Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Making a difference?

We often talk about making a difference!  May I dare to ask what difference are we really making, if any.  Adding to something that is already a surplus?  Or taking away from something where there is hardly anything left?  Is that the kind of difference we want to make?  Or for that matter, trying to do for someone who doesn't really need it? Or trying to blame or punish someone who is already miserable?

This is exactly the kind of difference we are trying to make.  Who are we deceiving?  We are not making any difference to anyone but ourselves on grounds of benefit and self-promotion.  We want to please the rich, famous, the affluent so as to promote ourselves and get some kind of benefit but ignore the underprivileged, downtrodden so as to avoid responsibility or problems.  Hence, what difference are we actually making?

We are all selfishly marching toward one goal - making a difference to no one but ourselves.  Yes! We are making a difference to our personality and self-respect and lowering ourselves in our own eyes!

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