Monday, March 28, 2016

Facing hardship alone?

Yes we are all always alone at this great time of our life.  We are left on our own.  Guess this is the only way to get strong or brave.  Anyway!  People flee from us, avoid us, ignore us.  Bu why?  We should understand that no one wants additional responsibilities.  They have their own glamorous life, a busy life, how much more do we want them to deal with.  The minute they look at you, their eyebrows shoot up and they ask themselves with disgust, 'now what?'  They see your name and number on the called ID, they miss 'a call.'  They get a text from you, they pretend not to see it or choose not to reply it.  They come across you on social media and 'overlook!'
How to handle this?
Get the message - this is your alone time.  You are 'supposed' to be alone.  You are a burden on others.  You are seen as a source of problem and nothing else.  But do not get upset or disappointed or give up!
So what else is one supposed to do?  
Deal with it.  Stay far away from people.  Let people call you.  Give them a chance to inquire about you.  Keep way too busy for them. Shun them, abandon them, avoid them and let them 'taste their own attitude.'  Care for your self-respect above everything.  Do not want anyone who does not want you.  Give them space to walk towards you.  
People with such attitude who abandon people because they are in need, NEED HELP! They themselves are in need of help more than anyone else.

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