Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Today's world is a camouflage.  Friends blend into foes and foes into friends.  It all depends on what we are actually looking for.  We are actually looking for friends with the qualities of a foe and distance ourselves from friends because they do not possess the qualities that pleases us.  What we are actually looking for are people who can please us, encourage us for our wrong actions, applauds us for our ignorance, flatter us for our appearance and attires, lie to us about our imaginary virtues (which we actually do not possess) and thus benefit from us.  We feel we are being admired.  We feel so blessed to have such supporters. But in the end...........these are the very people who leave us feeling miserable and wretched.  We mistake enemies as friends.  They lead us nowhere, in fact they leave us in the middle of nowhere and perhaps that is what suits us.  We only realize when it is a little toooo late.  
Yes, on the other hand, we MISTAKE friends as enemies, because something that we dislike so much about real friends is that they speak the truth.  If only they did NOT speak the truth how nice and gracious they would be.  Besides, instead of flattering they are always ready with advises and suggestions.  Guess what, you don't even need to ask them for it.  They will offer it anyway.  Phew!  It is so annoying.  Why can't they be like so agreeable and keep their eyes close to our damage and injuries.  They always warn us, make us cautious and even go to the extent of stopping us.  How can we call such people our friends?  They are coming our way.  But in the END we realize they only meant our own good.  They actually loved us, unconditional love.  They loved us for who we are, just the way we are.  They had no interest whatsoever in what we own, what we can give them or how they can benefit from us.  
But we like praises, flattery, compliments etc.  definitely not advises, suggestions, warnings etc. Hence we land up sticking with enemies and abandoning friends.  Careless choice and a dangerous decision.  We cannot tell apart friends from foes because of our own weakness of mind.  Mind you!