Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Too Helpless to Help!!

I have a question that has always been worrying me.  
Why are we so helpless to help the poor but not helpless, hesitant or reluctant to help or should I say 'please' the rich????? Why? 

 When it comes to helping the poor, we remember our debt, our loans, our expenditure, our hard work, our loss, our outstanding work that we could not do because of money etc.  BUT......when it comes to giving a gift to the rich we are overflowing with generosity.  We are more than ready to invite the rich and affluent for any meal of the day.  We are ready to accommodate the rich but lack place for the poor.  What is wrong?  Why this discrimination?  The only people who are too helpless to do anything for the rich are the poor people because they have nothing.  But if they had something, they too would be catering for the rich.  All that we have for the poor are words, just words.  Can that take care of hunger and thirst?  Can that give them shelter or give them the warmth and protection of clothing?  We never feel helpless for the rich who do not really need financial help but too helpless for the poor?  All facilities and benefits goes 'actually' to the rich.  Everything in today's world is designed, planned, crafted to make the rich richer and blame the poor for their poverty?  Where is justice?  Yet we justify ourselves for our actions, thoughts and deeds!