Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ignorance is Bliss! So, let us ignore?

Ignorance is bliss and so we continue to be ignorant so that we can avoid our duties.  This is HOW MUCH ignorant we are. Is there no other way to put off our duties and responsibilities?  If we all continue to be on this track, we will all suffer and be miserable.  We can only make others realize our need and difficulties, if we ourselves realize theirs.  So as to receive anything we have to give.  To receive kindness, we have to show some too.  We cannot pretend to be ignorant about others but demand attention for ourselves, or can we?  
Ignorance is bliss is not an excuse anymore.  Those who make this an excuse should also be understanding enough to forgive others for their ignorance.  That which matters to us or is of benefit, we are not ignorant in those matters.  We are just ignorant when it is a loss to others.  We feel free of all responsibilities.  Very sad indeed.  Let us wake up to the need of others before we ourselves fall in those very holes of need.  

Ignorance in not bliss, awareness is!

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