Friday, March 25, 2016

Disappointments comes with a package! Its worth it!

Behind every wall of disappointment are hidden treasures.  We have to face those walls, tear them down or cross over it, dig deep and deeper to reach those concealed treasures.  All we need is the ax of courage, gloves of endurance to eschew everything and sweat of patience.  If we are equipped with these, disappointment gets laid aside and guess what looks us straight in the eyes..............exactly what was our expectation.  
Be it academic success, a career, good health, or anything else.  The force of effort keeps us going till we have reached the finish line and achieved it all!  Yeah!!!!!!  There you go!  
Disappointments are actually indications of new discoveries, new beginnings, new methods.  Disappointments does not mean an end or "give-up!"
View disappointments as "CHALLENGES!"