Friday, March 18, 2016

Game of Blame

Game of Blame is just so contagious that we all like to take credit but pass on the blame.  It is becoming just so common and so annoying but yet we keep doing it.  We blame others for their actions, for anything goes wrong in the whole world and we blame others EVEN for our actions and immaturely say that we were made to do it.  Well, sometimes it is possible but we cannot keep playing this game to rescue ourselves.  
When it comes to any failure of ours, rather than acknowledging it as our incapability, we push it to others and say we were misguided. When it comes to our bad behavior, then too we say that we were provoked and tempted.  Seems like we never use our own intelligence and just keep piling the blame on others.  
Sometimes it so happens that people may be in problem and we refuse to help, maybe due to our own selfishness, but then we put the blame that it is their fault and they should suffer.  We also see it as they are taking advantage of us and are deceiving us, so we justify our action of not helping by blaming it......on others, once again.  We keep playing this game and ruin everything for ourselves and others.  The problem is, nothing gets done because we keep blaming each other.  Where is the leadership spirit?  Or team spirit?  We all want credit but no blame, or are we trying to say that we are above mistakes and others are not.  If everyone says the same thing then whose fault is it anyway?  This is indeed strange! 

Take responsibility for your actions.  Do not shelve it on others to justify yourself.  Blaming others is an old tactic and out-dated.  Be mature and civilized to face accountability.


  1. The main rule of BLAME game is to always absolve our self and shelf the fault on others ( a selfish perception ) Maybe your write-up will always keep the readers consent awake while playing this ugly game.

  2. Thank you very much for your valuable comment. Please read all my blogs and honor me with your comments.
