Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Can the reflection of GOOD be BAD?

That is the question that often lurks in my mind.  And the plain and simple answer is NO. The reflection of good can NEVER be bad.   We do not need to be the best or the perfect but just good.  The result of good CANNOT be bad.  IT HAS TO BE GOOD.  No matter what, no matter where, no matter how, insist on being good, doing good and thinking good and all along it will eventually be GOOD.
Good has along good chain.  Good heart is the cause of good intention, good intention leads us to good actions and good action blossoms into good results.  All along and it goes on and on.  Sometimes it seems so that being good was not a good idea and so one holds back.  Being good has always been and always be a good idea.  It may not work sometime but it sows the seed of goodness which eventually flowers into good harvest.  Well my point is that at no time, in no circumstance, give in to wrong thing and nothing ever will go wrong forever even after death.  Even when one is not around no one will have anything bad to talk about us.  People may dislike us for not being agreeable or for some secret reasons but they will be left with no reason to talk bad about us even we do not do anything bad.  In fact they will have nothing to talk about us, if they do not want to talk good about us.  On the other hand, if we do bad, people may talk good about us on our face to flatter us or out of fear but in the long run or after our death, deep down in their heart, they will shake their heads and say how and what they actually felt about us which may not be anything good.  Be good, say good, do good, think good etc.  Whatever is in your control make sure it is nothing else but GOOD.  Be good to yourself and that alone will be enough effort of being and bringing good to this earth.  An opinion!