Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Not so good" people

We need "not so good" people in our life.  They are our inspiration and warn us why not to be bad, how to improve, how and why to be good.  They even tell us how good we are and make us feel thankful that we are not like them.  "We learn from them."  Such people teach us our own real values, make us strong and help us even though they actually want to be unkind.  Their selfishness, their pride, their cold attitude actually light up sparks within us and make us conscious of our own shortcomings when we actually get to see how ugly it can appear to be selfish and harsh.  They are our mirrors and we are horrified to even imagine that such  qualities may be existing within us.  They stand out as warnings and make us realize how we too can be depriving people of their rights.  We fall in our own eyes to think that by ignoring to help people we are failing to fulfill our duties.  The anger that builds within us for being treated disrespectfully makes us realize that everyone deserves respect .........and love.

Therefore, "not so good people" are not so bad after all!  Appreciate them.

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