Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Make Effort and Make it Count

Opportunities does not only knock at the door, in fact it is all around us.  It is in the air.  Every minute we are breathing in opportunities.  It is there all around us, visible and invisible.  It is there all around us in all forms, shapes and sizes.  This whole life is one big opportunity.  This whole world is filled up with opportunities. Make the most of every minute of your life and every effort made, no matter how small is rewarding.  Every one of them counts.  Sometimes, we do not see any result of our effort and hence think that it is in vain.  No, that is not true.  Every sincere effort made may seem to have disappeared right in front of our eyes.  But it is actually collecting to bring a bigger and more promising reward.  It is always better to let all the rewards accumulate while we patiently wait and see the bigger reward of our continuous effort.  
What is an opportunity?  How do we know one?  THAT IS A GOOD QUESTION!  The biggest of all opportunities is LIFE.  While one is alive that itself is an opportunity.  Death is the END of all opportunities.  What else?  Time.  Time is an opportunity.  Catch it!  Grab it!  Make use of it.  Make the most of it. Is there any other opportunity?  PEOPLE.  See them as opportunities.  But how?  See them as opportunities of love, kindness, help, charity, good deeds, humanity, sharing, caring, teaching, learning and so much more.  What else?  All kinds of ways that one can be of use, of help are opportunities.   

Opportunities and effort are so interlinked.  We build opportunities with our effort. All opportunities will die down if we do not reach it with effort.  Continuous effort will keep alive so many opportunities for so many of us.  We say that there is nothing we can do even without trying.  Opportunities will boost you up if you feed it with effort.  Opportunities have massive appetite for effort.  All they crave for is effort.  So what kills them?  Ignoring them or in other words, IGNORANCE.  The root cause of destruction.  Ignorance kills almost everything.  Awareness adds sparks to opportunities.  It kindles your mind and motivates it to try.  

Opportunities are rewarding.  They are very promising.  It gives happiness, satisfaction and makes you prosper in every way you ever wanted to.Next time when someone says, there is no opportunity, just tell the person to reach out and grab it.  Opportunities are everywhere, it is in the air!