Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Day to myself!

The most quality time that I can ever think of, is a 'Day to Myself.'  It is a real treat and today.... it is my DAY.  I am taking everything EASY today.  It is peaceful, calm, stress free and everything that I can dream of.  Once in a while we all need such a day and call it a DAY.  What a Day!.

I plan to do no chores today, no errands, no phone calls.  But yes to coffee, to internet and here I am with you with my blog telling you what a fine day I am having.  

I love spending time with myself, me and my thoughts, my memory, my ideas, my imagination...... my world where no one can invade or is allowed.  

Such a day relaxes me, is luxury to me and the greatest treat of all.  It gives me a break and keeps me from breaking up and collapsing.  It gives me a chance to arrange my thoughts.  It gives me a respite from the boredom of everyday and sails me to the kingdom of my special day.  

No, not today!  Everything has to wait till tomorrow.  So long...............!  

Coffee & Cake : Courtesy of Tarranum  A.

The have's and have not!

My blog is not about the privileged and the underprivileged.  The have and have not here is about what we have and what we do not have.  

We are often more focused on what we do not have and feel upset and miserable about it.  We are not grateful for what we have but feel deprived about what we do not have. Sometimes blessings comes to us in a different way by NOT having.  

Have we ever felt thankful for being saved from many calamities, injuries, damages, accidents, health issues, loss and theft etc.  Isn't this a blessing too?  Every time we leave our house and come back to the safety of our home is also a blessing.  So let us count in how fortunate we are in 'not having.'

- Diseases
-Domestic problems
-Natural calamities etc.

Do we ever realize and count this as our blessings?  We do feel sorry for not having so many material things, fame, power, beauty but are we not lucky enough for not having so many other things as well?  Have we ever thought about this?  Have we ever been grateful for this?  

When we see others as the victim of such disasters, we just take it for granted and think that those misery was meant for others.  We keep complaining for the good things that did not come to us but what about the bad things that did not come our way?

Are we being ungrateful, short sighted, ignorant, selfish or what?  Let us focus on the things that we could have had, BUT do not have!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bee the first!

The first one to move forward, that is what I mean. Do not wait for others to take the initiative.  If someone else does not, then it may be left undone forever.  

We often either fear or do not care to make that first move if others don't.  Why can't we be the one to show the way?  Being the first one is itself an honor.  No matter how hard, bad or imperfect it may be but taking that bold step is a great courage.  

Have we ever realized that if someone does not take that first step, first move, first action, things may remain undone forever.  If someone does not speak that first word, it will remain silent and unspoken.  

What are we so afraid of?  Making mistakes?  Don't we know that no one is perfect?  Don't we know that we can only learn by making those silly errors?  There is a word in the dictionary and thesaurus spelled S-O-R-R-Y.  We can always make use of this five letter words and start all over again.  

Sometimes friendship die down, relationship fall apart because no one made that effort to be the first one to apologize and move on.  Because of this regret  piles up and hides us from each other forever.

When we have the time and opportunity, let us not waste it.  If no one else is doing it, be the one.  Take that first step to do the task that may never get done and may cause loss and damage.

Your initiative may be very appreciative.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Take that step!

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," is an old Chinese proverb and one of my favorite quotation which I always found very inspiring.  Often when I feel very frustrated and demotivated, I think of this proverb and feel contented with the little progress I make.

To me, life means a forward march.  No matter what obstacle comes in our way, there is always a way out, somehow.  Life is never at a standstill.  We may not see the progress but it is certainly there if our effort is there.

We often give up because we do not get what we want. But if we keep moving and trying we may discover something even better.  Remember we cover a thousand miles because of that single step we took.  Hence every step and every effort counts.  

Sometimes the progress is concealed.  We may not see or feel it but our ceaseless effort will makes us travel that journey of thousand miles and take us to our destination.  

Take that single step and explore what awaits you.  If unknown fear is holding you back, step on it and march ahead.  


Miracle in our backyard.

Every birth is a miracle and today we witnessed the birth of four cute kittens in our backyard.  A cat with a fur coat of black and white, gave birth to four cute kittens.  A black kitten, a black one with white paws, black and brown and one black and white like the mother.   But they are all equally cute.  The mother felt herself like a queen basking in the luxury of being nestled and cuddled by her little ones. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Setting Priorities

We get so mixed up with setting up priorities. What we should and could have done in the first place, we keep putting it off for some reason or the other till it becomes the last and only option for us.  By that time, we may be too late...we miss the bus or that particular aspect may have lost its value. 

 Also, sometimes we unnecessary go through a series of complications before we eventually happen to think of doing what we should and could have done in the first place.  

That is when we are not very good at setting our priorities or not brave enough to do something in the first place.  We are either held back by our ego, doubts, fear, shyness or just ignorance.  

If we have the courage to take that bold step, we can save a lot of time and wasted effort.  What are we waiting for?  We often find ourselves saying regretfully, "Why did I wait so long? I wish I was brave enough or humble enough.  Alas!"  Let us not live to hear this from our conscience.  

While we are being given so many opportunities, we are folding our hands and sitting tight.  Let us make that move before our legs loses it's movement ability.  

"Make hay while the sun shines."  Nothing is going to remain the same forever.  People come and go, time changes, weather changes, health does not remain the same.  

What are we waiting for and for how long??

Good Thoughts

With this bouquet of red roses, let me tell you what my today's good thoughts are about.  I was thinking to myself that what makes a person beautiful.  Is it the skin color, the features, the outfits, the make-up, the perfume, cologne, hairstyle?  How can we assess or identify anyone's beauty?

Some of us would go for physical appearance, while some would go on fashion or maybe something else.  But after an unpleasant encounter with the person, all that mattered before, can still be considered as a person's beauty?  After a very attractive girl lashes out at you, is she still pretty?  I don't think so.  

To me, beauty lies in the thoughts, manners, attitude, words etc.  It all comes from within the person.  External beauty adds to our internal beauty but becomes meaningless without internal beauty.

Here is what I will quote to further elaborate my thoughts on what enhances or diminishes a person's natural beauty.

"If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." - Roald Dahl.

Yes, good thoughts! Our thinking brings out the best in us and conceals all our shortcomings.  Our thoughts makes us rise and soar, and on the other hand it makes us dwindle and die.  

So, it is all left to our choice. Choice between good and bad thoughts.  Thoughts that are so inner, so hidden yet reveals a lot about us.  Out thoughts makes us what we are!

By the way, I have good thoughts about you, everyone of you.  Good day!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Gift of Time

Time is precious.   Time heals all wounds.  Time and tide waits for none. Time is the best teacher.  What is life?  A gift of time.  

Every morning we unwrap this gift to welcome a brand new day.  A day abounding in time.  Good time, bad time, rough time, slow time, fast time.  Sometimes, the kind of time we have is created by us while other times it just happens and we have to accept it.

Time is very valuable.  Use it judiciously, wisely, nicely, appropriately, no matter what, but make use of it.  


One thing we are all running out of is "TIME!"
It is time for me to go and say bye to you.  So long!  

Changes! Happening constantly.

Changes!  The leaves commonly known as green are undergoing changes right under our very eyes, unnoticed.  We maybe unaware of it but it sure is changing, from green to yellow, sometimes brown, maybe orange etc.

Right now I am in the mood of making a lot of changes.  Changes!  I like changes, otherwise it all seems so monotonous to me.  What motivates me the most is when I rearrange, reorganize, try something new, sometimes I may even change for the sake of change.  Sounds weird, right?  

To me, I feel, if there are no changes, there is no progress.  Life needs some adventure, something to explore, something to discover and learn and hence keep moving.  I mean keep moving forward.  

"I will go anywhere as long as it is forward" - David Livingston. This should be the drive, keep moving forward and in order to march on, we cannot cling to old ways, old ideologies, old thoughts, or even old set up.  

To think of it, changes are taking place all the time, everywhere, whether we realize it or not.  There are changes going on around us as well as inside us.  Sometimes we are not aware of it and at other times, we are aware of it but find difficult to accept it.  No matter what, this whole journey of life is about changes.  

To some of us change is a risk, an unknown fear and hence we feel that we should carry on just the way things are for the rest of our life.  We have no idea what we are depriving ourselves of by rejecting changes.  

Anytime, anything spells and smells 'a change for the better', I would go for it. I am on a continuous drive for improvement.  I would like to see new magnitudes of  advancement and there is no limit to it.  

Why are we so afraid of changes?  It is a risk but it may be worth it.  What is your opinion on changes?  Is it worth a try???

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Caring is Sharing

Today I have multi-colored beautiful flowers to share with you.  Reach out and have your pick.  It is all yours.  I want you to know that I care for each one of you and I want to share my thoughts with you.  

Thoughts!  Thoughts that make me happy, sad, confused, depressed, laugh, cry etc.  While I was on a telephone conversation with a friend yesterday, we had a little discussion on 'Caring and Sharing.'  According to her, we can only share if we care.  I found it very interesting and totally agree with her.

When we do not care, there is nothing left to share.  Every story of kindness and happiness starts with the important vocabulary, 'care.' We have to care enough to have the generosity to share.  

Let us ask ourselves this important question, "Do I care?"  If you answer is yes, then do not wait to share.  Share your thoughts, feelings, love, happiness and whatever you think can bring joy and peace in the world.  

Share your worries and sorrow too.  It will make you feel better and will make someone feel better too if they have made you feel better.  But be careful who you share your problems with.  

Anyway, let us care in any way we can and there are just so many big and small ways that we can care.  

We must care, we should care, we will care!  

That is the spirit.  That is what this blog is about. Share with me your opinion, today!                           

Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right !!!

Speaking the truth, doing the right thing, being honest is easy..... but no longer acceptable. Why?  Because no one likes to hear the truth anymore.  All of this comes with a price now.  You are penalized, ridiculed and isolated for being honest and truthful.

This is the order of the day! YES.  Right is proved wrong and wrong is justified as right.  Very confusing and frustrating.  Phew! 

Where there is wrong, there is crowd, applauds, cheers, encouragement etc.  While one drags oneself alone on the right road.  Walking on the right path is difficult, lonely, full of hurdles, rough, endless etc.

We all know that Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong but sadly out of fear of isolation and dejection, we are taking the wrong path.  We are giving in to the wrong over right thinking that which is wrong to be the best and only option.  

Why has it all come to this?  Why can't we proudly and fearlessly be right?  Why are we taking the wrong side, the wrong path and abandoning right?  Why is right not right anymore?  WHY??

Where is our right to be right?  Where is our right to fight?  We have lost the battle and buried the right with the soil of wrong.  

Among the ashes of right are the embers.  Let us keep them glowing and alive.  Let them not die down and vanish.  What one truth can do, thousands of lies will fail.  Let the truth not die.  Save the truth, stand up for honesty.  


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Everyone will be missed!!

While I browse through the front page of my facebook account, I happen to notice a fb friend of mine sharing dozens of posts of various nature on a daily basis.  I often think to myself, is this all my friend does?  There is no personal post or picture from this friend other than sharing posts.  Sometimes my friend will just be sharing beautiful scenes of nature or beautiful paintings.  WOW!

What came to my mind is this, when my friend will no longer be on fb, we will miss my friend for the dozens of posts we saw everyday.  Linked to this came the thought that different individual will be missed for different things and the bottom line is everyone will be missed, each and everyone of us will be missed.  We may be missed for different reasons but we are sure to be missed, no matter what or how small, vague or weird the reason may be.

Reminds me of the quote I heard in President George W. Bush's acceptance speech, "No one insignificant was ever born."  This is one of my favorite quote for I found it very inspiring and it had a message of equality.  It made me think that each one of us are special and unique, in our own unique way.  

So dear friend, you and me, will be missed by someone, somewhere in some special way.  
Have a special day, for each one of you reading this blog are very special to me because you make me feel special everyday by reading my blog. Till tomorrow............!

Misunderstood Kindness

Remember, "On someone else's face!"  But today we know kindness as putting smile on our own face, a.k.a. self-service.  We have totally misunderstood the whole concept of kindness and given it a different meaning.  

Kindness today means, self glory, favor to self, and a whole big smile on our own face even if it brings tears to other's eyes. 

Yes, this is not enough.  We even brag, boast, propagate about it everywhere and anywhere we can. We further expect people to applaud, comment, compliment us for showing kindness to ourselves.    

The idea of kindness is that we are doing a favor to others by letting them watch us having fun and enjoying life.  We proudly claim that we are so nice and kind that we make the most of our life by sharing it with others on social media and let them know how much fun we are having and how generously we are sharing the pictures with them.  

Modern kindness: 
Be kind to yourself and take pride in it.  

Monday, May 16, 2016


Today, while values have changed so has styles, thinking and approaches. When approached by people with  problems, instead of being a comfort, the latest trend is to confront.  

Here is what happens.  People call on us with their problems. They have hardly started to talk, instead of comforting them, we confront them by telling them : 
-    How good we are and how bad they are.  
-    How talented we are and how useless they      are.
-    How fortunate we are and how 
     unfortunate they are

There is another way we solve problems:
- Start narrating our own sad stories
- Start complaining how we were treated
- Start praising how we were exception to
  have survived.

Does this SOLVE any problem.  I don't think so.  When someone is in problem, it is not about us, it is about them.  All that they are looking for is sympathy, advise, help and comfort not confrontation.
- Just listen to them patiently.  They need 
  someone to hear them.
- Encourage them and compliment them
- Do not talk at all about yourself, your
   experiences and feelings.  You are suppose
  to give sympathy not look for sympathy.
- Finally, tell them that you believe in them
   and you are there for them.

- Of course, do not forget to DO for them 
  whatsoever you can. 

That is all they want to hear.  It will make a lot of difference.  If you cannot help, do not make them further miserable.  Please do not confront.  This is help itself.

Looking for Sincerity



The tree is bare,  the leaves of sincerity has gone.  Alas!


We are very sorry to announce the extinction of sincerity from the face of the world.  It had existed for many many years and as civilization began to grow and expand, Sincerity began to slack and weaken.  After a period of many decades, it kept declining and today it has been buried and laid to rest.  Sincerity has been survived by  nothing but fraud and deception.  

Sincerity will be missed by all of those who still believe in old values and are identified as orthodox and old school.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

In loving memory of my mother,


My memory of my mother is so vast, so fresh. She is ever living in my mind and heart.  My memories of her have been as special to me as she was. This day, May 15th, she left us many years ago but everyday it seems like it was just yesterday.  We still cherish the fond memories that she left behind for us.

I often recollect her special ways and qualities.  She was very creative, very organized, flexible and always on the move to advance her thinking and lifestyle.  I still remember her laughter, peels of laughter, she would often become almost hysterical and it was so contagious that without knowing the cause, we would laugh with her. 

She loved celebrations and no matter how small or simple it was, she made sure that she marked everyone's birthday and anniversaries but never celebrated her own birthday or anniversary.  

Her lifestyle was all about simplicity.  Simple and sophisticated attires, no bright colors or large and attractive prints, very light jewelry and no make-up whatsoever.  In fact, her simplicity was her beauty and her face had a special glow of motherly affection. Always!

She never discriminated and went along well with people from all walks of life.  She accepted and embraced anyone who touched her life.  She was self-less and discouraged us from giving her any gift but encouraged us to give to the needy and underprivileged.  She was a very giving person and I highly admire her for her generosity.  

These are just some of her attributes that I have highlighted.  There is so much more and I feel that I could go on and on.  

My prayers will always be with her and I look forward to meet her one day in heaven.

With Love, Love and more Love for her forever!!


This is one good thing I like about life. We have so many directions to turn to.  If something does not work, there are other options, so many options.  Nothing comes to a standstill because of one crooked thing or person.  Life goes on..........!

Sometimes, some of us happen to think that we are indispensable and get so carried away with the thought, 'if not because of me!'  No, no one is irreplaceable.  We should know that there is replacement available easily.  

If we refuse to do anything for anyone, we should not live under this impression that life is over for that person.  No way.  Life is multi direction.  We are stationed on a four way crossing and are blessed with alternates.  Sometimes when someone walks away from our life, they are replaced by better and more people and life proceeds.

Life is not ONE DIRECTION for anyone whether you are at the receiving end or giving end.  So let us not just focus on one direction for there are so many other options to consider.  Anyone who pulls back is to their own loss, makes no difference to anyone.  

Life is multi direction, when one does not work, take another.  

Future Worries

Just how worried we should be about the future?   Is anything in our control? My personal opinion is that future takes care of itself.  What we should actually worry about is the consequences of our words and actions in future.  

What we are saying and doing unmindfully today will have repercussion later on.   Bet on it!  There is no escaping it.  How worried are we about it?  We just say anything that comes to our minds and we throw up words that can have all kinds of impacts, but do we care?  That is how much we care about our own future!  

What we just care about is our material prosperity and popularity, and that is all.  How much do we care about our reputation and image?  Our daily activities will shape our future identity, but do we realize this?  Or is this not important to us.  How short-sighted are we!

The future is uncertain, unpredictable and not in our control.  But our words and actions are in our control and will count in our future.  Let us worry about what we can control and start right now by being in full control of our tongues.  It may have to taste it's own words.

The future has its own pile of surprises.  Let us not add to it by misusing our tongues and falling for misguided actions. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

From Dawn to Dusk and Dusk to Dawn

To me this is what life looks like.....from dusk to dawn and dawn to dusk.  In other words, 'short and sweet.'  I do not think beyond this and I feel contented and happy.  For this is all that I can handle.

Life is short and no one knows how very short it can be. Why think about the problems and worries that may never happen. Live for the day, and leave tomorrow for tomorrow.  Feels so soothing and fascinating.  Why grieve about the future when future might be better and brighter?  

Live a productive life, share care, love and live.  From Dawn to Dusk and Dusk to Dawn, bring happiness and share happiness.  

Hard time is a microscope

Hard time - this is the time we complain a lot, a LOT.  Feel so sorry for ourselves, feel so dejected, unfortunate, depressed and are drowned in all kinds of negativity.  

Talking to someone today, who is a sister and a good friend, we realized that bad times are not bad at all.  Believe me, they are in fact very valuable time, full of important lessons and a time when you see the whole world just the way they are.  

Just like when you put something under microscope, you see more than naked eyes can. You see something and you see right through it.  In other words, you get a much better vision which makes you realize that how blind you were but under the microscope of hardship, you can see things that you thought did not exist or were different.

My question is, how is hardship a bad experience?  I have been through it and I feel great.  I have learnt so much, seen so much, experienced so much which would have been IMPOSSIBLE, if not because of the bad time I went through.  In fact, I feel truly grateful for being placed in such a situation.  

If prosperity weakens us, pampers us, adversity on the other hand gives us so much confidence, strength and wisdom beyond measure.  

To me adversity is a blessing, a gift of wisdom that teaches us the true values of everything and everyone around us.  It drags us out from darkness into illumination.

If you are faced with challenges, do not feel sorry, feel blessed and privileged.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Adopting silence! Shhhhh....!

There comes circumstances in our life when silence is the only option.  All we want to do is be an observer.  We feel it is time to take the back seat, fold our hands and watch the mess right in front of our eyes.  Is that a good idea?

Sometimes it also happens, we not only allow the mess to spread while we watch, we also participate in it 'silently.' We feel helpless and helplessly allow ourselves to suffer.

Keeping silent is not always the best option, though I agree sometimes it may be the 'only' option.  In such a situation, I would walk away, choose to leave the party silently rather than be in the party and be miserable.  

If silence is 'the option,' I would prefer to leave silently rather than stay and suffer silently.  What would you do if I ask you?

Know yourself BEFORE you judge others.

We like to judge others, we have just fallen into this habit and simply cannot get over it.  We sometimes even judge others for mistakes that we possess identical copy of.  WOW!  Looks like we are going overboard.  

Since we have cultivated this addictive habit of looking for mistakes in others, just mistakes and nothing else, and overlooking their qualities, let us also have a look at ourselves.  How can we condemn others for something that we are also a part of?  

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" - Aristotle

Let us take that first step and know ourselves.  Why not we have a quick look at the mirror and see what our reflection looks like.  May be that will stop us from being too judgmental

Knowing and acknowledging our own weaknesses, follies and limitations can be a solution to many of the issues we face in our daily life. 

Let us listen to Aristotle and take that initial step to WISDOM.  

Be wise ----> Be nice is my suggestion for today.   

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Rating MONEY $$$$$ !!!

We all know that money has no value, at least in some ways.  We have heard that it cannot buy you sleep or appetite or happiness etc.  But not so nowadays.  Today life is all about money and nothing else.  It is sad but that is how it is.

While the value of everything else has fallen, the value of money is ever on the rise.  Everything is assessed by money. That is how petty we have become and how low we have fallen.

Respect, love, humanity are all getting sold out for money.  You are admired not because of your attributes but because of your money.  No matter how one behaves, if he has a luxurious house, fancy cars and branded attires he is worthy enough to be bowed down to.  It has all fizzled down to this!!!

We are struggling to live in a world where, "Money talks and dictates." On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the value of money??? 

Me, give up? No way!!!!!!

I am going to climb the mountain and make it to the snow-capped peak.  Just Watch!

Never ever GIVE UP!  Even if the whole world calls it off, gives up on you, just carry on........!  Do not give up on yourself.  Keep believing in yourself and keep reminding yourself that things will turn around and you will march proudly to the finish line to hold high the trophy of victory.  "YOU WILL!"

Even when you know that everything is slipping from your hands, even when you realize that everyone has deserted and you are all alone, even when you are in the midst of total darkness, even when the weather turns stormy, 
KEEP CALM.  Hold your head high with pride and shout out to the world that you are going to make it.  

Remember only after failure comes success.  There is no success without failure.  All flower blooms from dust and dirt.  All rainfall are evaporated water.  Everything starts from something and something starts from nothing.

Create your own success story and start with, "I did not give up and here I am today."  

No matter how much you are pressurized or discouraged, turn around and say, "Me, give up? NEVER!"

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

He who remains undistracted....................!

"He who can listen to music in the midst of noise can achieve great things." - Vikram Sarabhai

Another great and unique quote.  Wow, I am just so pleased to receive ideas from family and friends.  This seems like a very calm, composed and focused person, so unlike me. I cannot endure distractions and when I am doing something I want total peace and quiet.

But, all the same, I admire such individuals who can enjoy music in a noisy place and it does not bother them.  Incredible!  How can they do it!

Or we can put it another way, that no matter what is going on around us, we continue to enjoy life.  We maintain our positive attitude even though surrounded by all kinds of disturbances.  We thrive, and make the most of any condition we happen to be in. 

To me, the second explanation sounds more indicative.  What do you think?  Can you enjoy music amidst loud banging?

The fault lies in us

Failure to learn a lesson from the environment is not the fault of the environment, the fault lies in us, but.......we blame the environment and call ourselves the victim!

We are sailing amidst a sea of lessons and examples in our daily journey of life and yet we learn nothing.  We are in a way living a life so detached with the surrounding and maybe we pretend to see and hear nothing.  

We move about ignorantly in our day to day life and take no lessons from other people's mistake but patiently wait to make those very mistakes and then repent?  Turning blind and deaf is making us lose our track and causing an irreparable dent in our life.

Blaming the environment for our own mistakes, inability and shortcomings is in itself a defect.  When we fail to learn, we learn to fail.  Instead of overcoming our mistakes we further make mistakes of shelving it on others.

Hey, everyone makes mistakes.  Let us take that first step and learn how not to make mistakes.  Learn from other's mistakes and try not to repeat it.  If someone has put their hand in fire and got burnt, the consequence will not be different for anyone.  We cannot blame the fire for being there.  Can we? 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Who says!!

Who says, who says.................

that we should give up if one person says so, 
(Believe in yourself not on what others say)

that tears are for sorrow only
(There are tears of joy too!)

that it is now or never
(There is always a later time, a better time).

hardship is  a punishment
(It is a test/challenge for good and capable students.  Good students are never punished).

that life is all about not-so-good people
(Good people are still existing!)

No matter who says what, there is always a better option, a positive approach and a hidden meaning to every situation in life.  

What matters is, "What you think!"

Sneaky Happiness

Today I want to share with you a quote that my sweet nephew shared with me :

"Happiness often sneaks in from a door you didn't know you left open" - John Barrymore.

He really made my day.  Just the words I wanted to hear.  Now this has put me in an amazing mood and I feel so much love and happiness in the air, everywhere.  

Yes we often do not realize what and who can be the source of happiness.  We come across so many people in our life, visit so many places, say so many things and do all sorts of deeds, least realizing what may spark up and bring a glow of happiness.

I learnt a lesson today, an important sweet lesson.  Do good, say good, hear good and think good and open doors, many many doors of happiness for yourself and for others too. You may not remember your words or deeds but it may turn out to be the key to your unexpected happiness.

WOW! I feel new energy and enthusiasm in myself.  Thanks dear nephew, Amby, for sharing this with me.   

I wish you all unexpected happiness and thanks for bringing me joy!!!