Saturday, March 12, 2016

Attention matters and so does intention

Attention Please!  Yes this post is all about enjoying attention.  We all love to catch attention and be pampered.  Yes that is alright.  Maybe alright!  But much more important than that is 'intention.'  While we do something to impress, to show, to be praised, to be popular and so many other motives may be embedded in our actions but sometime we overlook the real worth of our actions.  Every action begins with something called 'intention' that initiates it.  If the action is too big but the intention is petty, will it last?  Will it give us any inner satisfaction?  Guess no!  That is what I think.  It is intention that matters.  No matter what the action or deed is, it is the motive behind it that actually gives us REAL pleasure.  Sometimes the action goes unnoticed or we may not get any credit for that action, but does that really matter?  Our purpose was to do something good, be it as small as removing a thorn from the sidewalk that could have injured someone.  Our thoughts, actions and words should always be for a GOOD purpose, a purpose that serves someone.  We cannot survive alone, no.....not possible.  So let us not crave for unnecessary attention.  Let us focus on our intentions.  Intentions can give wings to our dream.  Intention can take us anywhere.  Intention can make us rise in our own eyes.  I intend to be good and that is my main intention.  WOW! I already feel good.