Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ignore the neighborhood but show concern for the world

Some of us are so caring, just so caring that I am not only impressed, but dumbfounded. They are oblivious to what is happening around them but look right across the globe and show great concern.  WOW!

They have no idea, whatsoever, of what is going on in their own house, their neighborhood or their town and city but are worried stiff of the problem of the world. They cannot be bothered of who is going hungry in their block but will stretch themselves to solve the world's hunger problem.  

So what should we call this?  An attempt to show off on social media, an empty effort to impress people or a hollow strife to deceive oneself as well as others?   

I fail to understand such endeavor and philosophy.....!  Or should we say they are VERY far-sighted?

Fix things around you first.  But that is definitely not their intention. They just want to SHOW concern and that is it.  Those who do care, does not care to invite people's attention and then do nothing. 

By showing unnecessary concern without any motive of actually doing anything is a good way to tarnish self image.  I have no idea what they want to achieve by such show!! 

1 comment:

  1. Right and very straight forward question.These people are just deceiving themselves.
