Thursday, March 24, 2016

Promises - Easy to make BUT hard to keep!

We all love to make tall promises, especially when we are in a state of emotion, great emotion, like when we are too please, too flattered, too touched etc.  But does those promises really mean 'anything' to us?  Only afterward we do realize that what we promised is not really possible.  We realize that we were 'out of our mind' to have even thought about it.  Very, I must say, VERY FEW of us are actually able to keep our promises.  (I hope this is not an over-statement for sometimes it makes me wonder does anyone ever keep their promise!)  Anyway, we make so many promises to so many people about so many things and then what?  We simply wipe it off our mind and are shocked when we are reminded about it and say, "Why would I even make such a promise?"  That is right!  When we are emotionally carried away we have no grip on ourselves and say things that we do not mean, not at all! The message here is make small or no promises at all and whatever you promise try to keep it and remember it.  Just imagine your own feelings if someone does that to you?  
Do what you say and say what you can do!  Promises are solemn and a commitment which needs to be fulfilled otherwise you will be owing that person something for the rest of your life and are accountable for it.  So do not be hasty in making promises, empty promises.  Be a person of words.  Value your own words, others will too value it!    

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