Monday, April 25, 2016

Time will explain

Time is the best Teacher, Best Communicator, Best Announcer, Best of All methods of understanding and accepting and acknowledging. It will tell it all, loud, clear, explicit, very well, very well, very well.  There is no language on earth, so well understood, than the language spoken by time. What is noise today, will make sense with time.

No matter how much we try to explain to each other today, how much we try to remind, no matter what we do, it just does not help sometime.  But with time, everything falls into place.  

So.....what does time say?  Time says wait for me...I will take you there soon.  How soon?  Only time knows.  What appears to be so impossible, time is well equipped to TURN it into possible.  What is difficult, just a little more time makes it easy.  Time has power, time has skill, time is just so talented, resourceful, brilliant, calculating.  It says it all, it does it all.

Just WAIT!  Time will catch up with you and it will be all OVER!

Time is the GREEN SIGNAL in the traffic of life!

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