Friday, March 18, 2016

Being rich to practice selfishness

We all want to be rich with different plans but the same reason. We want to be so RICH, very RICH, too RICH.  But let us see WHY we want to be RICH?  What is our goal?  Do we want to become rich to play with money?  Do we want to become rich so that we can have lots of money in our house and bank?  Or do we want to become rich to learn about money?  None of these.  Survey says that we all want to become rich to fulfill all our desires.  We want to becomes rich so that we can spend our money the way we want to.  We want to be rich to have a great life full of luxury and comfort.  We want to have a fancy life.  We want to own a lot of things.  We want to have expensive vacations.  We want to have lots of parties.We desire a beautiful house and a fabulous car.  So it is all about, HOUSE, CAR, VACATION, PARTIES etc.  Is that all?  That is how limited we are!  We want to become rich to take good care of ourselves and it is all about ME.  Right?  That is how it is supposed to be.  Nothing wrong with that.  
But with our desire to be rich creeps in our tendency to be selfish.  It is OUR money and so we do not want to share anything with anyone.  It is all mine, every penny, every dime.  I enjoy, I waste, I overspend.  It is my business.  These are all traits of selfishness.  So the question is, being RICH is all about SELFISHNESS?  We land up living a confined life, a life where only self matters.  A life that isolates us from everyone so that there is no hindrance in enjoying our money to the maximum.  Is not that a very deprived life?  A life of slavery?  A life of worries, when all one has to do is to worry about how to save the money from others.  Worry about the thought of losing the money!  Worry about how to become more and more rich!  Worry about who is richer than me etc. etc.  
We dream of becoming rich only to practice selfishness?  Seems like we have no other motive.  The richer we get, the more selfishness we promote.  Very sad!  Money and selfishness are inseparable.  If only we can tear down this wall of selfishness and venture out of this with our money, there awaits a whole world of opportunity to make sensible use of our money to bring happiness to ourselves by bringing happiness to others.  


  1. Very true...but there are many rich people who gives lots of charity, help people with education, girls marriage and many more...

  2. Very true...but there are many rich people who gives lots of charity, help people with education, girls marriage and many more...
