Thursday, March 17, 2016

Life is a roller coaster. Yes it is!

Life is a movement, a movement that follows the move of a roller coaster.  Yes, you got it!  Life is full of ups and downs 'just like roller coaster.'  You feel awesomely great when you are on the top.  Arrogantly, you look down upon people and feel so flamboyant, but oh no, watch are moving away from your top prestigious position and sliding down until you hit the rock bottom.  Then you look up dismally, 'someone else' is on top just like the way you were. Do you think the people on the top should be proud of their temporary and momentarily position?  Certainly not!  You have learnt your lesson that it does not lasts at all.  It is subject to change.  In fact everything in life is subject to change, all kinds of changes, good and bad.  
When you are on top, facing the cool breeze, close to the blue sky, talking to the birds, can see the tree top..........stay humble.  It is just momentarily.  It will all tumble down to grass level.  Similarly, when you have hit the rock bottom, should you give up and declare the end.......................?  No!  The best is yet to come.  Hold on to your temporary setback it will all bounce back.  
Up & Down are there in life with an important lesson.  Stay humble and stay strong.  When you are up remember humbleness and when you are down do not forget your strength.  Learn to adjust to two very diverse situations.  This is what life is all about.  Do not look down upon others because they are soon coming up to occupy your position.  Believe in equality, believe in changes, and most important of all BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  Do not deceive yourself or let others deceive you. 

Together we have learnt something important today!  Now let us go for a ride..........on a roller coaster!

1 comment:

  1. Very well explained, we have learnt a very good. lesson. Allah bless you.
