Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Looking for PERFECTION???

Does this condition even exist?  Guess no!  Even if it does, maybe only in imagination or in a fool's world.  To me, I think that perfection means the shortest way to destruction and disappointments. When we know that there is no such thing called perfection, yet we claim to be perfect.  While we find countless flaws in others, but find ourselves very very Perfect.  The very effort to be perfect is imperfection.  
What exactly is perfection?  It is the satisfaction that we draw from different situation and people.  It is a level of maturity when we think that the most effort IS the best effort.  Perfection is another word for acceptance.  What our mind and heart accepts seems perfect.  
But we happen to take perfection altogether in a wrong way.  No matter how good it is, we are never satisfied and still looking for perfection, be it our job, our children, our spouse, our life etc.  Everyday things are changing.  We are learning, growing, maturing, developing towards something that our mind and heart takes us to. There is no such destination as perfection.We assume it perfect, we shape it to our perfection.  What may appear perfect to us, may not be perfect at all to another.  So, the conclusion is, do not look for perfection.  Just do the best you can and call it perfect.  The whole life is a walk towards changes.  Many situation and people come across our life and they seem perfect and then it all changes because better things come up or we mature and our thinking changes.  
Perfection just happens - don't look for it!  Whatever makes you happy is perfect.