Monday, April 25, 2016

Old is Gold! Oh, Really??

This is in continuation to our earlier post, 'Today is Golden that fades into the past.'...................

Every single day we are creating memory with our actions and words.  Memory just does not surface from nowhere!  It originates from what we say and how we behave.  We are constantly weaving the golden thread of actions and words and which we recollect as "Golden Days" and further name it as Old is Gold.  

What we are forgetting is that, this Gold that we often talk about is the production of the present, today, now.  While we fail to value the present time but cherish it when it has passed.  

Are we always going to be living in the shadow of the past and ignore the present?  Similarly, are we only going to appreciate our near and dear ones, only when they cease to exist and become just a memory?  Will it bring them any happiness?  

Remembering the past and valuing the people after they have gone is just a recollection of regrets.  Not that one should not recollect the past, but present is also meaningful, if not more.

It is the dust of TODAY that turns into the gold dust of YESTERDAY.  Focus on today so that we can make memories and be practical at the same time.  'What is' NOW is more NECESSARY than 'What used to be.'

Today is REAL, so make it better.  Yesterdays are gone, let go of it.  


  1. Each time are get something to learn from your blog.Here we learn to appreciate the present and value the past.Indeed very good.
