Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Choose self-respect over sympathy

When SYMPATHY is the easy way out, why choose self-respect?  is how most of us see life.  But is this the right approach?  Definite not!
So let us analyze now the difference between Sympathy and Self-Respect and why should we opt for Self-Respect? 
It is easy to get sympathy, but it does not not help us to move on or progress.  Moreover, sympathy is a comfort that weakens us and disables us.  Sympathy makes us lose our self-confidence and steals from us our pride of independence.  Makes us dependent and depending is a form of slavery. Sympathy further creates greed in us, a craving that brings no satisfaction ever.  
So, how will self-respect help?  It will help us be strong, be independent of the need of others, prevent us from being considered a burden or a source of problem.  Self-respect is the road to success and achievement.  It helps us be self-sufficient, no matter how little we have.  Self-respect helps us boost our confidence and prevents us from doing anything morally wrong just to satisfy ourselves.
Choose self-respect over sympathy.  "ALWAYS!" 

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