Saturday, April 30, 2016

We stoop to our own level

We all deserve respect and love.  In fact, we all want respect and love.  Moreover, we all need respect and love.  In other words, we are all entitled to it.  

But ironically most of us does not get it.  Or may be fail to value it.  Whatever!  They deny their own self these tokens of love and respect and over rule it.  By their attitude and behavior they display that they have little to no value for such delicate emotions and crush it down.

That is when they compel others to assess their level.  'They stoop to their own level' and make others realize that the love and respect being given to them were 'unnecessary.' 

What is basically being said here is, love and respect comes to all of us in various forms and from various directions.  But we choose to refuse it and may be we opt for 'something else' through our attitude, behavior, or ignorance.

We all choose our own level.  Some rise to it while others stoop to it.  In the end, we get what we deserve. 

Slavery - Our own personal choice

Having fought for several years for freedom yet we find ourselves chained, the only difference being that this time it is to another set of people.  Looks like we are born for slavery!  Why are we doing this to ourselves?

When will we understand the real meaning of "Freedom?" Freedom when we can choose freely.  Freedom of speech, freedom of will, freedom of thoughts, opinion, movement etc.  

To me, I personally feel, that we are not looking for freedom.  Instead, we are always on the run for benefit.  Hence we choose profit and favors over freedom.  

That is how life is so restricted for us.  We CHOOSE to confine ourselves by being submissive to people and allowing them a free hand over ourselves.  

Freedom is anything that is not slavery.  Anything that we do against our will, just to impress or flatter someone else.  To be more explicit, anything that we do just for benefit, favor, profit at the cost of our self-respect.

What we witness is this that we just fought to tie ourselves to a different set of people?  And this struggle will continue.....!  

Freedom is to protect our self-respect, not promote our self-interest.

Sometimes, slavery is not something that just lands on us.  It is more of a personal choice.

Friday, April 29, 2016

No clarification please!

We are all trying our best to survive in a world full of experts, critics, analyzer who wants clarification of what to say, when to say and how to say and yet are never satisfied or approve of our explanations.  So, here is what I have to say, "No clarification please!"  

There is a saying, "Those who believe you will not ask for explanation and those who need explanation does not believe you."  Why waste time on unnecessary explanation?  We do not need to prove ourselves to anyone, but to ourselves and to our conscience.  

Our wisdom is our guidance, and it guides us through all sorts of time and all sorts of people.  All we need to do is just, the best we can.  If it satisfies you, you are lucky.  If it doesn't, it never will.  I will just move on.  

Bottom line : The more the clarification and explanation, the bigger the mess.  

Today's technology of Friendship

How to be a good friend?

Very simple and easy.  Today, technology has made everything so plain and quick.  So much so, it has affected feelings, emotions, sentiments and everything else that came from heart before.  NOW, it all comes from the mind.......!

You are already a good friend if you can be imaginative, good at pretending, know photoshop, copy and paste, an expert at social media (must like every post and give favorable comments ONLY) and above all a good listener and a VERY agreeable person.  

Besides, everyone wants friends who likes FUN.  Who does not like fun?  But this is another kind of fun.  Here you get to watch people having fun.  All they want is, "Watch me while I have fun."  You get to applaud, cheer and show great excitement, even if you are bored to death. Woah!!  

You think you have all these qualities?  Oh yes, two most important things.  How could I forget this?  You got to be ready whenever you are needed and be in a matching mood-a mood that matches with him/her.

Okay, I think you are getting it.  Yes, everything is one-sided.  This is just to avoid any kind of disagreement whatsoever.  Nobody wants a friend who speaks nothing, but truth.  That is rude.  You will be isolated and known as anti-social.  

So, friendship nowadays is about being nice, agreeable, submissive, just play along.  Yes that is the start of a good and strong friendship and can last forever if you be careful and smart enough to understand that you have no say in any matter.  

A good friend is a silent observer.  Says who?  Everyone, who is looking for a loyal friend.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ignore the neighborhood but show concern for the world

Some of us are so caring, just so caring that I am not only impressed, but dumbfounded. They are oblivious to what is happening around them but look right across the globe and show great concern.  WOW!

They have no idea, whatsoever, of what is going on in their own house, their neighborhood or their town and city but are worried stiff of the problem of the world. They cannot be bothered of who is going hungry in their block but will stretch themselves to solve the world's hunger problem.  

So what should we call this?  An attempt to show off on social media, an empty effort to impress people or a hollow strife to deceive oneself as well as others?   

I fail to understand such endeavor and philosophy.....!  Or should we say they are VERY far-sighted?

Fix things around you first.  But that is definitely not their intention. They just want to SHOW concern and that is it.  Those who do care, does not care to invite people's attention and then do nothing. 

By showing unnecessary concern without any motive of actually doing anything is a good way to tarnish self image.  I have no idea what they want to achieve by such show!! 

Sorrow comes from people - so does joy!!

We have all had our share of bitter experiences from a species called "Human."  Agree?  We have met with shades of disappointments, degrees of shocks, varieties of heart-break, heights of oppression etc. "They" can go to any limit to get the better of you, to take out their frustration on you, resentment and whatsoever.  In hardship, they can be a real test, much more than hunger and thirst.

Well, this said, have we ever looked at their other side, the better or maybe the good side?  While they bring all varieties of sorrow, the same people also bring joy to someone, somewhere!! 

While some people may cause distress, others are a comfort, joy, inspiration, savior, moral support and so much more.  

Some people may be a curse, but some are blessings too.  Some lead us astray, some bring us back to track.  

Rather than blaming people, blame your choice for the people.  Be with the ones who bring you joy, not the ones who make you cry.  In fact, "BE THE ONE WHO BRINGS JOY."

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Lack of communication?

We are all saying the same thing, but in a different way, different words, different style, different accent etc.  But.....what WE say makes a whole lot of sense to us, (mind you, only us), while the very same thing said by others makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE!!  AMAZING!!!!!!

The ONLY difference is : 

Maybe we said it at a different time or say, AFTER we have learnt our lesson.  

The other difference is the person who says it.  It matters to us a lot who said it, rather than what is being said.

Should this be called discrimination or lack of communication or both.  We often find two person in intense disagreement when both of them happen to be saying the SAME thing.  So, what is causing the conflict?  

Say for instance, two person are both trying to prove that they are better, both are arrogant, both are ignorant, both are argumentative, almost everything seems the same.  So, what are they disagreeing about.  They are both calling each other names for being difficult.  Totally confusing!!

Help me, I fail to understand such turmoil.  

From the desk of the Blogger - A quick note!

Here is something I want to say! You have been viewing my posts and I am truly grateful for that.  You are my inspiration, the one who motivates me to catch up with my passion for writing!

All the posts are related to my personal opinions, observations, perspectives, experiences and hence we may agree to disagree on a lot of fascinating issues that I write about.  And that is A-okay with me. 

So keep reading and stay tuned for reading my thoughts.  Can't wait to share with you! You rock!

Should we trust people? Should we?

Yes! Yes we can and we should trust people!  I see the surprise on your face.  I agree with you about the few disappointments we may have met with.  Okay, not few maybe a lot of time.  But, so what!  That does not mean for the sake of a few people we should just STOP trusting.  Pretty soon we will stop trusting ourselves too!

When it comes to trusting people, what we forget is that we are people too.  Should everyone stop trusting us?  Will we like it?  NO!  We want to be trusted, right?  

Here is my tip for trusting the right people.  I just confused you.  You must be wondering, who are the 'right people?' How do we know that?  Yes, that is a good question and a difficult task.  Finding right people takes a pinch of wisdom and a handful of experience.  

Well, here is my little secret.  
"Those who trust themselves will trust others."  
Do you trust your own judgement and at the same time ready for a few disappointments?  Good!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Whirlwind of Blame and Credit

Today I am all set in writing about an issue that has always baffled me. It is interesting and has always been a puzzle to me that I have never been able to put together. 

Lets get started to work on a puzzle piece.  Okay, here we go!  You know how always there is conflict, misunderstandings, disagreements between people, right?  So, what happens is this.....when such a situation occurs we are super quick and super smart enough to stamp the blame on 'others.' It is 'they' who cause it!  

Yes! That can be possible.  Some of us are trouble makers.  Wait!  Here is the interesting bit.  But....when they are getting along, surprisingly it is all their credit.  They do not 'then' find 'other's' involvement.  

In other words, let us just put it this way. Good things happen to us BECAUSE of US and bad things happen to us BECAUSE of OTHERS?  Is that so?  At the same time we feel, Good things happen to others because of US and bad things are due to their own fault.  How contradictory and complicated!!  Right?

Isn't this silly, funny or so immature and ignorant?  While we are so ready and desperate for credit, let us show the same emotion for blame.  When we do not want to be blamed, why blame others?  We want credit, nothing less.  Why not give others their share of credit too? Phew! This is just so insane.

In the whirlwind of blame and credit we are neither doing any justice with ourselves or with others but remain caught up in this cyclone and keep deceiving ourselves and losing our self-respect.  

Come out-of-it! OUT of the disguise and take responsibilities of your actions and learn to face the consequences of your OWN actions.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Time will explain

Time is the best Teacher, Best Communicator, Best Announcer, Best of All methods of understanding and accepting and acknowledging. It will tell it all, loud, clear, explicit, very well, very well, very well.  There is no language on earth, so well understood, than the language spoken by time. What is noise today, will make sense with time.

No matter how much we try to explain to each other today, how much we try to remind, no matter what we do, it just does not help sometime.  But with time, everything falls into place.  

So.....what does time say?  Time says wait for me...I will take you there soon.  How soon?  Only time knows.  What appears to be so impossible, time is well equipped to TURN it into possible.  What is difficult, just a little more time makes it easy.  Time has power, time has skill, time is just so talented, resourceful, brilliant, calculating.  It says it all, it does it all.

Just WAIT!  Time will catch up with you and it will be all OVER!

Time is the GREEN SIGNAL in the traffic of life!

Old is Gold! Oh, Really??

This is in continuation to our earlier post, 'Today is Golden that fades into the past.'...................

Every single day we are creating memory with our actions and words.  Memory just does not surface from nowhere!  It originates from what we say and how we behave.  We are constantly weaving the golden thread of actions and words and which we recollect as "Golden Days" and further name it as Old is Gold.  

What we are forgetting is that, this Gold that we often talk about is the production of the present, today, now.  While we fail to value the present time but cherish it when it has passed.  

Are we always going to be living in the shadow of the past and ignore the present?  Similarly, are we only going to appreciate our near and dear ones, only when they cease to exist and become just a memory?  Will it bring them any happiness?  

Remembering the past and valuing the people after they have gone is just a recollection of regrets.  Not that one should not recollect the past, but present is also meaningful, if not more.

It is the dust of TODAY that turns into the gold dust of YESTERDAY.  Focus on today so that we can make memories and be practical at the same time.  'What is' NOW is more NECESSARY than 'What used to be.'

Today is REAL, so make it better.  Yesterdays are gone, let go of it.  

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Unspoken Words - Explained

This blog is all about true feelings and personal experiences which I am happy to share with my readers, rather than leaving it trapped within me as "Unspoken Words."

It is a platform, where I share feelings, observations and experiences of the past and present.  

This blog is also an invitation to you,my readers, to share with me your Unspoken thoughts, comments, reactions and let us together wake up the world by creating awareness through the lessons and messages in our stories.

Some of the stories that I share are not just mine, for I know that some of you have similar stories that you left unsaid because you thought that you are alone undergoing this fairy tale.  Right?

Not any more!  This blog is to reveal that how much you and me have in common and so does our friends who may not be reading or knowing about this blog.  

So, stay tuned to hear more of the stories that I am still writing for you.  I am not just a narrator, I am your VOICE to your Unspoken Words. 

 Hi5 and Cheers for that!!  Do not forget to share with Google (G+1) and to leave your valuable comment.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sell wine to buy milk or sell milk to buy wine

It is all about choices.  Yes, choices. "Sell wine to buy milk OR sell milk to buy wine," a proverb often heard in my childhood from my mother.  It was her favorite quote to teach us the importance of making good choices and intention.  

We may sell something not so healthy or nourishing to buy something good, wholesome and nourishing or sell something nutritious to buy something that is intoxicating and bad for health.  

The idea here is what we are giving away to achieve what?  What we are trading for what?  We may be punishing a child to teach him something good or loving a child only to pamper and spoil him.  It is not the action that matters, but the intention.  

Sometimes, action may not seem so good but the cause may be sound or the other way around.  Therefore, be careful with your choices and your motives.  

This is how I measure my decisions till today and it makes it easy for me to make the right choice.  Thanks to my loving mother for incorporating such values in me.

Today is GOLDEN that fades into the past

The other day during the course of my conversation with a wise gentleman, we were talking about being happy and contented.  I happen to mention that life is no more what it used to be, and how I cherish those good old days. He enlightened me on this issue by quoting Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, who said that every today is golden but we only realize it in the future. 

We, ignorantly, do not appreciate 'today', the present time, till it becomes the past.  When it is today, we grumble about it, complain a lot, feel so miserable, curse the time, do not value it, live in the past - the past which we consider as a golden age.....but fail to realize that the 'past' we are talking about today was also a 'today' which became a past and as soon as it becomes the past, we miss it, treasure it and acknowledge it as a golden era.  

The same today that we complain about, we only start missing it and cherish it when it becomes yesterday.  So, the today goes by wasted and unappreciated and we continue to live in the shadow of the past rather than the sunshine of the present.

The message here is, if only we could revere and take delight in our present, we would be less miserable and more contented.  There would be less complaints and more thankfulness.  Moreover, sorrow would be replaced by joy.  

Let us make the most of today and not wait till it become yesterday.  "Every today is a gift, that is why it is called a Present."  Unwrap your present and behold the treasure it holds!! 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Success soaks our wisdom and drowns us

Being successful in life is such a good feeling.  Makes us feel so great, so special and sometimes so grateful.  Yes, we sure feel great, certainly feel special but why only 'sometimes' thankful?

Hmm..! Something to think about! 
Because when we achieve success we start feeling so great and special that pride starts creeping into our brain and soaks up our wisdom, so much so, that it drowns us. We stop thinking and start bragging, boasting and get steamed up with self-glorification.  We see ourselves above the rest.  We consider ourselves very superior.  We feel so successful that we even start looking down upon the success of others.  It is just our own success that is known as success to us.

Now, ignorantly, we have reached a point of our own destruction.  We are often the cause of our own downfall and will not rest till we have wrecked our life. Success reaches every fine nerve of our brain, soaks it, expands it, makes us think big about ourselves and finally shatters it.  

Success that was suppose to make us rise, has brought us down because we were not grateful and took all credit for it and thought that we were the only successful people in the world.  

This is where success leads us to, if we are not conscious of staying within our limits and being humble and grateful.  

Success does not come alone!  Along with it comes the storm of pride.  As soon as success enters your life, shut the door before pride storms in.  

Adding Balance and measurement to life

Just like a balanced diet is necessary for health, balanced activities are necessary for a good lifestyle.  To add balance to life, we need measurement.  

Measure your steps : Do not get carried away
Measure your words : You may need to take back
Measure your attitude : It may isolate you
Measure your anger : It may lead you astray
Measure your happiness : It may make you insane
Measure your laziness : You may be too late
Measure your ego : Just get rid of it

Live life moderately.  It is okay to have little of everything from time to time.  Too much of anything becomes just 'too much!' 

Make your life a rainbow, a beautiful collections of colors that radiates your life as well as others. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Life is temporary....all celebrations are momentary

Life is 'short and sweet, a journey with over-lapping changes.  In fact life is all about transitions, adjustments, shifts, variations, reversals, varieties etc.  So, we see that nothing is life is permanent.  No condition, whatsoever, is persistent.  

Sometimes life happens to be in a favorable zone, a problem free arena, an uphill trip, a stage for party and celebration and that is when we lose it all.  There seems to be no brake, no control and no balance. 

What we often have the tendency to forget is....
life is temporary, hence everything that comes in the package of life is short-lived.  Let our conditions not make us forget ourselves and forget others.  If today life is smiling down at us, tomorrow may not.  Similarly, if today life is sour for someone, tomorrow it may turn sweet.  

If you are celebrating today, do not live with this falsehood that it will always be so.  While you are celebrating others are hurting, while others may be celebrating you may not.  

Include others in your celebration, and join them in their hardship.  Bring others joy and comfort so that you may prolong your GOOD days by being invited to their GOOD days.

Celebration 'can' be on-going if it is together.  United we can fight all calamities and can be celebrating forever. The only price we have to pay is be there for each other, also known as 'sharing.'

Love it or Leave it

Those who LOVE you will always be with you.  This is enough evidence of love.  Saying and proving it are two different things.  We say something but we behave otherwise, that is, we do not mean it.  

Friends and well-wishers will hold on to a flimsy reason to be with us, but others will find a silly reason to leave us.

When someone really means something to us, we hold on to that person, even if we have a small reason or no reason.  Our one and only reason is our love for that person.

If something makes us move away from that person that means there is no love anymore. Where there is no love, even a very meaningless excuse is a good reason to walk away. 

Let us be sincere with ourselves and with others. Love it or Leave it.  Doing anything half-hearted is a torture to self and a deception.  

Anything done with ulterior motive does not last.  Love is unconditional, pure, sincere and whole.  Where there is no love, it is better to LEAVE.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Life can be more meaningful if..........................

Let us see how can we add flavor to life, spice it up, season it as to make it more meaningful?  HOW???

Sometimes we need to take away instead of adding.  This time we will have to add by subtracting.  Yes, it is a complicated Math.  

How can we add something by actually taking away?  Hmmm... something to think about! Oh! I know!  Gosh.  This is just so tricky, easy and interesting.

Play along.........>>>>><<<<<<

So where were we?  
We want to add meaning to life, values to life, some weight to life.  Right?

What can we take away?
Unnecessary words, unnecessary conversations, unnecessary activities, unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, unnecessary expenditure, unnecessary eating, unnecessary sleeping.....and also sometimes maybe unnecessary people.  (oops, sorry about the last one) "all un-necessities."

Trim up, shape up, cut up, level up the tree of life and remove all unnecessary items. 

There you go!  We just happen to add something to life by actually 'taking away.'   We added more meaning to life.

Do not just stop here.  We need to keep doing it, maintaining it.  It is not just one time exercise.  Just like you need to keep trimming, cleaning, weeding, mowing your backyard, maintain your life-yard in the same manner.

Life can be more meaningful....if we keep doing this. Got it!

"I" stands for Insignificant

We are all so fond of talking about "I" (self).  But have we ever wondered how it feels to HEAR about "I" all the time?  I.....I.....I............more I and it is all about I.  

I stands for "INSIGNIFICANT"

Makes us small in our own eyes
Makes us fall in our own eyes
When we talk a lot about I
When we talk all about I.

When we like to be in the limelight
Catching attention is a delight
We do not understand wrong and right
It is just I, Me and Mine in sight.

Some of us have so confined ourselves that we exist just for ourselves.  Isn't this the life lived by a prisoner, a sick person confined to bed, a dead person confined to grave? 

Does a life called "I, Me and Mine" give us any happiness?  But our ego and greed have got the better of us and this is where it has pushed us to.  

It needs just a little effort to come out of I and instead become We and Us.  We and Us is a whole world to explore, an everyday adventure, like they say, "The more, the merrier!" 

Why I? Let us just say "Us!"

Rise together, fall together, be together. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

People who leave you, Need you the most!!

When the weather turns sour, when storm strikes our life, people turn away from us. They LEAVE us, ABANDON us, DESERT us, BREAK-UP with us BETRAY us................but here is what will baffle you :
"People who leave you in your darkest hours will one day have dire need of you."

Interesting eh!  Not only interesting but very true. 

- They who leave you, come back to you to get
- They who abandon you, seek abundantly from 
- They who desert you, you become their dessert.
-They who mistreated you, you become a treat for 

Yes! This is how life works.  We often have the audacity to think that we do not need certain people in our life because of their circumstances, but life 'suddenly' turn things around.  You are faced with exactly the same face that you turned your face away from.  Sounds scary or may be shocking.  But this is something for all of us to think about.  

We get so puffed up because of our temporary favorable situation that people in sticky situation appears so annoying and burdensome.  But in the game of life we get thrown exactly at the same spot.  And now what?  Should they behave the same way with us like we behaved with them? Or do we expect them to be nice and go easy with us when we did not.

Always remember : People need us as much as we need them.  So be there for them, someone will be there for you, if not exactly the same people who you were with.

Darkest hours are the perfect time to be with them.

Assessing Freindship

Friendship is an important bond.  It is so special that often when a friend walks out of our life it turns our world upside down.  We feel disappointed, let down, depressed etc.  There are just so many words to describe our miserable state when someone important abandons us.

But.....let us analyze it this way.  Over the years we make a whole bunch of friends.  It becomes hard to hold on to all of them or please them all.  They either leave us because they have found better friends, or we could not live up to their expectation or they simply did not want us.

Friends who leave us makes us sad and that is normal. But just think about it, they who leave us, is it worth feeling sorry about them or not.  If we want to be like them and do realize their worth then we should 'seriously' think that something must be wrong with us and how we can rectify and gain back their friendship.

But, on the other hand, if we feel that we do not approve of their behavior and yet tried our best to be with them and it just did not work.  Then there is no need to stress.  It was just not meant to be.  Period. 

An old proverb often comes to my mind :
"If you have something of your own, set it free.
If it comes back to you, it is yours.
If it doesn't, it was never meant to be."

So, if friendship does not work, just part peacefully.  "Agree to Disagree."

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Likes & Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes are very sensitive issues. It breaks hearts, it makes us happy, it makes us sad, it flatters us, it disappoints us and there are so many mixed feelings about it.

But what actually matters is 'who.'  Being disliked by a bad person is after all not  a very bad thing.  Why would we want to be liked by such a person!  But being dislike by a good person may hurt us and make us wonder what may be wrong with us. 

On the other hand being liked by the wrong person may scare us and being liked by a good person may boost our confidence.  

So, after all, it is not all that bad to be disliked or all that good to be liked.  Only thing is that it should be by the appropriate person.  

Likes and Dislikes are the order of the day and also, it may just be a temporary feeling.  Hence, nothing much to worry about or to be concerned.  

You may like or dislike this blogpost and that is okay with me.......because I will keep writing anyway!

Everyday's Surprise

Everyday we open our eyes to lots of surprises. Everyday is about rise and shine, prizes to win, surprises to experience, crisis to overcome, fries to enjoy, trials and tests to face and so much more.

Everyday unfolds so many secrets we were wondering about, clears so many doubts, discloses the mysteries of life that baffled us, turns predictions and forecast into facts, makes a few dream come true and tells us so many stories that shocks us and knocks us down.

This is Everyday's job.  This is what Everyday is about.  Everyday we get up with a blank sheet and at the end of the day it gets filled up with our choices, our fate, our deeds and whatever comes between the two sleep.  ( ......)

Everyday becomes a past, a memory, a reflection, a dream and sometimes Everyday gets lost in-between.  Everyday moves us forward, a step to our future direction.   >>>>>>

Unfortunately, Everyday takes from us a part of our life.  Everyday is a walk towards an end.  Everyday is a good bye to our present.

But above all, Everyday is a brand new chance of a better life, better us and a better destiny.  Make the most of Everyday before it becomes Yesterday, a day that has gone by and there is nothing we can do to change it. :-(

Everyday matters a lot because it is full of important matters.  Everyday is a day for Everyone to make the most of Everything.  ****** 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Dear Reader - An Overview of my Blog

Dear Reader,

This is to appreciate you on the successful completion of three months of my Blogposts with over 2500 views and more than a handful of followers.  My 82 posts, which I started writing since January 12, 2016 is viewed from supporters from different countries like India, Pakistan, South Africa, Canada, USA, Germany, Poland, Austria, Russia, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, Zimbabwe, Kenya etc.

My most read posts are :
- An open letter of appreciation to Adversity
- Withheld Tears
- Snow Friends
- Knowing you was a Blessing

 Thank you for your support, encouragement, inspiration and comments. Your overwhelming response gives me new strength and ideas everyday and I am more than happy to share it with you.  

Today I feel happy and proud to share my achievement with you.

Please do not forget to subscribe and also share with Google (G+1) icon at the bottom of the post.

Thanks once again,
Happy viewing,

Your Blogger.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Is this called Charity?

Waste not,Want not! is an old saying heard in childhood and most of us try to abide by it.  We try but are not really able to practically do it.  This is my personal observation.  

Anyway, it is seen on social media that in some countries, some kind-hearted people have organized street refrigerators so that people can donate their left-over food for the homeless.  Wow! what an amazing idea. Instead of throwing it in the trash can, it will be 'generously' donated to the refrigerator for the under-privileged, down-trodden, the poor, the hungry, the starving.  How very charitable! Thoroughly impressed but SHOCKED as well.

Now my question is, will the donaters themselves would like to eat from such a fridge 'happily' in case of emergency? "NO!" Right? How heartless and tragic.  We are showing generosity on our left-overs which would have gone anyway to the trash can?

 Yes I agree that it will at least not be wasted.  But is this all that they deserve.  What we cannot eat ourselves, how can we offer it to others?  Why overcook in the first place?  Just like the way we can put it in the street fridge, how come we cannot put it in our own fridge for later?  Or why can't we cook extra with the intention of donating ?  They also like fresh and unused food.  They also have appetite and feelings like you.  Some of them have never tasted the food that we may be eating on daily basis.  Why not give them a chance to know what good food taste like?  Why not we buy grocery and donate? Why not give others the same privilege that we ourselves enjoy?  Who knows when we may get caught up with misfortune!

Charity is kindness.  Do unto others what you will want for yourself.  Something that you discard, do not want, will throw away anyway is not any act of kindness.  Kindness is treating others like yourself.  Giving others the same chance.  Kindness involves a small sacrifice.  

Share happiness. Looking down upon others and treating them differently is not charity but injustice and pride.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Everything is on SALE!

Those old thoughts when we said that money cannot buy anything. Ironically, shockingly, today MONEY can buy anything or let us say everything.

Everything is on SALE today.  Family, relationship, friendship, trust, job, education, health care, and just name it! You have money, you have everything including worries.  

While everything has lost its value, such as respect, kindness, sentiments, beliefs etc.  value and love for money is on the rise.  Money is power, money is strength, money is your ticket to the hearts of millions who worship money.  

Today, all that some of us have is MONEY.  We can buy people like grocery.  We can sell them too for very little value.  On the other hand, humanity has become obsolete because money has killed its value along with other things that money could not buy.  What money cannot buy, has lost its value and is now lying forgotten and invisible.  

Unfortunately we live in such a time where our identity is only because of money.  We do not matter anymore but our money does.  Our level of respect is set by our purchasing power.  

Some of us do not have a soul, because money has bought that too.  ALAS!

Silence - The wisest words ever spoken

You say nothing yet everyone hears you.

But...............when you screamed, grunted, snarled, pleaded etc.  Did anyone hear you?  NO!  They just simply ignored you.  

Shhhhh!  Silent! Just silence and everyone hears you.  Silence makes a lot more sense than words.  It runs deeper than words.  It conceals your true feelings, hides your anger, controls emotions and so much more.

Above all, silence gives you a chance to think over, saves you from regrets, rescues you from embarrassments and silently pushes you forward to more meaningful directions and it is all worth it.

The best way to express yourself is SILENCE!  Let them keep guessing.

If you cannot convince them, confuse them!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Thoughtless Attacks!

Lack of thought, lack of consideration is what I call these 'Thoughtless Attacks!' 

You are attacking someone who is already dealing with a lot.  While you are attacking someone for their shortcomings, have you ANY idea what that person is going through?

We condemn, humiliate and disapprove and make the person further miserable under the false attempt of "helping?"

If you cannot or do not want to help, just stay away and admit your inability rather than justify your action at the cost of the afflicted person.

Those pile of excuses, blames and attacks will come in handy when you will be standing exactly in that position and frantically looking for help.

If only we can have a little consideration we will know how much thoughtless attacks HURTS.  Think twice before you inflict injury.  


Monday, April 11, 2016

Knowing you was a blessing.

Dear Well-wisher,
I have no words to address you with.  Just calling you a "Well-wisher," is simply not enough.  You are much more than that.  I wish there was a befitting word to express my respect and salute you.  Anyway, I have so much to pay my tribute to you that I will just say it all, as soon as possible, in as many ways I can, to as many people I am able to.
You walked into my life, in the darkest era of my life, so much so, you had to search your way.  You entered with a faint beam of light, you kindled hope, you saw my weaknesses as my strength, you never gave up on me even when I almost did.  You stayed by my side, you matched your stride with mine, each time I stumbled you stretched your arm.  
The journey was long and difficult.  When at times it seemed endless, you always cheered me and said, "We are almost there!"  My journey became your journey, my hardship was your concern, while you kept telling me I am not the only one suffering, you also told me that how confident you were that I will make it to the finish line.  
Even though you were not able to solve my problems, but you never left me alone with my problems.  Even though you could not stop me from crying, you were there to wipe my tears.  You gave me strength, you gave me courage, you gave me hope and you also gave up so many things for me.  You gave up your celebration to be with my sadness, you gave up your own comfort to suffer with me.  
I can go on and on to express my feelings of how you have been a perfect source of relief to me, but I will just end here with one more sentence.  Yes, I know an angel!

So indebted to you,
Prayers and good wishes forever,

Someone who saw light because of you.

My letter of appreciation to all those who stood by me.