we desire prosperity which fills us with pride, boosts our selfishness, makes us suffer from superiority complex and ultimately makes us cause our own downfall.  

Accept all conditions and remember everything happens for a "REASON."

Always be grateful for everything.  Greatness lies in being grateful.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Being in Control!

You are losing everything, eh? Everything is slipping from your grip?  A very difficult situation in life......but, no matter what, do not lose control over your heart, mind and yourself.  

It is yours from the beginning to the end.  Control over yourself OR self-control is a boat that will take you across, no matter how fierce the storm prevails over the ocean.  Your strength is no match to the anger of the storm.  The storm will weaken, wither and die and your strength will prevail and will take you ashore.

The moment you lose control over yourself, you will lose everything and may NEVER gain it back.  This inner strength comes from your own determination and will power.  It will make you rise above your calamity and above others.  It will never let you collapse or succumb to any situation.

Practice self-control before everything else controls you!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Making a difference?

We often talk about making a difference!  May I dare to ask what difference are we really making, if any.  Adding to something that is already a surplus?  Or taking away from something where there is hardly anything left?  Is that the kind of difference we want to make?  Or for that matter, trying to do for someone who doesn't really need it? Or trying to blame or punish someone who is already miserable?

This is exactly the kind of difference we are trying to make.  Who are we deceiving?  We are not making any difference to anyone but ourselves on grounds of benefit and self-promotion.  We want to please the rich, famous, the affluent so as to promote ourselves and get some kind of benefit but ignore the underprivileged, downtrodden so as to avoid responsibility or problems.  Hence, what difference are we actually making?

We are all selfishly marching toward one goal - making a difference to no one but ourselves.  Yes! We are making a difference to our personality and self-respect and lowering ourselves in our own eyes!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Facing hardship alone?

Yes we are all always alone at this great time of our life.  We are left on our own.  Guess this is the only way to get strong or brave.  Anyway!  People flee from us, avoid us, ignore us.  Bu why?  We should understand that no one wants additional responsibilities.  They have their own glamorous life, a busy life, how much more do we want them to deal with.  The minute they look at you, their eyebrows shoot up and they ask themselves with disgust, 'now what?'  They see your name and number on the called ID, they miss 'a call.'  They get a text from you, they pretend not to see it or choose not to reply it.  They come across you on social media and 'overlook!'
How to handle this?
Get the message - this is your alone time.  You are 'supposed' to be alone.  You are a burden on others.  You are seen as a source of problem and nothing else.  But do not get upset or disappointed or give up!
So what else is one supposed to do?  
Deal with it.  Stay far away from people.  Let people call you.  Give them a chance to inquire about you.  Keep way too busy for them. Shun them, abandon them, avoid them and let them 'taste their own attitude.'  Care for your self-respect above everything.  Do not want anyone who does not want you.  Give them space to walk towards you.  
People with such attitude who abandon people because they are in need, NEED HELP! They themselves are in need of help more than anyone else.

Not all battles are known, or crowned

We are all fighting some kind of battles.  Some of us are not aware of it, while some of us are aware of our battle and so are the people around us while some of us are fighting silently. 

I highly admire the people who battle quietly, win silently and help others with their battle calmly. 

 Fighting a battle is heroic, no doubt about it.  But have you ever, ever happen to realize someone undergoing distress and you walk in their life soundlessly to rescue, to make a difference, to mend broken heart.  This is a golden opportunity granted to very few.  It needs a lot of love, wisdom and generosity to achieve this but holds a world of happiness and contentment.

Next time you happen to realize someone fighting a battle silently, help, even if you are battling your own.  Sometimes the only option to reduce our own pain is to help others reduce theirs.  Only in pain, can we feel others pain.  There is NO OTHER way to feel the pain of others, I guess. When others do not understand our pain, let us understand each other's pain. Period!

On Purpose

We live for a purpose and die for a purpose or a reason. Everyone of us have a purpose in life, no matter what it is or how small it is or how meaningful it is.  Similarly, every death has a purpose called 'reason.'  No matter when or where, but there is a reason.
Now the question that we all should ask ourselves is, Do I have a purpose?  Yes I do!  We all have, that is certain.  Now the more important question is how big or small is it?  Most important question is, Is it meaningful?
Some of us are just alive with a purpose as small as 'Me' and that is all.  It is a purpose alright but a rather selfish one which brings no happiness or contentment in the long run.  A very confined purpose which loses its value and we lose our value in our own eyes.
Now, towards a more important step of life.  A very meaningful purpose which is unselfish, unconditional, noble, mature, sensible etc.  It touches many hearts, makes big and small changes, makes differences in a good way etc.
When our life is not attached to a purpose that is making differences, we are indifferent to the feelings, pain and suffering of the people around us.  We are lost, detached, wandering aimlessly.  So let us find a purpose that is strong and helps us to bond with people who need us and loves us.  

When you will read this blog, you will be making a difference to me and let me know if I have made any difference to you.  Till later......

Friday, March 25, 2016

Peacefully ever after!

Peace is a fruit that grows from the seed of trust.  Unlike other fruits, it never decays because it comes from a very deep and genuine source.  We make it grow within ourselves with our very own strength.  It grows when we believe in ourselves more than we believe in what others say about us. 

 We have the wisdom to believe in our good choices, right decisions, best directions.  Good intentions are what nurtures peace of heart and mind.  Peace is a state where we are free from all negativity. We are positive, optimistic, hopeful, confident etc. and all this has been possible because we believed in ourselves.

"Believe in yourself for thats' the way to start." is a line I quote from a Kid's Cartoon show. 

Disappointments comes with a package! Its worth it!

Behind every wall of disappointment are hidden treasures.  We have to face those walls, tear them down or cross over it, dig deep and deeper to reach those concealed treasures.  All we need is the ax of courage, gloves of endurance to eschew everything and sweat of patience.  If we are equipped with these, disappointment gets laid aside and guess what looks us straight in the eyes..............exactly what was our expectation.  
Be it academic success, a career, good health, or anything else.  The force of effort keeps us going till we have reached the finish line and achieved it all!  Yeah!!!!!!  There you go!  
Disappointments are actually indications of new discoveries, new beginnings, new methods.  Disappointments does not mean an end or "give-up!"
View disappointments as "CHALLENGES!"

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ignorance is Bliss! So, let us ignore?

Ignorance is bliss and so we continue to be ignorant so that we can avoid our duties.  This is HOW MUCH ignorant we are. Is there no other way to put off our duties and responsibilities?  If we all continue to be on this track, we will all suffer and be miserable.  We can only make others realize our need and difficulties, if we ourselves realize theirs.  So as to receive anything we have to give.  To receive kindness, we have to show some too.  We cannot pretend to be ignorant about others but demand attention for ourselves, or can we?  
Ignorance is bliss is not an excuse anymore.  Those who make this an excuse should also be understanding enough to forgive others for their ignorance.  That which matters to us or is of benefit, we are not ignorant in those matters.  We are just ignorant when it is a loss to others.  We feel free of all responsibilities.  Very sad indeed.  Let us wake up to the need of others before we ourselves fall in those very holes of need.  

Ignorance in not bliss, awareness is!

Promises - Easy to make BUT hard to keep!

We all love to make tall promises, especially when we are in a state of emotion, great emotion, like when we are too please, too flattered, too touched etc.  But does those promises really mean 'anything' to us?  Only afterward we do realize that what we promised is not really possible.  We realize that we were 'out of our mind' to have even thought about it.  Very, I must say, VERY FEW of us are actually able to keep our promises.  (I hope this is not an over-statement for sometimes it makes me wonder does anyone ever keep their promise!)  Anyway, we make so many promises to so many people about so many things and then what?  We simply wipe it off our mind and are shocked when we are reminded about it and say, "Why would I even make such a promise?"  That is right!  When we are emotionally carried away we have no grip on ourselves and say things that we do not mean, not at all! The message here is make small or no promises at all and whatever you promise try to keep it and remember it.  Just imagine your own feelings if someone does that to you?  
Do what you say and say what you can do!  Promises are solemn and a commitment which needs to be fulfilled otherwise you will be owing that person something for the rest of your life and are accountable for it.  So do not be hasty in making promises, empty promises.  Be a person of words.  Value your own words, others will too value it!    

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Lets talk about happiness

Happiness, a disappearing emotion.  Something that is getting obsolete!  Something getting extinct, out-dated!  Can this be revived under our present universal scenario where selfishness has taken control over almost everything? Everyone wants to be happy but do not know how?  We are miserable, feel terrible, depressed, frustrated, disappointed, gloomy, dismal etc.  Who is responsible for this?  WHO is doing this to us?

No one else, but us.  We are responsible for our pathetic state of mind.  Happiness gets created automatically when we make an effort to bring happiness to someone.  All we worry about is our own happiness and fail to be happy much as we would like to.  

Come on, link up and let us together bring so much happiness to so many people in so many ways.  Spread the color of happiness where there is no color, but the color of NOTHING.  Brighten up every corner of darkness with the candle of happiness.  Play the music of happiness.  Put a :-) on a sad face.  


Too Helpless to Help!!

I have a question that has always been worrying me.  
Why are we so helpless to help the poor but not helpless, hesitant or reluctant to help or should I say 'please' the rich????? Why? 

 When it comes to helping the poor, we remember our debt, our loans, our expenditure, our hard work, our loss, our outstanding work that we could not do because of money etc.  BUT......when it comes to giving a gift to the rich we are overflowing with generosity.  We are more than ready to invite the rich and affluent for any meal of the day.  We are ready to accommodate the rich but lack place for the poor.  What is wrong?  Why this discrimination?  The only people who are too helpless to do anything for the rich are the poor people because they have nothing.  But if they had something, they too would be catering for the rich.  All that we have for the poor are words, just words.  Can that take care of hunger and thirst?  Can that give them shelter or give them the warmth and protection of clothing?  We never feel helpless for the rich who do not really need financial help but too helpless for the poor?  All facilities and benefits goes 'actually' to the rich.  Everything in today's world is designed, planned, crafted to make the rich richer and blame the poor for their poverty?  Where is justice?  Yet we justify ourselves for our actions, thoughts and deeds!  

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Help-full Advice

"HELP!" does not mean "ADVICE" in any language.  

We all want to help, but with advises only, advises that we do not apply on ourselves.  We are ever ready to advise other what they could and should have done, forgetting that when a person is seeking help what "we" could and should do.  When someone approach you for help, just do the little or whatever you can rather than further making the person's life miserable by blaming the person for being in that situation.  So as to justify ourselves and our inability to help, we try to find fault with the person who is already helpless and in difficulties.  The pile of advises that we are ready to offer, we should reserve it for ourselves for we are soon going to need it.  We should understand that anyone, anytime can be under any situation.  But somehow, we seem to be so assured that if others are in some kind of pitiful condition, it will never happen to us.  That is how ignorant we are!  Problems does not come with announcements.  It may be the cause of our negligence, our shortcomings or whatever.  We all make mistakes.  NO ONE IS PERFECT!  We learn from our mistakes.  But at the same time, when anyone is in need, just help out and pull the person out of any emergency that person maybe in.  The person maybe in acute financial condition, serious health issues, relationship problems etc.  Offer help and comfort not criticism.  That is not going to help.  In fact that would be like adding salt to injury.  Help means help and nothing else.  Help out, help the person OUT of trouble.  Please help! 

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Failure is an important ingredient of Success.  Makes us rise from grass to grace.  Any success achieved without failure, makes us drop from grace to grass.

We all look for instant success with little or no effort.  Is that possible?  Has that ever been possible?  If so, then there would be no such thing as success story.  We all have our little secret of success or a long sad story of success.  It just never happens on its own.  It takes a mountain of hard work, an unlimited time of patience, a whole well of courage and so much more to be where we desire to be or feel a sense of contentment. Of course, not to forget the hurdles, the bumps, the failures, the disappointments that we come across which makes it seem almost impossible and causes frustration.   The journey from grass, the very lowest level, to grace, the top level is exhausting, time consuming, challenging etc.  That is how we slowly and gracefully rise from GRASS to GRACE. 

On the other hand, if we are actually looking for quick success, an easy way that overnight makes us successful without any effort whatsoever, like success inherited or success that comes our way by unfair means may not last long.  It ever makes us drop from GRACE to GRASS.  We had it all and lost it all!  That is the scenario we should be ready to face.  

Do not GIVE UP is the message here, no matter how many times failures come your way.  Gracefully accept your failure to rise to Grace!  

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Unspoken Selfishness

We are living in an era where disparity between the affluent and the poor is growing by seconds.  This gap is broadening because of the force of ever-spreading illness known as selfishness.  This disease has spread to the hearts and mind and we are all victims of it. Will there ever be a shrink in this gap?  It is a dismal scenario.  Selfishness is on the rise and this gap will sadly continue to grow.  Does this mean that the under privileged will just be born to perish?  Is that what the society wants it?  This is what we will live to see, the ever growing pain and suffering?  When we celebrate, are we celebrating their pain, knowing that we might be in that position one day?  WHO KNOWS!!

Let each one of us try, in our own little way to bring an end to the suffering and pain that the under privileged are undergoing?  Drops of water make an ocean!  Let us unitedly keep adding a drop to make a difference and bring relief.  



Everyday presents us with a brand new chance to become a better person, a different person, an improved version.  Why walk on the old path that leads to no road of progress?  Why not take a new turn to something better, challenging, prospective?  We keep repeating our actions, words, thoughts and expect something different, something new or just a change.  In order to achieve something at all, we have to try something new or different.  We got to make some changes, some adjustments.

Grab the opportunities that everyday gives us.  It is a TREAT!

EVERYDAY - has something to say!

Everyday has so many MESSAGES for us

Everyday solves so many mysteries

Everyday  removes so many doubts

Everyday gives us so many experiences, 

Everyday has so many new challenges, 

Everyday has new beginnings, 

Everyday had endings to old beginnings, 

Everyday unfolds so many secrets.......

Take one day at a time and Everyday helps us move forward smoothly towards another TOMORROW.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Being rich to practice selfishness

We all want to be rich with different plans but the same reason. We want to be so RICH, very RICH, too RICH.  But let us see WHY we want to be RICH?  What is our goal?  Do we want to become rich to play with money?  Do we want to become rich so that we can have lots of money in our house and bank?  Or do we want to become rich to learn about money?  None of these.  Survey says that we all want to become rich to fulfill all our desires.  We want to becomes rich so that we can spend our money the way we want to.  We want to be rich to have a great life full of luxury and comfort.  We want to have a fancy life.  We want to own a lot of things.  We want to have expensive vacations.  We want to have lots of parties.We desire a beautiful house and a fabulous car.  So it is all about, HOUSE, CAR, VACATION, PARTIES etc.  Is that all?  That is how limited we are!  We want to become rich to take good care of ourselves and it is all about ME.  Right?  That is how it is supposed to be.  Nothing wrong with that.  
But with our desire to be rich creeps in our tendency to be selfish.  It is OUR money and so we do not want to share anything with anyone.  It is all mine, every penny, every dime.  I enjoy, I waste, I overspend.  It is my business.  These are all traits of selfishness.  So the question is, being RICH is all about SELFISHNESS?  We land up living a confined life, a life where only self matters.  A life that isolates us from everyone so that there is no hindrance in enjoying our money to the maximum.  Is not that a very deprived life?  A life of slavery?  A life of worries, when all one has to do is to worry about how to save the money from others.  Worry about the thought of losing the money!  Worry about how to become more and more rich!  Worry about who is richer than me etc. etc.  
We dream of becoming rich only to practice selfishness?  Seems like we have no other motive.  The richer we get, the more selfishness we promote.  Very sad!  Money and selfishness are inseparable.  If only we can tear down this wall of selfishness and venture out of this with our money, there awaits a whole world of opportunity to make sensible use of our money to bring happiness to ourselves by bringing happiness to others.  

Game of Blame

Game of Blame is just so contagious that we all like to take credit but pass on the blame.  It is becoming just so common and so annoying but yet we keep doing it.  We blame others for their actions, for anything goes wrong in the whole world and we blame others EVEN for our actions and immaturely say that we were made to do it.  Well, sometimes it is possible but we cannot keep playing this game to rescue ourselves.  
When it comes to any failure of ours, rather than acknowledging it as our incapability, we push it to others and say we were misguided. When it comes to our bad behavior, then too we say that we were provoked and tempted.  Seems like we never use our own intelligence and just keep piling the blame on others.  
Sometimes it so happens that people may be in problem and we refuse to help, maybe due to our own selfishness, but then we put the blame that it is their fault and they should suffer.  We also see it as they are taking advantage of us and are deceiving us, so we justify our action of not helping by blaming it......on others, once again.  We keep playing this game and ruin everything for ourselves and others.  The problem is, nothing gets done because we keep blaming each other.  Where is the leadership spirit?  Or team spirit?  We all want credit but no blame, or are we trying to say that we are above mistakes and others are not.  If everyone says the same thing then whose fault is it anyway?  This is indeed strange! 

Take responsibility for your actions.  Do not shelve it on others to justify yourself.  Blaming others is an old tactic and out-dated.  Be mature and civilized to face accountability.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

An Open Letter of Appreciation to Adversity

Dear Adversity,

Thank you for all the important lessons of life.  Through you 

I learnt to tell friends and foe apart.  I got to identify and 

know the "real" person" behind the beautiful masks.  

Moreover, you taught me the importance of patience,

courage, endurance and all kinds of strength to keep

me moving forward in life.  You are a blessing, not a 

punishment.  If not because of you, I would never know

the right from wrong. Thanks for putting me in the right

path where I have learnt to appreciate and be contented.

You are a test that only the strong and determined ones

go through.  

With much gratitude,

A stronger ME.

Life is a roller coaster. Yes it is!

Life is a movement, a movement that follows the move of a roller coaster.  Yes, you got it!  Life is full of ups and downs 'just like roller coaster.'  You feel awesomely great when you are on the top.  Arrogantly, you look down upon people and feel so flamboyant, but oh no, watch are moving away from your top prestigious position and sliding down until you hit the rock bottom.  Then you look up dismally, 'someone else' is on top just like the way you were. Do you think the people on the top should be proud of their temporary and momentarily position?  Certainly not!  You have learnt your lesson that it does not lasts at all.  It is subject to change.  In fact everything in life is subject to change, all kinds of changes, good and bad.  
When you are on top, facing the cool breeze, close to the blue sky, talking to the birds, can see the tree top..........stay humble.  It is just momentarily.  It will all tumble down to grass level.  Similarly, when you have hit the rock bottom, should you give up and declare the end.......................?  No!  The best is yet to come.  Hold on to your temporary setback it will all bounce back.  
Up & Down are there in life with an important lesson.  Stay humble and stay strong.  When you are up remember humbleness and when you are down do not forget your strength.  Learn to adjust to two very diverse situations.  This is what life is all about.  Do not look down upon others because they are soon coming up to occupy your position.  Believe in equality, believe in changes, and most important of all BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  Do not deceive yourself or let others deceive you. 

Together we have learnt something important today!  Now let us go for a ride..........on a roller coaster!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Anxiety moves us away from reality!

We worry so much that we create for ourselves a world of fear.  Fear of the unknown.  Our imagination goes wild and we exaggerate a simple situation into something that overwhelms us. Just because we want things to happen in our way and our time, we become anxious.  Nothing else is acceptable to us and we insist on our stubbornness of negativity.  We live in our own world of pessimism and try to take control over things that is not in our hands and this is how we become victim of anxiety.  Things happen in its own time and own way.  We cannot make the plant grow no matter how much we water it and nurse it.  It may or may not grow and it will grow in its own time.  But do we have the patience?  NO!  We just HAVE to worry, even at times when there is nothing to worry at all.  Worries sometimes takes us away from reality and we struggle in a world that does not even exist.  We imagine a situation and start presuming and assuming and draw our own conclusion and get frustrated, depressed etc.  Most of the times we happen to find that  we "worried for nothing!"  But yet we worry for reasons best known to us only.  Just do your best and sit back and relax.  It will all fall into place.  IT WILL HAPPEN!  Worry does not help in any way at all.  Let not worry snatch your peace and happiness and your ability to think and progress.  
Worry is for idle minds (a devils' workshop). The less the worry, the more the control over situation.  Let us live in a real world where we face challenges and not just worry about it. POINT.

Looking for PERFECTION???

Does this condition even exist?  Guess no!  Even if it does, maybe only in imagination or in a fool's world.  To me, I think that perfection means the shortest way to destruction and disappointments. When we know that there is no such thing called perfection, yet we claim to be perfect.  While we find countless flaws in others, but find ourselves very very Perfect.  The very effort to be perfect is imperfection.  
What exactly is perfection?  It is the satisfaction that we draw from different situation and people.  It is a level of maturity when we think that the most effort IS the best effort.  Perfection is another word for acceptance.  What our mind and heart accepts seems perfect.  
But we happen to take perfection altogether in a wrong way.  No matter how good it is, we are never satisfied and still looking for perfection, be it our job, our children, our spouse, our life etc.  Everyday things are changing.  We are learning, growing, maturing, developing towards something that our mind and heart takes us to. There is no such destination as perfection.We assume it perfect, we shape it to our perfection.  What may appear perfect to us, may not be perfect at all to another.  So, the conclusion is, do not look for perfection.  Just do the best you can and call it perfect.  The whole life is a walk towards changes.  Many situation and people come across our life and they seem perfect and then it all changes because better things come up or we mature and our thinking changes.  
Perfection just happens - don't look for it!  Whatever makes you happy is perfect.    

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Choose self-respect over sympathy

When SYMPATHY is the easy way out, why choose self-respect?  is how most of us see life.  But is this the right approach?  Definite not!
So let us analyze now the difference between Sympathy and Self-Respect and why should we opt for Self-Respect? 
It is easy to get sympathy, but it does not not help us to move on or progress.  Moreover, sympathy is a comfort that weakens us and disables us.  Sympathy makes us lose our self-confidence and steals from us our pride of independence.  Makes us dependent and depending is a form of slavery. Sympathy further creates greed in us, a craving that brings no satisfaction ever.  
So, how will self-respect help?  It will help us be strong, be independent of the need of others, prevent us from being considered a burden or a source of problem.  Self-respect is the road to success and achievement.  It helps us be self-sufficient, no matter how little we have.  Self-respect helps us boost our confidence and prevents us from doing anything morally wrong just to satisfy ourselves.
Choose self-respect over sympathy.  "ALWAYS!" 

Self-love and Self-Praise feels so good!

We take so much pleasure in self-love and self-praise that we see nothing else beyond that.  All that matters to us is how to fish for more and more compliments even at the cost of belittling, damaging or paying for it. We get so carried away with it that we do not even realize the difference between flatter and praise.  It all means so much to us just because we love ourselves so much that it causes others to hate us.

Self-love is a pair of glasses that blinds us and prevents us from seeing anything good in others but ourselves.  Self-love is the root cause of pride and self-deception.  We promote ourselves so much that it causes our downfall.  But little we realize this.  But when we happen to realize we are completely damaged and destroyed and the cause of destruction is "SELF."  
This is where it leads us to------> NOWHERE.

Today's Humanity

When a person is dying of thirst, instead of simply giving him a glass of water, (as simple as that), to quench his thirst, we offer him advises. 

Advises on : What to do in thirst?  How not to be thirsty? Our own personal experiences of thirst! etc. etc.  IS THAT THE REMEDY???? Instead of HELPING, we further dry him up with our hot and scorching advises which is so unnecessary at that time of necessity for WATER!! 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Attention matters and so does intention

Attention Please!  Yes this post is all about enjoying attention.  We all love to catch attention and be pampered.  Yes that is alright.  Maybe alright!  But much more important than that is 'intention.'  While we do something to impress, to show, to be praised, to be popular and so many other motives may be embedded in our actions but sometime we overlook the real worth of our actions.  Every action begins with something called 'intention' that initiates it.  If the action is too big but the intention is petty, will it last?  Will it give us any inner satisfaction?  Guess no!  That is what I think.  It is intention that matters.  No matter what the action or deed is, it is the motive behind it that actually gives us REAL pleasure.  Sometimes the action goes unnoticed or we may not get any credit for that action, but does that really matter?  Our purpose was to do something good, be it as small as removing a thorn from the sidewalk that could have injured someone.  Our thoughts, actions and words should always be for a GOOD purpose, a purpose that serves someone.  We cannot survive alone, no.....not possible.  So let us not crave for unnecessary attention.  Let us focus on our intentions.  Intentions can give wings to our dream.  Intention can take us anywhere.  Intention can make us rise in our own eyes.  I intend to be good and that is my main intention.  WOW! I already feel good.  

"Not so good" people

We need "not so good" people in our life.  They are our inspiration and warn us why not to be bad, how to improve, how and why to be good.  They even tell us how good we are and make us feel thankful that we are not like them.  "We learn from them."  Such people teach us our own real values, make us strong and help us even though they actually want to be unkind.  Their selfishness, their pride, their cold attitude actually light up sparks within us and make us conscious of our own shortcomings when we actually get to see how ugly it can appear to be selfish and harsh.  They are our mirrors and we are horrified to even imagine that such  qualities may be existing within us.  They stand out as warnings and make us realize how we too can be depriving people of their rights.  We fall in our own eyes to think that by ignoring to help people we are failing to fulfill our duties.  The anger that builds within us for being treated disrespectfully makes us realize that everyone deserves respect .........and love.

Therefore, "not so good people" are not so bad after all!  Appreciate them.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


We fall to rise and rise to fall

In one attempt we cannot achieve it all

Trial and errors are the order of the day

There is nothing much left to say

When you are on top you feel like a giant

While others seem to be as insignificant 
as ant

But when you fall to the ground

Just like others get kicked around

We only have sense when........we realize

Those who we had pushed away

Are the ones who understand and stay!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Words are not for everyone - only those who understand and care!

Interaction and communication is not possible with everyone. Not many will understand you or will be interested.  We all have different mind set and it is hard to find like minded people. But it hard to know who cares?  One who cares, understands and only those understand who cares.  We often open our heart in front of people who seem to show us some sign of sympathy.  But are those the people who care?  May be not!  Some only care enough to gather information or in other words, they are just curious.  Others, are somewhat happy that you are in a situation where they can feel superiority over you.  While some feel that you are supposed to be there because that is what you deserve.  You may see sign of sympathy but for other reasons.  All that people care for is how to further make you miserable and ridicule.  Sounds so sadist.  Sadly true.  Those who really care, does not wait for you to tell them, beg them or narrate to them.  They SIMPLY KNOW.  They see your hidden tears, they hear the pain in your voice, they feel the sorrow in your life.  They know it all and they do not sympathize with you to provoke your anguish, they encourage you and boost up your spirit.  They share with you.  Share your suffering, share their happiness.  They give you their shoulder, they pat your back.  They have come to rescue you and will stay to the end..........................TO CELEBRATE.  "They are the ones who understand you and care deeply for you."  

You do not need to tell them anything.  They know it all.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


            TIME WILL TELL

The rich does not want to share
The poor are cold and bare
The rich does not care
The poor says, "Its not fair,"
The rich says its all mine
Every penny every dime
The poor says, "Okay fine, let us leave it to the time."

Time will do justice, time will change conditions and situations.

Can the reflection of GOOD be BAD?

That is the question that often lurks in my mind.  And the plain and simple answer is NO. The reflection of good can NEVER be bad.   We do not need to be the best or the perfect but just good.  The result of good CANNOT be bad.  IT HAS TO BE GOOD.  No matter what, no matter where, no matter how, insist on being good, doing good and thinking good and all along it will eventually be GOOD.
Good has along good chain.  Good heart is the cause of good intention, good intention leads us to good actions and good action blossoms into good results.  All along and it goes on and on.  Sometimes it seems so that being good was not a good idea and so one holds back.  Being good has always been and always be a good idea.  It may not work sometime but it sows the seed of goodness which eventually flowers into good harvest.  Well my point is that at no time, in no circumstance, give in to wrong thing and nothing ever will go wrong forever even after death.  Even when one is not around no one will have anything bad to talk about us.  People may dislike us for not being agreeable or for some secret reasons but they will be left with no reason to talk bad about us even we do not do anything bad.  In fact they will have nothing to talk about us, if they do not want to talk good about us.  On the other hand, if we do bad, people may talk good about us on our face to flatter us or out of fear but in the long run or after our death, deep down in their heart, they will shake their heads and say how and what they actually felt about us which may not be anything good.  Be good, say good, do good, think good etc.  Whatever is in your control make sure it is nothing else but GOOD.  Be good to yourself and that alone will be enough effort of being and bringing good to this earth.  An opinion!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Make Effort and Make it Count

Opportunities does not only knock at the door, in fact it is all around us.  It is in the air.  Every minute we are breathing in opportunities.  It is there all around us, visible and invisible.  It is there all around us in all forms, shapes and sizes.  This whole life is one big opportunity.  This whole world is filled up with opportunities. Make the most of every minute of your life and every effort made, no matter how small is rewarding.  Every one of them counts.  Sometimes, we do not see any result of our effort and hence think that it is in vain.  No, that is not true.  Every sincere effort made may seem to have disappeared right in front of our eyes.  But it is actually collecting to bring a bigger and more promising reward.  It is always better to let all the rewards accumulate while we patiently wait and see the bigger reward of our continuous effort.  
What is an opportunity?  How do we know one?  THAT IS A GOOD QUESTION!  The biggest of all opportunities is LIFE.  While one is alive that itself is an opportunity.  Death is the END of all opportunities.  What else?  Time.  Time is an opportunity.  Catch it!  Grab it!  Make use of it.  Make the most of it. Is there any other opportunity?  PEOPLE.  See them as opportunities.  But how?  See them as opportunities of love, kindness, help, charity, good deeds, humanity, sharing, caring, teaching, learning and so much more.  What else?  All kinds of ways that one can be of use, of help are opportunities.   

Opportunities and effort are so interlinked.  We build opportunities with our effort. All opportunities will die down if we do not reach it with effort.  Continuous effort will keep alive so many opportunities for so many of us.  We say that there is nothing we can do even without trying.  Opportunities will boost you up if you feed it with effort.  Opportunities have massive appetite for effort.  All they crave for is effort.  So what kills them?  Ignoring them or in other words, IGNORANCE.  The root cause of destruction.  Ignorance kills almost everything.  Awareness adds sparks to opportunities.  It kindles your mind and motivates it to try.  

Opportunities are rewarding.  They are very promising.  It gives happiness, satisfaction and makes you prosper in every way you ever wanted to.Next time when someone says, there is no opportunity, just tell the person to reach out and grab it.  Opportunities are everywhere, it is in the air!  


Today's world is a camouflage.  Friends blend into foes and foes into friends.  It all depends on what we are actually looking for.  We are actually looking for friends with the qualities of a foe and distance ourselves from friends because they do not possess the qualities that pleases us.  What we are actually looking for are people who can please us, encourage us for our wrong actions, applauds us for our ignorance, flatter us for our appearance and attires, lie to us about our imaginary virtues (which we actually do not possess) and thus benefit from us.  We feel we are being admired.  We feel so blessed to have such supporters. But in the end...........these are the very people who leave us feeling miserable and wretched.  We mistake enemies as friends.  They lead us nowhere, in fact they leave us in the middle of nowhere and perhaps that is what suits us.  We only realize when it is a little toooo late.  
Yes, on the other hand, we MISTAKE friends as enemies, because something that we dislike so much about real friends is that they speak the truth.  If only they did NOT speak the truth how nice and gracious they would be.  Besides, instead of flattering they are always ready with advises and suggestions.  Guess what, you don't even need to ask them for it.  They will offer it anyway.  Phew!  It is so annoying.  Why can't they be like so agreeable and keep their eyes close to our damage and injuries.  They always warn us, make us cautious and even go to the extent of stopping us.  How can we call such people our friends?  They are coming our way.  But in the END we realize they only meant our own good.  They actually loved us, unconditional love.  They loved us for who we are, just the way we are.  They had no interest whatsoever in what we own, what we can give them or how they can benefit from us.  
But we like praises, flattery, compliments etc.  definitely not advises, suggestions, warnings etc. Hence we land up sticking with enemies and abandoning friends.  Careless choice and a dangerous decision.  We cannot tell apart friends from foes because of our own weakness of mind.  Mind you!