Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Life is temporary....all celebrations are momentary

Life is 'short and sweet, a journey with over-lapping changes.  In fact life is all about transitions, adjustments, shifts, variations, reversals, varieties etc.  So, we see that nothing is life is permanent.  No condition, whatsoever, is persistent.  

Sometimes life happens to be in a favorable zone, a problem free arena, an uphill trip, a stage for party and celebration and that is when we lose it all.  There seems to be no brake, no control and no balance. 

What we often have the tendency to forget is....
life is temporary, hence everything that comes in the package of life is short-lived.  Let our conditions not make us forget ourselves and forget others.  If today life is smiling down at us, tomorrow may not.  Similarly, if today life is sour for someone, tomorrow it may turn sweet.  

If you are celebrating today, do not live with this falsehood that it will always be so.  While you are celebrating others are hurting, while others may be celebrating you may not.  

Include others in your celebration, and join them in their hardship.  Bring others joy and comfort so that you may prolong your GOOD days by being invited to their GOOD days.

Celebration 'can' be on-going if it is together.  United we can fight all calamities and can be celebrating forever. The only price we have to pay is be there for each other, also known as 'sharing.'