Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Lack of communication?

We are all saying the same thing, but in a different way, different words, different style, different accent etc.  But.....what WE say makes a whole lot of sense to us, (mind you, only us), while the very same thing said by others makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE!!  AMAZING!!!!!!

The ONLY difference is : 

Maybe we said it at a different time or say, AFTER we have learnt our lesson.  

The other difference is the person who says it.  It matters to us a lot who said it, rather than what is being said.

Should this be called discrimination or lack of communication or both.  We often find two person in intense disagreement when both of them happen to be saying the SAME thing.  So, what is causing the conflict?  

Say for instance, two person are both trying to prove that they are better, both are arrogant, both are ignorant, both are argumentative, almost everything seems the same.  So, what are they disagreeing about.  They are both calling each other names for being difficult.  Totally confusing!!

Help me, I fail to understand such turmoil.  

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