Monday, March 28, 2016

Not all battles are known, or crowned

We are all fighting some kind of battles.  Some of us are not aware of it, while some of us are aware of our battle and so are the people around us while some of us are fighting silently. 

I highly admire the people who battle quietly, win silently and help others with their battle calmly. 

 Fighting a battle is heroic, no doubt about it.  But have you ever, ever happen to realize someone undergoing distress and you walk in their life soundlessly to rescue, to make a difference, to mend broken heart.  This is a golden opportunity granted to very few.  It needs a lot of love, wisdom and generosity to achieve this but holds a world of happiness and contentment.

Next time you happen to realize someone fighting a battle silently, help, even if you are battling your own.  Sometimes the only option to reduce our own pain is to help others reduce theirs.  Only in pain, can we feel others pain.  There is NO OTHER way to feel the pain of others, I guess. When others do not understand our pain, let us understand each other's pain. Period!

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