Monday, March 28, 2016

On Purpose

We live for a purpose and die for a purpose or a reason. Everyone of us have a purpose in life, no matter what it is or how small it is or how meaningful it is.  Similarly, every death has a purpose called 'reason.'  No matter when or where, but there is a reason.
Now the question that we all should ask ourselves is, Do I have a purpose?  Yes I do!  We all have, that is certain.  Now the more important question is how big or small is it?  Most important question is, Is it meaningful?
Some of us are just alive with a purpose as small as 'Me' and that is all.  It is a purpose alright but a rather selfish one which brings no happiness or contentment in the long run.  A very confined purpose which loses its value and we lose our value in our own eyes.
Now, towards a more important step of life.  A very meaningful purpose which is unselfish, unconditional, noble, mature, sensible etc.  It touches many hearts, makes big and small changes, makes differences in a good way etc.
When our life is not attached to a purpose that is making differences, we are indifferent to the feelings, pain and suffering of the people around us.  We are lost, detached, wandering aimlessly.  So let us find a purpose that is strong and helps us to bond with people who need us and loves us.  

When you will read this blog, you will be making a difference to me and let me know if I have made any difference to you.  Till later......


  1. Very good,we should have a purpose in life which will help us to move forward.

  2. Very good,we should have a purpose in life which will help us to move forward.
