Friday, April 22, 2016

Sell wine to buy milk or sell milk to buy wine

It is all about choices.  Yes, choices. "Sell wine to buy milk OR sell milk to buy wine," a proverb often heard in my childhood from my mother.  It was her favorite quote to teach us the importance of making good choices and intention.  

We may sell something not so healthy or nourishing to buy something good, wholesome and nourishing or sell something nutritious to buy something that is intoxicating and bad for health.  

The idea here is what we are giving away to achieve what?  What we are trading for what?  We may be punishing a child to teach him something good or loving a child only to pamper and spoil him.  It is not the action that matters, but the intention.  

Sometimes, action may not seem so good but the cause may be sound or the other way around.  Therefore, be careful with your choices and your motives.  

This is how I measure my decisions till today and it makes it easy for me to make the right choice.  Thanks to my loving mother for incorporating such values in me.


  1. Very good,this is the proverb which I have been hearing from my mother since childhood.Thanks shadab,now we understand the meaning of this proverb.

  2. Very good,this is the proverb which I have been hearing from my mother since childhood.Thanks shadab,now we understand the meaning of this proverb.

  3. Good reminder, nice way you have explained.

  4. Good piece of writing shahdab.I can never forget this quote.

  5. Good piece of writing shahdab.I can never forget this quote.
