Thursday, March 31, 2016

Withheld Tears

While people are in pain, suffering, hurting we do not even allow them to voice their feelings, leave alone helping or rescuing them.  We want them to suffer to death lest it spoils or affect our own worthless happiness, fake entertainment and false respect.  Gosh!  What has the world come to!  Look at our soaring selfishness.  Phew!!

People continue to suffer while we continue to celebrate their sufferings.  How low can we go?  People continue to shed tears while we look the other way.  How ignorant can we be?
People continue to complain while we drown their voice with our loud and disturbing music.  How insane can we be?

Instead of pulling them out, we further push them and bury them deeper along with their wounds?  Is that the treatment we would expect for ourselves?

Give a voice to those suffering silently.
Give an end to those suffering endlessly.
Give an ear to those hurt openly.

Bring an end to sufferings, do not bend to sufferings.  


  1. Aselamualikum ,
    why people expect people's to solve there problem .while it's allah who assist anyone through others or some other way he wishes.let's stop looking everywere for solution while Allah is with us.ya allah Grant us the true understanding of this world and make us totally dependent on you .
    Allah SW told us that "the seekers and all thouse whom you seek from are all week".
    Therefor let's talk to the one and only strong and capable one(by reading his life guidebook the quran), ask him for guidance, a better solution and a patience to experience the due caurse of his wills.
    Weselamialikum werahmetullahi weberekathu

    1. Masha Allah. Very inspiring response. Thank you for sharing with us.
